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Gershun you can buy Prevacid OTC. you just need one every 24 hours. They are one of the things your Dr might order anyway. They will probably refer you to a Gastroenterologist who will want to do an endoscopy. Just make sure Prevacid is not contraindicated with any other medications you take. You can ask the pharmacist about that.
Ulcers can be caused by a virus but not always. So if you have decent insurance have it investigated because you can get a serious bleed from one. They will also take biopsies of the stomach lining to rule out stomach cancer.
Once the acid is under control you should be able to eat most things and turkey should not be off the menu by the 25th. In the meantime stick to bland foods like yogurt cottage cheese tender white meat and mashed potatoes and eggs. Bananas should be OK too and plain sugar cookies. Sit upright for at least an hour after eating and don't bend over. Raise the head of your bed or sleep in a recliner and eat frequent small meals .This is fixable.
The other thing you could have is a hiatus hernia which is when a piece of gut pushes up into the stomach through the diaphragm and the stomach acid inflames it. Again very fixable with same day surgery, minimally invasive and fast recovery

Bad person! Bad!! We do NOT "accidentally forget" and get our daughter's boyfriend fine shaving soap for Christmas - in the fond hope that he might take a hint...

I love the eggplant and tofu from Panda Express

Thx Sharyn. I have been popping tums like they are candy. I've been waking up at night just nauseated and my appetite is nil. I start to eat and suddenly become nauseated from the smell of the food even. I hope my doctor can give me something to help. Bad time of year to be feeling like this. Plus side...........I won't be stuffing myself with turkey and dressing and maybe I can lose a few.

See.........there is always a plus side. :)

Gershun, I take a daily script for acid reflux. Fried foods like chicken, Chinese food sets me off. So can chocolates. One night about 13 years ago, I had burning so bad in my throat and chest, my upper sinuses were on fire too. I was drinking Mylantana by the bottle full just to get through the night. I hope you can get a scriot to help if Otc meds aren't helping.

Thank-you Sharyn. I was just looking up symptoms online. I think that might be what I have. I'm seeing my doctor next Monday.

Ulcers, heartburn, burning in the upper stomach, pain in the middle upper back. After eating you experience burning feeling in the upper stomach, can include vomiting. Most often ulcers are caused by a virus at least that was the last info I had on it. A blood test can determine it. Otherwise, you may have acid reflux. Talk to your dr.

I sometimes eat Gerber's jars of pureed plums and strawberry. Quite tasty. My Mom used to put that in our Christmas stockings. LOL.

I guess we were all a bunch of babies at heart.

Send, in answer to your question about snack ideas. Hmmmm......can't think of anymore offhand. I'm a funny eater though. I've never eaten the way most people do. I could probably live on soup and salads with the occasional bag of chips and chocolate bar thrown in for good measure.

Speaking of eating, has anyone on here ever had an ulcer and if so, what are the symptoms? Cause I have been having tummy problems as of late.

I thought nightshade was deadly.
My PCP a fairly new mother said she tasted the baby food and almost spat it out.

Send, do you mean how nightshade fruits are inflammatory to the immune system? My chronic pain sufferer and diabetic friend told me that. She's my age and wears an IV pump, so I guess her diabetes is quite bad? I don't know much about diabetes. But, she's sensitive to food allergies (any kind of allergies) and avoids nightshade food.

The mother of teens put a jar of babyfood squash in her spaghetti sauce.

I am going to let someone else expose the truth about nightshade plants-I don't want to be shamed, lol Ali.

Nightshade plants... that sounds right.

Roasted in an oven, smothered with mozzarella and tomato sauce, it was yummy. Shame on your friends for ruining that for you. ;)

It's a fruit. Same family as tomatoes and potatoes, if memory serves. I have to say I personally think they are the work of Satan, but this is probably because of unfortunate experiences with vegetarian friends who can't cook.

Is eggplant a veggie or a starch? Either way, had some the other day and remembered how tasty it can be with a little cheese and tomato sauce. :)

Ugh, spaghetti squash. I had it often during summers as a child, since my mom grew some in the garden. I guess it wasn't terrible. I turn my nose up just because it was put in front of me so often... but it actually wasn't bad tasting. There are gadgets on the market -- the Veggeti Pro, the Twist Veggie Spiralizer -- that turn veggies into something the shape of spaghetti.

Have not tried baby food in jars, but one mother of teens added squash to the spaghetti sauce so they would eat vegetables. Just was wondering if any of that is good, or someone likes it. It is possible....

Do you like baby food in jars?

Does anyone's elder like babyfood in jars?

Trying to figure out how to take off the lid from a pudding cup, add the activa, then glue the lid back on. Maybe there is a safe food glue or something.

Anymore unique easy snacks Gershun? Is your vanilla yogurt the Activa kind-adds extra pro-biotic action?

Actually vanilla yogurt and applesauce taste good mixed together too. I quite often eat that. :)

And, for the opposite problem, a snack cup of applesauce. Place it accessible, or on their tray, or in the fridge-they will reach for it when nothing else is readily available. "Here, while I am cooking-it will be awhile-have this as a snack".

Even if they say they don't want it, or don't like it........somehow, contemplation of a childhood eating applesauce kicks in, and they eat it all! Surprised me! I don't argue, don't try to convince them, just lay the stuff out. Have had small successes doing this.

MsMadge, Cannot believe I have forgotten about Vanilla activa! Yes, here, have some pudding-perfect!

Finally found a way to trick mom into eating some yogurt - she needs some good gut bacteria after more than 2 weeks of diarrhea - an intestinal bug hit the hotel California on thanksgiving eve

I got some vanilla activia and tell her it's pudding and give her a cookie with it - she hates yogurt but can't refuse pudding

They gave me a neck brace and a sling at the ER the other night - neither of which I could use and demonstrated that I couldn't while I was there. Once they were opened, I had to take them with me and will of course, be billed for them. They're sitting in the van. I suspect I'll end up keeping them for later days or donating them.

Susan, You've got it! Keep moving, even if its flip flopping.!

The sling was over-the-counter, not covered by insurance. Unbelievable-at the docs office, "You need a sling", Doc: "Do we have one around her?", Staff: "Nope, you can buy one at the pharmacy".

Taking the arm away from my body, never lying on the painful side, and making sure my neck and shoulder never got scrunched up together.

While walking, there could be a little neck support pillow under your arm, supporting your arm out just a little from your body, thereby decreasing the stress on your shoulder and neck. I hated to wear a sling, but had to do that sometimes.

Anything that helps, and is the opposite of your body curling up, tightening up, or going into a fetal position from the pain. Think, open arms, to receive a hug!

I've found all kinds of interesting positions to sleep in, Send. LOL I'm going to need a new mattress after this is over - I think I've worn this one out with all the flipping and flopping I'm doing.

Omg, Susan, you keep mentioning your foot! I'm thinking that even if your foot hurt, that would not be covered either!

My shoulder and mid-arm hurt so much after a fall and broken clavicle, that I decided to open up the shoulder joint by placing a pillow under my arm

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