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I'm wondering....what would happen if you loaded her things onto the truck, drove to her new place, unload everything onto the sidewalk outsider her door, and drive away? You don't NEED the key (do you??). Why should YOU have to carry everything into her house, especially if she is being such a $%@*? about it. Just dump all the stuff on her doorstep, show her that she is NOT in control of when she leaves, and let *her* figure out how to get all her belongings into her home. Then, when you drive away, you truly will be driving away...

Eldest that's a good plan-it will piss her off big time-great

Lisa: Thank you so much for explaining about the key. I knew there had to be a reason. I'm so sorry you have to endure this torture. Well, she's going to be the person living in her new abode this Monday or Tuesday without any belongings. Then she'll be screaming a new tune.

I was thinking of a storage unit for her belongings, but they so often want a multi-month contract. Plus, you were all off this weekend and it will be back to the work schedule Monday so your time for moving her things will be limited due to work.

Why is nephew being such a jerk? I wish I was there to give you a big hug and help in someway. I am praying today is better. Love and Hugs, Cattails

Lisa: Here's a thought. Maybe Doug should be calling the nephew. After all, your nephew works for him. I don't think nephew would scream at Doug. Same with your mom. Cat

Your mother is taking control of the situation again. I think Eldest had a great idea about delivering her things to the sidewalk to wherever it is she's living. I also think Cattails is right on the money when she says to have Doug do the talking to nephew and mother (isn't Doug supposed to be away at his sister's cabin?). From where I sit, it looks like you've got to grab control back from your mother and be rid of her this weekend as planned. What does the eviction allow you to do? I'm not familiar with any of that. When someone gets evicted, what happens to their belongings? You can't be dry heaving and letting her make a victim out of you any more. You need to tell Doug everything. No secrets. Its your mother, but your family is a team and they've proven that. Its not just you anymore getting your legs whipped by the hot wheels track. When she lashes out at you, she lashes at everyone. Grab the reins, Lisa. Don't take one for the team. The team deserves better. YOU deserve better. Somehow, her stuff needs to go. The lid needs to be on this jar of heinousness. My heart goes out to you. I wish we all lived closer so we could be there physically to support you.... but we've got our wagons mentally circled around you.

Hi everyone. I fessed up to Doug about the phone call. Uh oh...but that's for another time. Unfortunately the world is still revolving around mother. Doug did take over with the nephew. Never showed up at any of the seven different times. So mom calls here at noon. Asked to speak to nephew. Told her he still hadn't shown up. She said Lisa he's had my debit card since yesterday morning to get me moved. I couldn't help it! I just started laughing. Boy has a history of stealing her money and she gives him her debit card???? Well she hung up. Calls back an hour later and tells me she called the bank and there have been six 100.00 withdrawals from six different ATMs. 4 gas fill ups at 4 different gas stations. 70.00 charged to pizza hut. So she cancelled the card. I ask her what it is she expects me to do? Wants me to call police and cas. Nope. Mom you are a grown ass woman. You know his history and you knew this was a possibility when u handed it to him. But you will need to arrange for movers to get your things. He will not be at my home again.

Wow: Sounds like Nephew is making the best of his Memorial Day Weekend. What a slime.

Lisa, I like all the online support you are getting and I enjoy reading those supportive posts. But your responses are priceless. She wanted/expected you to call the police on her behalf?! And you said No. Yay! Hooray!. You go girl! We are so proud of you. For your sake, I truly wish there wasn't so dang much to be proud of.

It's almost over .. it's almost over ... it's almost over.

(4 gas fill ups in less than 2 days, huh? Must be sharing with his friends. Same guys who ate $70 worth of pizza. That many guys could get the stuff moved in no time flat. lol)

Dang: Pizza sounds good and I've been taking care of dad all day. Lisa, could you give your nephew my address and have him call in a delivery for me. What a hoot!!! Oh, I could use a fill-up too. It reminds me of that credit card advertisement. You know, "Priceless." Sorry for you, Lisa, but LMAO at your mom.

