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No Send, I resisted my chocolate urge. After all the whining I did about it yesterday, funnily enough, I had to desire for it today. No, we don't have See's candy here, but we have Purdy's and Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory and a slew of others. H*ll, I just to the local supermarket and get myself a family sized Cadbury bar and I'm good to go. Hubs always says that should last you a week. Har de har har. Not me. I've been know to eat a whole family size bar in one sitting. Of course, then I eat nothing but salad and fruit for the next 6 days.

In answer to your question, my other kitties name is Henrick. Hockey is really big here in the great white north and my home town hockey team has a pair of swedish twins named Henrick and Daniel Sedin. Not only are they great hockey players but they are super great examples of athletes giving back to the community. One of them donated a million dollars to our Children's hospital and they bought one of those suites they have at all sports stadiums and they invite underprivileged, sick kids to use them free for hockey games. Our team isn't doing great this year but Daniel and Henrick Sedin are stand up guys in every respect. So thus the reason I named my two kitties after them.

Debbie Reynolds

Did Gershun get back from the store last night? What kind of chocolate?
There was cocoa (hot chocolate) on sale, $1 for a package of 4-6.

What with all that chocolate, oldies music really loud, hubs and I danced today.
His palms flashed sweet.

Big hint please. Where are all the movie buffs? Who was the actor who said it? What was the year? Dh doesn't know either.

Luckylu, got my egg, the smaller, dark chocolate buttercream. Saved money by getting other buttercream pieces, same recipe. My egg has a yellow flower. I won't be eating it until Easter. The candies I did eat, well, all at once......

I admit it is a rather obscure quote and after I posted noticed I couldn't find it online

Wanna hint?

No wonder your avatar looks so yummy...It''s a See's Easter Egg...Now I gotta get out to the mall and get one too Send and you started it MsMadge!

Fell asleep looking for that movie quote...nowhere to be found! Someone who knows will have to answer.

Meanwhile, celebrating the end of my jury service week (don't have to go in at all)!!! will be searching out my chocolate easter egg @ sees today!

No clue, don't know, but will guess, because there was a movie named "Catfish". Will look it up, but not answer until others have guessed.

I'm just about tucked in but let's see if you can identify this movie :

Ahh heck, if I have to eat catfish the rest of my life can't I at least have them on a plate

I have a See's gift card for the winner

MsMadge, Is there a favorite game tonight? What was the name of that movie? Or are you going to bed?

Gershun will maybe back around 3 a.m. when Daniel prowls.  What is the other cat's name?  Are you sure it's not you waking up the cats nightly, Gershun?

Uh oh, that sounds so good MsMadge! And you deserve it!
Staying up late to make the call-in, as late as possible for jury service......
I guess I could set an alarm, eat my dark chocolate, go to sleep.
Then reset alarm to coincide with the store opening of sees candy, or forget all about jury duty. So many choices, and all of them chocolate!

Gershun, Do they have Sees in your area?

I just had a See's buttercream chocolate Easter egg - yummy

I don't know about it triggering any love feelings but it satisfies something.

Tomorrow.............chocolate run.

Smart women throughout history have sent their men out to get the chocolate. I think, I hope I am not making this up. Anyone smart on here?

This article, snatched from the internet, mentions a drug in chocolate:

Probably the most influential love compound in chocolate is PEA, phenethylamine. This chemical, which occurs in chocolate in small quantities, stimulates the nervous system and triggers the release of pleasurable opium-like compounds known as endorphins. PEA also potentiates the activity of dopamine, a neurochemical directly associated with sexual arousal and pleasure. PEA acts as a potent antidepressant in both sexes and rises during periods of romance. The giddy, restless feelings that occur when we are in love are due to a great extent to PEA, which significantly increases in the brain at that time, and when we achieve orgasm. Some scientists dismiss this notion, claiming that the PEA in chocolate is metabolized too quickly to produce a significant mood-altering effect, but others disagree. Why else would chocolate be so inextricably intertwined with love and romance? While there are a great many agents in nature which boost libido and enhance sexual function, chocolate alone actually promotes the brain chemistry of being in love.

Yes, Send, I am losing my mind cause I need chocolate. I may have to go out and get some.

Lol. It is the chocolate that keeps us sane! No matter how it is spelled....

Do you ever look at a word and the more you look at it the more you think it isn't spelled right? Take the word chocolate for instance.

As long as they don't raise the price of chocolate.

Me want chocolate.........almost tempted to put my jacket on and run out for chocolate. Or maybe go next door and ask if I can borrow a cup of chocolate.

Chocolate, chocolate, lets see how many times I can use chocolate in a sentence.

I woke up craving chocolate as I went to the bathroom, the word chocolate kept running through my mind, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, then I perused the cupboard, no chocolate, "NO CHOCOLATE !!!!!!, I cried to myself, "no chocolate, my kitties read my lips, no chocolate they exclaimed"

Have I lost my mind, you might ask. Long time ago I would answer. :)

Overheard in checkout tonight: The price of a carton of cigarettes is going up $20 in April. NFD.
Good time to quit smoking, save more than $240/yr. per carton.
My home is non-smoking.  Please don't shoot the messenger.
NFD means no further details.

You see that "like" button over there to the right? This one is a heart....other questions or discussions may have a thumbs up. Why is that?

Then, several posters arriving new to the forum this week may be fake or trolls. Because right away, they will become offended and aggressive at caregiver members who have answered but the OP didn't like their answer.
Those are trolls, and the dismissive phrase they use to put you off sounds so familiar.

Ok then, feeling better now! All our walls are clean.

Send my MIL took all the zippers out of her father's pants and replaced them with velcro. He was at the stage where he insisted the s**t on the bathroom wall was something coming out of the walls. FIL wouldn't have him live with them because he made such slurping noises when he ate.

No time for behaving badly today! Really behind on laundry. But dH is still buttoning the pants buttons inside out turned screwy. Monkeys do that.

Yeah but.....
He really is MY monkey.
He is having a difficult time,
But he's still mine.

Feeling guilty, I am starting to mold into one of those people who slides.
That means instead of following rules to the letter, I fell asleep without calling in for jury duty. Awoke in time to make the call and do not have to go in today! Phew! What a relief, another day. Hubs could not get his schedule correct yesterday, then his boss was so confused he had him clock out an hour too soon, clock back in, Lol.
Thanks to someone on this forum, after the third call from hubs, I just said:
"Not my circus, not my monkeys!"

Veronica...Bootsie has just brought me pure joy since she came.She's a wonderful kitty.

Luckylu what a nice kitty Bootsie is to share her cottage cheese with hubby.

Oh Send....I washed the bowl before I gave it back to Bootsie.Tonight dH is having a "secret sauce" made out from some kind of gravy I found from 2007 in the cabinet.I hope he Loves it too.

I didn't do it. It wasn't me this time. Saturday, DH blocked the circular driveway with both cars and the poor overworked letter carrier (sarcasm) had to park and walk 30 feet to the front of the house to deliver my Amazon box.

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