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Yes I believe your right greaton. I've heard it's definitely not prostrate. So I was thinking it may be something in that area. Like blader cancer. None of them have a very positive good outlook.

I feel bad for him. Just becoming king . Seems so unfair

Still speculative, but apparently some other type of cancer was found during his prostate operation (so not prostate cancer?)

Regarding Kate Middleton... in accounts I've heard her team was "surprised" to find cancer during the operation. There are 7 cancers that are very hard to detect early on, ovarian being one of them. Now I'm interested from a scientific/medical angle...

The people speculating about the kind of cancer the Princess of Wales has should listen to her statement again. She explained that whatever surgery she had was a success and that they're giving her chemo as a preventative measure to make sure there will be no cancer around.

In what way would she benefit from lying about it? She didn't have to give any statement if she didn't want to. She could just have easily had a spokesperson from Buckingham Palace make a statement for her.

For what it's worth, I think she handled it beautifully and her husband Prince William should not have been with her when she gave the statement. It's not about him.

I can see how people might confuse prostate cancer with pancreatic cancer, they both start with P after all 🤪

I've heard that rumor geaton, but wasn't sure if it's been confirmed

Prince Charles has pancreatic cancer?

Either way Its. Gotta suck, and I feel bad for her. I doubt anyone that has cancer wants to tell the world ASAP, she needed time accept it herself. And first of all she has to protect the kids.

On the other hand anytime people are keeping secrets, people make assumptions. Most of those assumptions are worse than the actual secret. I feel like they are doing more damage without honestly. And it hurts them.

So now we know she has cancer, and hasn't been locked away somewheres in a tower.

But honestly it could be that what ever they removed when they operated, removed all the cancer and they are treating her just in case , kind of thing. Or worst case, they found something thats mastitized, we just don't know.

Yes they deserve there privacy, but I think there life would be easier if they weren't so hush

Agree, Way. It is her business and it is almost a no win. But this is what happens when you are a public person. We have seen it happen to many. You do not have a right to your own life, even to a meal out anonymously in a restaurant. The public seems to feel that they own you.

Agree Riverdale. The princess is now quite without makeup. She is also, for someone already thin, a bit more thin. I actually think she looked more ill before her surgery in a few snaps I saw; she looked honestly exhausted with great dark circles under her eyes.

Do what she may, she will be assessed and reassessed by her "adoring" (or otherwise) public. That is the way of it for the folk always, and they do know that.

I think part of her different look is the lack of significant makeup although I am sure her treatment is daunting. Hard to process both her and King Charles at the same time.

It was brave of her but I think necessary as the speculation was becoming too much and all the talk of William in an affair made it so much worse. I do think it was necessary giving the lives they lead but I do believe she deserves her privacy.

It just makes it all the more major in that one really doesn't have that much if they don't have their health first. Of course they still have alot but it becomes useless if unhealthy. I hope her family cope as best as possible.

Alva , perhaps the princess simply does not want to share and “ get it out of the way “. . I don’t blame her . She doesn’t owe explanations. She waits until she feels she has to share . She now looks ill , she probably thought she would explain why before it gets noticed and more rumors fly .

No doubt more rumors will fly about the fact that she was alone in the video . Perhaps she thought she would appear strong if she was alone in the video . Or perhaps talking about it with her husband next to her brings her to tears. Only she knows what was best for her .
She can’t win whether she shares or not . The tabloids will put a spin on it .

So agree with Burnt on this statement. Was beautifully done. I wish her much luck.

And yes, Way. When someone is a public figure, and the Royal family is that, then there will be much guesswork and conjecture. I myself think it is great to be honest, get it out of the way. Whatever type of cancer she has, whether stomach, ovarian or uterine, she will not be alone in facing it down. I cannot imagine anyone but someone not worth considering wishing her anything but the best.

Geaton , Assuming what has been released in the past was true , I doubt it was Whipple .

They said it was a planned surgery and that they expected it to not be cancer , however it came back cancerous .

This is my guess . A planned major abdominal surgery could have been a hysterectomy .

They said they did not expect to find cancer but they did . My guess for this part is that she had uterine fibroids .
Either the fibroids came back cancerous or while doing surgery they found somethlng else while they were in there doing her surgery . Possibly ovarian .

Of course I could be dead wrong . But I’ve never heard of a Whipple being “ a planned surgery that was expected to not be cancer “, which is how this has been described the entire time .

They have said they were shocked it came back as cancer .

Princess Kate handled that televised statement with so much class. That is a true queen right there.
The public can speculate all they want about her cancer and what kind she has. She doesn't owe anyone an explanation of her medical history.

It’s sad . Most likely they are wanting to keep the type of cancer private to shield the children from hearing comments regarding prognosis, so they are not releasing where her cancer is.

Sadly assumptions, rumors etc will be made anyway and conjecture , possible prognosis will be discussed . The news outlets will bring in their “ experts” to comment on what this could be , how she may fare etc .