Lisa sound like she got what she deserves-maybe she will realize how good she had it at your home-isn't it funny when she has problems she turns to you-good for you being strong and saying no to her requests for help-hang in there-they can't make up this stuff.

Just great, keep getting nasty texts from the nephew. The craziest one? He bringing the police to get her things moved. Hahahahaha. Hello???? That's what we have been sitting here waiting on all weekend. Sent Doug out with Jen and Chris to do some night fishing. Was thinking bout just sitting here and making me a long island ice tea, but too afraid I'll get on a crying drunk. ;)

Well, police departments tend to have some tough physical fitness requirements, so he'll have some strong helpers if he can talk the police into it. :D Has he said when he plans to show up with those flashing lights?

Hold off on the Long Island tea. A little buzz will feel so much better when it is a victory celebration and you are sharing it with Doug.

Don't you have some kind of trashy novel, er, fine fiction in the house to distract you between text messages? Or at least a big box of chocolates? Continuing to post the outrageous stuff to us might be a good outlet, too.

it's almost's almost's almost's almost over...

Well, now we know why nephew hasn't beeN willing to speak on the phone.

It's almost over. It's almost over. It really is.

You said NO , and you laughed at her prediciament... you go girl...... like the Mantra JG came up with.... you need to save the 'tea' and celebrate after the 'flashing lights' are gone.... how funny, the cops are going to be pissed when they find out you've been waiting for two days for him to come pick things up.... keep us posted.... you are doing awesome.... very very proud of you.... hugs...

My niece just called and said aunt Lisa this is what he does when he's taking drugs. It may last a few days until he comes down. I sincerely pray it's not that. Dougs company just hired him back. He works in a different department and Doug has no interaction with him. Remember a while back I said I believe in second chances. I think I can say he used that up. Just read another one. He's suing me for leaving mom in the hospital and homeless. I just turned the phone off. I locked the messages in case I need them at a later date. Beth knows to call house phone if she can't reach my cell. I called the family at the lake and told them to call on his cell phone. Nephew won't dare call that one. Thinking maybe I should have just went fishing with them. I called his ex wife to see if he has any warrants for non child support. She filed 2 weeks ago. Hopefully they've been issued and if he shows up here I'll inform the police and then she may see reason and let us get this moved. Her stubbornness has cost her over 800.00. And the gas? I'm sure he filled his wife's, mother in law, and sister in law. I learned way back that there's a law in ky that you can be held liable if you know about any abuse or exploitation of child or elderly. Learned that when I went to the prosecutors office and told them I wouldn't leave until someone helped me. They would have to physically remove me. It worked. But lord was I shaking. She went without food for 2 days instead of calling me. When they sent detectives to her door she refused to press charges. But they stood there until she gathered things and left. (sister). I know I've said it before but I just don't get how she loathes me. How she loathed the middle sister. Thanks for listening "kick ass girls" sure I'll be back venting. U don't have to worry bout responding. I KNOW YOUR LISTENING!

