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Send...It's a true story and Mother loved to tell it and got the biggest kick out of it~

Luckylu, I enjoy that type of humor!

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world look weird.
Now, the world is weird, and people take acid to feel normal.

Still, all drugs aside, death is still the number ONE killer in the world!

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
All those health nuts are going to feel really stupid someday....lying in the hospital, dying of nothing!

(Borrowed right off the forum here, last year, I get no credit).

All of us could take a lesson from this weather, it pays no attention to criticism.

Give a person a fish, and feed them for a day.
Teach a person to use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe years. But they're still going to need that fish.

I am starting to see why people become addicted to substances

Mom called a friend and asked how she was and her friend said"Oh I'm fine.Iv'e got Jack on one side of me and Jim on the other".Mother said "What?" and her friend said "oh you know,Jack Daniels and Jim Beam,my good friends".

MsMadge, I wish I had someone like you who could help me see the humour in life! I can just imagine how much better that lady felt after being able to share a chuckle rather than having a meltdown.

Last night at the hotel California a woman came out of her room and asked if someone could help her - there was a man in her bed - I asked her if he was good looking ? She replied, no - he's awful and then we both had a good belly laugh

I ate candy for dinner

Big rain storms headed this way; Betty White celebrating her 95 th Birthday,
Jan. 17th, 1922 !;
and MsMadge, what have you done?

I am going to be even badder! A real brat here. I refuse to talk about the website at all on this thread from now on.
Hope I can remember my commitment.

I am behaving badly.... I just can't read an original post that is over 2 years old.

I know what is probably causing this... on the home page there is a list of topics just to the left of the questions.   And within those topics are some realllllly old postings.   Newcomers probably are not use to seeing the posting date.

Unbelievable! It may be best to first try all options concerning suggestions from others.Example:  Cwillie said to Veronica: To return to news on AgingCare, upper left, or, click on your own avatar, upper right.
I was clicking on AginCare on the blue bar, upper left: Taking two clicks to get to my news feed.

Now I can click on my avatar, and I am at my News Feed! Only one click!

Should have tried it, but I was trying soooo very hard to suffer through it, be patient.

dem brains, dem brains are not in the A/C office. A separate entity, I believe, still is the website host/designer and have not yet passed on our valid complaints to the A/C administration or owners. Unless Cwillie is right about giving someone in the family a chance to mess with us.
Yes, Cwillie, be yourself, like your cat! That is so very you, er, um, well, you said it.......however you have been so very kind to me.

Veronica, click on your avatar on the upper right. Or go to the home page. (click on AgingCare)

Now I can't get back to my news feed after answering a question without logging out and back in.
Someone in the A/C office needs to join the unemployment lines or retire maybe they caught dementia from the site!

We should be able to vote on this new format. I say NO! Way to big and hard to give hugs, follow past comments, etc.

Did they really do that?

Did they really change the website?

Did all the smart cats really leave the forum?

Who is left? Let us see your cat avatar then!

Please join the 'Cat Avatar' revolution.
Click on the cat in awe, download it to your photos, post as your avatar.
Let's all test this website, take it out for a spin, see what it can do.

It's a Friday night. I remember Friday nights, cruising Colorado Blvd. at bob's big boy drive-in restaurants...hanging out..vanilla coke for me, they brought it to the car.

This is the picture I have in my head. Somebody in upper management has a clever son/granddaughter/nephew (millennial, of course) who needs a job and would be brilliant at designing the new site format....!

This week, the website brains get an award for behaving badly.

Gershun, Where are you?
I am a little worried about MsMadge, because she did not invite us to the reacetrack. How many hot dogs do you think she can eat there? And will she bring some back for her Mom's roomies, cause she is too too generous? Wondering....

Now that I think of it, so many loving caregivers on here, rarely getting credit for all the special things they do to spoil their loved ones. Going way way out of their way. There should be a bragging day, tell us what you did to spoil someone, and we here will really really tease you for it, love you for it, and applaud you for it.

