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Good for you!

Good for you Elisa. It would seem that her rent would be figured on what her current income and obligations are, not what she paid for rent or electric, etc. in the past. If her bank statements are used to show income it would also make sense that they want to verify monthly obligations, like a monthly insurance premiuim, car payment etc. This is another way of her not being able to lie about expenses. For example, she can't claim a $500.00 monthly insurance premium without it being verified as a monthly payment on her checking account or cash receipts.

Where are we at in the process. Have the bank statements been obtained or is that still dragging on also? Do her bank statements come with copies of her checks included. No need to get copies of checks if you already have them with her statements. Is there a response date that has to be met with Spirit House; one that failure to meet will allow her potential room go to the next in line?

I'm not trying to push you here, but it might be to your advantage to look for her bank statements in her room. Hopefully she keeps those things.

911 is sounding better all the time. Love, Cattails

Bank statements are in their possession. I think they have it all now. I think the paper work is taking so long because it is christian care/ government housing for the elderly. they told my nephew no longer than 2 weeks/ 14 working days. I want so badly for this to be done. I feel like I'm never going to have a restful night again.

If it helps, Lisa, we're all sort of holding our breath with you for the next few weeks. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. I look forward to your posts to know how its coming along and how you're holding up. You're amazing.

Lisa: Have you spoken to Spirit House yourself? It sounds like you are keeping an arms length approach in some ways to dealing with the housing issue. That my just be my misinterpretation, but I hope you are not depending on your mom and drug addicted nephew for updates.

You got as far as you have because you took charge. Don't drop the ball now, kick that mother into the end pun intended.

Has you mother finished her paperwork, the one she is whining about with needing more expenses? Help her fill it out and get it done. Hand deliver it to Spirit House. You don't need to give her anything she's not entitled to, you just need to get the bitch out of your house.

Get this show on the road! Lots of Love, Cattails

Wow. Although "bitch" is a harsh word, I laughed out loud when I read the comment, Cattails, because I think you typed what lots of us have been thinking, but wouldn't verbalize. And, sylvester, is threatening to punch someone on the chin any worse than using the word "bitch"? I think not. Your comment about a supposed hateful comment.... was a hateful comment! Maybe I need to be reported for calling you out on this. Go for it. Whatever.

As part of this forum, I'd like to make it clear that no apologies are needed to me. And for the record, I have no "vendetta" against mean old people. I have a strong empathy for the caregiver in this case. I'm sorry for the mentally ill mom, but I think her daughter is doing the right thing.

Sylvester, since several of us are being kind of childish here, haven't you ever heard "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?" You'd respond to a negative comment about your mother with a blow from your fist? Hmmm ... I don't think that fits the playground rules.

sylvester, I'm with judy on this. Cattails isn't saying anything Lisa wouldn't agree with. No one called your mother anything. You can call me out on this post, too, if you want. Maybe you are coming in toward the end of a long saga, and don't know the whole story.

I hope your day improves. Sounds like you are at your edges. I don't mean that in a snarky way.

Sylvester: You are free to report me to the powers that be and are free to go all the way to the top. I don't think I offended Lisa. Maybe you should read from the beginning of this thread before you go ballistic. If you still feel that we are discussing a mean elderly parent, then I question your perception. Peace, Cattails

I think anyone who starts at the end of the answers to this question needs to read from the beginning to understand messages and comments. It is a journey we started with Lisa and have grown to know one another well through the journey. Everyone has worried and encouraged Lisa to protect herself and her family. We are all from different locations, so our written responses may be slightly different in content. However, our hearts are in the right place, and we have even hoped this will be a positive change for Lisa's mother. We just want Lisa and her family to be safe (and that includes her mother). Cattails has given some of the most important advice, so she is even closer to the situation. Rebecca

Sylvester: If you don't want to read from the beginning, that's fine. To offer you a quote, "Go take care of your elder and keep your hateful comments to yourself." If you like the thread then get off of it. As you well know, no one is talking about your mom. Take your manly fists and put them were the sun doesn't shine. If there's room for your head, put it there too. You can take that to the AC powers that be too. Cattails.

Sylvester: I meant if you DON'T like the tread. No one is keeping you a prisoner here.

By the way Sylvester, you can take your male chauvinistic flustered feathers comment and put that with your head and your fists too.

Ugh. Oh, jeez. Popping people in the mouth is a great solution, sylvester. Go away. Read some other discussion. Report me. I don't give a crap. You started this juvenile, napoleon complex bull. Go find someone to "pop".