I am so sorry for your stress and pain. It must be very difficult on your entire family. I know you are trying to do the best thing for your mom; however, this situation is very disfunctional (no fault of your own, of course). The best thing you can do is address the drug abuse situation, which is exactly what it is. Try not to rationalize the situation and how you think you can help your mom. I am at the end of my masters in gerontology, and have also taken several courses on dependency issues (i.e., drugs). The first suggestion would be to speak with her doctor. He/she should take it seriously because of the emphasis on doctors writing prescriptions too easily. She needs a complete physical and evaluation. If she gives you a hard time, you need to get her doctor involved in this process. If he/she isn't willing to cooperate,
While I know this living arrangement is only bringing back all the dysfunction from your younger days, your mom, apparently needs help, and professionals are best to handle this. If she would be better off in an adult assisted living facility, you might wind up with a more functional relationship if she were not living under the same roof. You need to assess where your initial obligations are. That may be towards your husband and children. If this living environment brings nothing but a disruptive situation, causing constant acrimony among everyone, then nothing positive will come of it. Your mom might need assistance that you and your husband are not equip to handle. I know you are dealing with an inner turmoil, but if you step back and look at it as if you were being asked the same advice by a close friend . . . what would you tell her? I would guess that no matter what you decide, your mom will be initially angry with you. Therefore, you have to decide based upon consultations with your husband, the doctor and maybe even a spiritual advisor. Once you have all the facts, you can move forward and leave the guilt behind. Believe it or not, your mom is dealing with a tremendous about of fear, and as humans, we tend to strike out with anger when we are the most afraid. She knows she can use you as her sounding board, but she probably wouldn't speak to a stranger in the same fashion. That is why it is important to bring in professionals to help you through this process. Also, do not be afraid to obtain counseling for yourself through this process. You need a neutral sounding board as well. In addition, a counselor helping you, will also be an excellent resource for appropriate help for your mom. Best of luck to you. I am sure you will do the right thing for your family and your mom.

Ild1227: Gosh if you could have made the first post, 435 posts ago, poor Lisa could have solved all her problems. Slap forehead. I appreciate your education and don't mean to rain on your parade, but you have to read a bit more than the head line.

Lisa, when your drugged out Nephew shows up with the cops, which he won't, at least not with the cops, tell them to check his pockets for your mom's debit card. Save the LI ice tea for Doug and send us an advanced announcement so we can all make one and share it with you. Please provide the recipe. Sounds yummy.

Love, Cattails

1227, thank you so much for the advice. But I am way past any of that. It has all been done. Drs know about her addictions. That's why she was referred to pain mgmt drs. He will not prescribe her pain Meds. And I have learned thru the years you can't help someone who does not want it. They have repeatedly set her up with psychiatrist. She won't go. Because see, she likes the pain she inflicts on others. She's mean, abusive, and if I was 10 years old in 2012 I would be in foster care. And it's not too farfetched to say she may have even went to jail on a couple of occasions. I've read everything I could get my hands on about addictions because I was so scared it could happen to me. So I'm past that stage and I sure wish I had someone years ago like you who is knowledgeable with these issues like you are. Thanks so much

I know how a family member can slap on those shackles. I am currently dealing with a client who grew up in a very dysfunctional family. She has a heart condition, and also needs surgery for a hernia. She is dealing with a sister who is very verbally abusive and blames her for everything. It is hard to change our mindset when we know nothing else. I am sorry for all you have had to go through. It can make life a living hell. A suggestion I made to this woman is: when she starts yelling and blaming her for everything, merely smile and say, "you are right, you are absolutely right". Then just walk out, go for a walk, a drive, or just go sit in your car or the park for a while. If you neutralize the situation by agreeing, and walk away every time they raise their voice, they will get the message that you have had enough and you won't allow to be their human punching bag. Hang in there. Maybe these simple techniques will work . . . even if it is "for the moment".

When you walk away from people like my mother it only makes them more excited to anticipating how much more vile they can be when they walk back. No more feeling the need to walk out of room, or leaving the house to get away from the hate. Cause I kicked Her outta my home. Now I just hang up On her ass ! Wow, that felt so good writing that out loud. Think I was starting my own little feel sorry for myself pity party. There may be a tiny little setback with removing her material things. But she is gone!!!and honestly 1227? Go back and read this whole thread like cat suggested. I think you can honestly see things in a different light that I truly believe you can use for future dealings with your clients. Simply put, no one should have to put up with physical or verbal abuse. smiling and telling them they are right, in my opinion, is only giving them permission to abuse them. Every human being deserves better than that. I know I do.

Point taken. Of course, when responding to topics on websites, one truly does not get the entire picture. Now it is time for taking care of you.

