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And what would I say to my landlord? "Honest, he just turned up, no idea how he got here - there he was sitting on my doorstep with his little suitcase and a US visa..."

Yes, meant to post kitty announcement at your church.
However, now I realize Churchmouse loves pets....shipping overseas?
Really, Churchmouse, will you be okay without a kitten to love?

Maybe Jeannegibbs will bake a kitten cake for all of us?  Or for Mina's birthday.

MsMadge,    What makes a momentous birthday?  Age?  oh, I think she will be just 40, or 50 at the most.

Luckylu, you had better take a close look at my avatar pic...

I don't know what a Tunnel of Fudge cake is but I definitely want one!

That will be April 18th Send.Good idea to put up an offer at the church.Thank you.
On my birthday,Mother used to always make me a Tunnel of Fudge cake and my brother a strawberry cake and my other brother a pinapple upside down cake but her last few years,we all had DQ ice cream cakes.Any cake is good to me....

Dear Church, Kittens will be available on x date, contact Luckylu if you would like to adopt some.
8 weeks past their birthdate is the date they will be ready, imo.

I'd Love to give Mina a kitten for her Birthday or to anyone else who might want one.Iv'e been asking if anyone wants one but Iv'e had no takers yet.I never dreamed I'd have a house full of kittens to deal with on top of facing surgery for my foot at the same time.

Can you imagine, baking such beautiful cakes, and everytime you mess up a little on your piece of art, you get to eat cake! As a brat, I would be messing up a lot, on purpose.

Birthdays = cake.
Mmmm cake.
Every time Jeannegibbs posts I get hungry for a piece of her cakes LOL

Love to celebrate *other* people's Birthdays!
As caregivers or someone who has lost their loved one,
does anyone even remember HOW to celebrate their own birthday?
I hope so....

I do believe Mina in Motown has a momentous birthday this month end

Maybe one of Lu's new kitties would be the perfect present

Sharyn, Countrymouse, Susan, and Katie....
Thank you! A victory today, finally, a victory!

Thinking of you, Send. ((hugs))

Send, {{{HUGS}}}, from Katie.

I'm sorry that you've got this on your mind, Send. And I appreciate your sparing us: information about horrific things that you are completely helpless to prevent or cure... it just makes you miserable without doing any good to the people who have suffered.

Unless, maybe, there really is some universal karmic balance which is altered by compassion felt, no matter who does the feeling. Could be. I guess. I'm not a very literal believer in any spiritual system so I wouldn't recommend relying on this idea.

If you can't call anyone else about the person in trouble, can you call the person and keep her/him talking? Or a stream of texts? Just getting them through to the morning is good first aid if you can do it.

"""Hugs"""" for Send!!!

I love you too Gershun, and Luckylu!
There is a peace which surpasses all understanding. So I will have some of that peace now.

Thank you Lucky and Gershun!
This is something that once heard, anyone may not be able to get it off their mind. I am having thoughts that some things may best be left unspoken to protect the hearer. Kind of like when the news reports things that really get one's ire up! It is difficult to not take up that cause and march with protestors, walk marathons to support research to find a cure, etc. So often, I now turn off the news.
Then, isn't there advice through the ages about not speaking of evil?
I will have to go look that up. I always thought of myself as a fighter for what is right, now that fight has got up and went. Hoping it is temporary.
Not trying to be mysterious here, so will leave that topic alone.
Besides that...MsMadge once advised that I try to do only two things, so I am practicing getting good at limiting what I do for others outside of hubs and I.

Still, there is an extra umbrella in the car that I want to give to a needy person.
Just passed by one I could not possibly do that at the time, and it started to rain.

Sorry to hear you got bad news today Send.Glad your dH has a few days off too.

Send I hope your news wasn't anything that is going to hurt you or the people that love you. I am one of those people. I won't ask you to share unless you want to.

Is there a doctor in the house? I thought of calling a suicide hotline but it is not me that is suicidal. I just needed to tell someone. Oh, and there is a drastic change in my perspective. D*mn the 'mandated reporter' morality.
There will be no help for the person, I am sure of it.

Today, there was some bad news that I received, really tweaking my brain. So bad that I could not share it with dH. So much so that we almost missed the turn off to the chiropractor's office, and I stayed in the car for both errands. He went in.
Then, unusual for him, he was trying to fix me. (probably so I could get my mind back and drive safely home.) He recommended a jamba juice, and we sat in the parking lot awhile.

He has a few days off, I am so grateful for less stress.

My cats let me do anything to them. Total trust there. My one cat, whenever I get up during the night to go pee, rests his head on my feet and wants to stay there. I think I fell asleep on the toilet one night cause I didn't want to disturb him. LOL

Oh yeah,Iv'e gotten a lot of whiffs Send.And Gershun,when I rub my cat's belly,she bites the c#ap outta my arm and it hurts.

Gershun, Yes, it is different in the animal kingdom.
Cats never want to say "NO" and they don't need any gum to communicate that!

Luckylu, Can I have that gum link? Lol, NOT. So funny....

LOL Lucky! My cats love tummy rubs. Sometimes I look over and he is laying sprawled out on his back just waiting for me to rub his big, tubby tummy.

LOL Send, I was thinking the same thing. Cats like to bring their humans presents I hear. Feel sorry for the birds and mice though.

Good thing humans can't get pregnant right away. Can you imagine? I guess the difference with humans is women can just say no. I understand it's a little different in the animal kingdom.

I found some special cat gum today that instantly allows you to talk with your cat and you can share intimate dreams and fears,stock tips and recipes!
Just one piece unlocks the dialogue between you and your pet.The directions for use are:For enhanced communication with your feline friends,apply directly to the hole located between your nose and your chin.Do not overuse product!You only need a whisker!May feel the urge to stalk mice and birds,chase loose threads,lick plastic bags or walk on jigsaw puzzles.You may experience increased fear of vacume cleaners,be abnormally suspicious of any new object or visitor and go bats#it crazy if anyone tries to rub your stomach.If you cannot decide whether to stay in or go out,reduce dosage.
Tomorrow,I will have a talk with the Father~

Maybe Gershun, The father cat can bring an offering, a killed mouse or something?
In keeping with a bit of "poo humor" often reported on this thread....
Luckylu,  Did you get a whiff yet?
It's gonna be ok, your cat is not sick, and not dying, and no one has snuck in and used her cat litter leaving that huge sample!
These reminders are wearing me out, remembering how much work it really was to have those little kittens in our home, as hubs just kept taking pictures!

Shoo, shoo, shoo that cat away Luckylu.!
He is coming by for a reason and it is not to pay support!
You are so nice, thinking of allowing him in to meet his offspring?
Your momma cat may run off with him! Hate to be negative here.....
Read this, I looked it up:
"How soon after delivering kittens can the mother cat get pregnant"??
"The answer is – cats can get pregnant again immediately. Domestic cats usually reach sexual maturity (puberty) between five to 12 months, at which time they experience their first estrus."

"The adult cat is seasonally polyestrus, cycling repeatedly (about every two to three weeks) throughout the breeding season (mid-January to August), unless interrupted by pregnancy or illness. Once they have kittens, they can go right back in this cycle and become pregnant again. "

"I'd recommend keeping her in while she is nursing and having her spayed as soon as she is done nursing."

"Best of luck!
Signed by a veterinarian."

Send I just saw that story on FB! I think that is such a good idea!

Oh and also Lucky...........if you spot the Father again tell him mthly child support payments too.............

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