Today, I made baked cookies, took coffee to my hubs when I picked him up for work.
There were even some cookies left for him! Above and beyond if you ask me. Lol.

If only the doctor had seen her but alas no she didn't

Only reason I even knew was that the doctor left a message asking why she was there when I had cancelled the appt

Of course, they called the home phone and not my cell so not much I could say at 9 pm - hotel California never bothered to call me and surely they know I would never send her out alone

Since they never take her on the "ride for all outings" I figured she got a little personal excursion albeit at $3 a mile

We see the ortho next week and if time and weather permits may take in a race at Santa Anita afterwards for $1 hot dog day

Gershun :) ..........................

Luckylu, Are you still with us?

We had steamed vegetables tonight. And a grilled cheese on english muffin for my lunch, with applesauce. Tried sipping lactose free milk for symptoms of g.e.r.d., because you can only eat so many tums without harming oneself. 2 hearts (likes) for me tonight, just because, and I have given them to myself this time, wanting to be bad. Lol.

Ok then, MsMadge! Mom got to the doc without you, I am relieved. And they saw her anyway, Lol, after cancelling!! You really messed up, but in a good way. If you did it on purpose in the future, you would be a real brat! Things would get done without you having to leave work!
Uh oh, update, edit:  Doc did not see Mom!  Heartless, if it had been me behind the desk, the doc would have seen her.
In the asphalt playground of life, the tetherball was kept short and I stood back.

I behaved badly today inadvertently

Mom had a follow up appt with ortho after falling and spraining her foot 3 weeks ago - since I couldn't miss work again after the holiday break I asked brother to take her only to find out over the weekend he's sick - so I call dr this morning to reschedule

Then I learn mom's caregiver has food poisoning and won't be there today - the agency sometimes gets annoyed when I know she's cancelled and they don't have a chance to tell me so I use restraint and wait to hear the news from them - calls out and they'd let me know if they find a substitute

Late to work and forget to call mom's facility to tell them no private aid this afternoon and I cancelled the doctor - it's raining and I wouldn't take her out in the rain anyway

When I get home from work at 9 pm there's a message from the doctor's office wondering why mom is there when I cancelled her appt this morning? Oooops

Since I always take mom to her appointments I don't have the facility take her in the van - they charge per the mile - but I guess our wires got crossed up so she had an excursion by herself today - part of me feels really guilty and part of me is kinda laughing about it

Thanks Mina & Pam!

Doc visit today was good in that respect - they are very supportive of my plan to try to spend this year losing as much weight as possible, in a healthy way - not by starving myself or doing something ridiculous that could damage my health. They have taken loads of blood for tests, including cholesterol and blood sugar, so we'll see where that all comes out. It's good to have a starting point to measure from later on.
When I was cooking for Mom and trying to help her be healthier (the first year I lived here with her), it was a battle to get her not to eat so much sugary stuff - but she slowly adapted to the way I was eating and we both lost weight and as a bonus, her cholesterol went down 90 points in a year's time. Her doctor, who had poo-poo'd my low-carb plan when I told him about it, was flabbergasted and asked how we did it. I told him we were eating low-carb, which he had told us NOT to do. He had to backpedal and tell us whatever we were doing was working and to keep it up. LOL

I can't wait to be able to get out and walk again. This darn pinched nerve has had me stuck in bed for the most part, other than very brief grocery store runs or appointments. I'll be glad to be able to resume normal activities again!

Susan, you go girl!! I have to get back on track too. I am prediabetic, was put on Metformin to help until I got some wieght off...then I broke my ankle, 2 months off my feet. All my hard work down the drain as Mom cooks old school and it is what it is... I am supposed to go back to work Monday after 3 1/2 months and that will help alot, and I am still down 8 pounds. With the cold weather here and the leftover pain I still can;t walk great.. but Game On!!

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