The fact that they are not revealing the site may mean it’s bad . Or the princess just wants her privacy . Either way the news will have a field day with this despite the Princess in her video today asking for “ time, space, and privacy”.

I feel sorry for them all . I’m sure it is scary for them all as well as a reminder that Will lost his own mum as a child .

Alva, her video statement doesn't mention what specific cancer. An official statement will confirm whatever it is as some point. But because of her description of the surgery and our personal family experince with PC, it's the first thing I thought of.

Geaton, have you heard this is pancreatic?
I am hearing ovarian. Heard also conjecture of a spread to the bowel.
As with all things in this royal family, I guess we will be drip fed the news; I am uncertain why they would wish to make it a guessing game, but apparently they do.

Yes, Way. Definitely a real film today, of her saying that she does have cancer and is getting treatment.

"... major abdominal surgery..." Hoping it's not the Whipple.

She looks ill in today’s video . Pale , face thinner .
Also that amateur video of her last week out shopping with Will, I noticed her thighs were very thin in leggings . Her jacket was too big on her too .

Sorry Alva didn't see your post first

She just had a statement put out that she sadly has cancer. It looks really so far and the news media is saying it's real footage.. not saying what kind of anything. It was on CNN.

Im a bit of a weirdo when it comes to watching the royals no clue why. Husband is all teasing me about it

Those who have heard Princess Kate's announcement today will know she apparently has cancer diagnosis.
Other sources (UNCONFIRMED) say this is ovarian cancer and that there may be involvement also of the bowel. If you are familiar with ovarian you know it is often found late and it is often found already with some spred to other organs in the omentum.
She is asking for privacy, being treated. I surely do wish her the best. I have two friends with cancer of the ovaries. One is 3 years out from treatment with no recurrance. The other is battling widely spread cancer for now 11 years, the longest I have heard of surviving with mets. She has undergone THREE notorious "shake and bake" surgeries, and untold other surgeries, now having undergone urostomy placement. She is a fighter like none I have ever seen, but this is a particularly nasty cancer to deal with and I for one wish the Princess the very best.
I think we all knew that this was pretty serious, whatever it is, and now we know what it is.

My father had a surface Melanoma removed in his late 60’s, without evidence of metatasis. He did no treatment after the surgery . 15 years later he felt a lump , it was melanoma in a lymph node, which led to the discovery that it was in his lung , liver, adrenal glands. The doctor said cells can lay dormant for years in a lymph node undetected then come to life and it spreads . ( Maybe these days they would handle my father’s first bout a bit differently . First bout was at least 20 years ago . They are always learning ) . Second time He did IV and chemo pills , and radiation . He also did immunotherapy , when it was a new thing ) . He lived 6 more years with it ( at bay ) . Most of the tumors went away. But a few stayed and shrunk , but never went away . He died at 88 when it came back as a very fast growing tumor in his abdomen , size of a football.

I'm not trying to be rude itrr.... and I do believe in miracles myself. Just saying surface moles can and DO lead to metastasized cancer quite easily with aggressive cancers like melanoma. The docs are not sure how, but it's thought that when the mole is surgically removed originally, a cell or 2 escapes and gets into the bloodstream. That said, it's not always a death sentence either.....even as deadly as melanoma is. I'm cancer free almost a year now and it's possible to STAY that way, with God's help.

I know you think my belief is silly but, I have seen miracles and I don't care what others think of my beliefs but, to say it's silly is just being rude.

I'm glad for you ITRR, but it sure CAN become stage 4 from a surface mole and to say otherwise is silly.

Sorry, I don't agree that it is a death sentence and it can be stage 4 from a surface mole, I have seen differently and believe that it can be caught early and dealt with without the experience you had.

Just repeating what I heard on the news.

No matter how "early" melanoma is caught, it's deadly and hangs on for dear life. Mine was an "in situ" beauty mark on my arm, meaning on the surface only. It was surgically removed with all clear margins, and spread to my bones, spine, liver and lymph nodes in short order, leaving me with stage 4 cancer.

Good luck to Sarah or whichever royal has melanoma (not basal cell). My oncologist told me of one of his patients who had melanoma return 25 years after the original cancer was surgically removed from her ankle. Melanoma is an aggressive beast.

I heard that Sarah had an aggressive type of melanoma but, due to good medical care it was caught early.

That family can't seem to catch a break lately. Prayerfully things will turn out well for all of them. I am still praying that The Lord will touch the ill ones and be with their families during these difficult times.

Oh, Lordy.
Here we go.
No, Kate, the Princess of Wales does NOT have malignant melanoma.
The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson has skin cancer. I don't know that anyone said what type, or not, but she is no the Princess of Wales.
See how this all happens. Hee hee.
But whatever any of them out there are suffering from I know we all wish them well!

Sarah Ferguson is who was diagnosed with skin cancer and previously treated for breast cancer . Sarah Ferguson is not the Princess of Wales .

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