1227, I posted on your wall with some friendly advice about how to be a part of our discussions... we appreciate your education, but please be respectful of the many many years of hands on experiance most of us have..... It's not things we learned from a book, it has been trial and error, and we come here to support and encourge... Lisa has been thru hell these past few weeks, she is doing very very well with everything and we are all very proud of her... her mother is out of her home.... I will encourge you again to read more of the thread and educate yourself as to what is going on.... we do appreciate all input, but we also like for it to be informed input... makes things go much smoother all the way around... thanks...

LISA: YOU ROCK!!!!!! Cattails!!!!!!!

ild1227, you could get a lot more of a "true" picture if you read the entire thread. That way too you'd know whether you were emphasizing answers others have given, offering a whole new perspective, or disagreeing with earlier advice. It just makes for more meaningful interchanges.

No one has to put up with abuse. Not from anyone. Sometimes we can feel very, very sorry for the person dishing out the abuse. When a loving wife has to place her husband in a care center to protect her own safety, because he has dementia and known methods to reduce his violence aren't working, that is profoundly sad for all parties. I've seen it in my caregiver support group and I just pray I am never in that situation. But whether the abuser "can't help it," or was abused herself, has an undiagnosed impairment, or is just plain evil, no one should have to endure abuse. And certainly not in their own home and inflicted on their family members.

The situation in this thread is so far beyond "You are right, Mother" that it isn't even in the same textbook, let alone on the same page.

ild1227, I really look forward to following your posts. I mean that. With your edcuation and your experience with more than one elder I think you will be a great contributor here. I hope my response is not discouraging to you. I don't mean it to be. A lot of us feel very vested in the outcome of this particular journey, and maybe we are a little overprotective of the thread. Elisa1961 is our hero!

Man, boys would say that you grew a set! Laughing when you your mom talked to you about nephew and the debit card! I'm still smiling about that... You are incredible. Admirable. Keep strong. xxoo

Hey: Where's Rebecca? Hope she's ok. Cattails

So, while we are waiting for stuff to shake down...I have a question. Nephew is working for Doug now....and that's why it's a good idea for Doug to interact with him to take the pressure off Lisa.... But, if this kid's head was screwed on even half way correctly....wouldn't he know that Lisa is going to tell Doug about the nasty texts the nephew is sending? But he sends them anyway, so any hope for rational thought on behalf of that guy is not going to be met. I've been waiting this whole time for him to go awol...I was hoping to be wrong. And I had to laugh about him suing you because you left your mother homeless......when he just robbed her of at least $800....!!!

@Austin, my intent was less about making mom mad by dropping all her stuff at the sidewalk than it was cutting to the chase and getting the darn event over with. She keeps throwing up roadblocks, so just dump all the belongings ON the roadblock, and go home to your new life.

I also agree that eventually she will see how well she had it...but she'll prob never admit it....

Well we went to proactive today. We loaded it up and hauled it to Christian house. I've talked with mom and agreed to pick her up in the morning and take her to the bank. I will have the police meet her there to get the ball rolling. Then I will deliver her back to nursing facility. She will be released from there wed and she now has a nice little apt to go to. The nephew has now been denied access to the building where she is moving. I will pick her up Wednesday, head straight to kroger to get her food supplies and take them to her apt. Just this little bit is so much more than she deserves. She tried to apologize to me????? Too little too late. I can't let her suck me back into her dark existence. I simply told her I hope she can find some peace in that dark soul of hers. I don't want to do this much for her. Crap

And the nephew? Apparently he didn't lay his head down until after 5 this morning. I received so many text my battery was completely drained. I haven't even read them yet. So glad I turned the volume down and left it in the living room. When I plugged in the battery text just kept rolling in for better than 30 minutes.

Can you have Doug take her to the bank and Kroger? It'd help you not get caught in the dark turbulence that she sucks your life into.

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