The battle is between two mindsets. "The one you feed wins."
Individuals who need to vent must find the right place. When a discussion has been ongoing, a new contributor does, in fact, need to realize the history and status before chiming in.
As one who has an objective perspective, I am advocating that each one with a problem STOP-- Step back and shut up. Move on. Those staying, continue to be positive in your support of Elisa. This is about her issue. Start your own thread if you need Personal Attention. Peace, Christina

Thanks, Christina. You're right. Lisa is the focus here. Jeez. Sometimes I just get soooo irritated! I'll shut up and play nice. Jeez. :)

I don't think there is any doubt we will continue to support Lisa. Just a momentary side trip. Catails

Of course we will support Lisa and anyone who does not like it can go to another site-this is a place to vent and show care and concern.

Om, been away for a few days: elisa, R U stillhanging in there? Hope so. Before coming to this site I was having a crisis of isolation. The luv that has poured out for U, has made me feel re-connected and so much better, and w/o even addressing my issues with my mom. You've gotten some high quality support and informed ideas. Pls don't give up, or let this little sidebar discourage U! I know U won't. U R the lady who overcame huge obstacles, shame n ridicule, and put together a good life 4 Ur self w amazing kids and a spouse whose got UR back, & Ur bikes. Ride like the wind! We can tolerate most anything for a finite
amount of time. Divert and entertain yourself the best way U can until you have your house back. And you WILL get it back! Still rooting for U from NC, kimbee

So, after all of that nastiness yesterday, this is a comment I get on my wall, cut and pasted after a hug that I gave Cattails to "neutralize the venom of the posts". Sheesh.
sylvester18 posted on your wall 5/1/2012 at 10:00 am
I will say it again, cattails should not be using expletives on an ELDER CARE site and especially ABOUT an elder. Numbers don't lie, it appears my helpful comments outweigh yours, I guess the majority of the people LIKE venom.

Judy: I don't know why Sylvester picks your wall to post on, but go back on this thread to his second post where he said he wouldn't read the entire thread and then went on to talk about our ruffled feathers and all the nose punching he would do. As far as I can see, his post is no longer there. My guess is he's the one who got censored and, as a result, his post was removed by the AC powers that be. Maybe they also told him not to post here anymore, so he's now posting on you wall. I'm surprised my post, telling where to put his head, is still there. It was a little over the top and I apologize (not to him) but to all of you for losing my cool. It just happens to me sometimes. Judy, I'm posting to your wall also.

You know, I'm feeling very down that we haven't heard from Lisa. I check my computer constantly waiting to hear back from her. I pray everything is ok and I will be relieved to hear from her no matter what has happened. I know you all feel the same.

Let's kick Sylvester to the curb and focus on Lisa. Everyone say a prayer for her and her family. Love and Hugs, Cattails

Lisa, are you and your family okay? I have been thinking of our frustrating the wait time must be for you. If you have time, please let us know you are okay. Rebecca

Elisa, good night prayers. Kim

Lisa, I just wanted to echo Kim's message and say you are still in my prayers.


Lisa: It's been 4 days since we heard from you. It feels like a life time. Cattails.

Hello everyone. I'm so sorry I haven't been here. First I get called into work Sunday because 87 of our buses were damaged in a hail storm here. Worked some 11 hours taking buses to have windshields and mirrors replaced. And had damage to our home and vehicles. And wow! Apparently I missed something interesting. Update: she's still going! One piece of paper is holding this up. And as soon as it gets here I'm personally delivering it to Christian care. I even have some of her things packed to where she will go the very day they tell her it's a go. Then the rest can be packed when she's gone a taken to her in one day. It sounds like all of you were verbally attacked for helping me and I'm so sorry for that. Please don't give up on me. Whatever would I have done if I hadn't found all of you?????? Things are calming down, insurance adjuster will be here wed

Elisa don't worry about us -we are tough-after all we are or were caregivers-every once in a while we get attacked but the attacker usually ends up badly and usually leave this thread-we were worried about you-I had not heard about the hail storms.

We are so glad to hear that the finish line is coming closer! I'm raising a cup of coffee to you, and all supporting you, right now.

Counting down now! So good to see your comment this morning. I hope the rest of this ride will be smooth for you. Like Jane, I've got my mug of coffee raised in your general direction.

first of all you are turning people off by the CAPS you wrote--we know you are upset, but please take a deep breath!
second of all, i have a friend who lives with her 93 y.o. father who has always been verbally abusive to her and everyone.
i told my friend to move out and dont take anymore of his crap.
my suggestion to you is the same. good luck

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