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Well, you already have the blonde going for you then!
Reminds me, time to cover that part blonde, now part gray hair.

We are supposed to greet strangers politely?
Where are my manners?

Sorry, Send, it just flew right over my head! Lol blonde moment on my part I guess.

I had a weird walk to and from the farmer's market this afternoon, people kept smiling and waving and saying hello, and not in the polite way you'd greet a stranger but the kind of big smile you'd give a friend. Usually when that happens I assume they know someone else in my vicinity, but it happened too often for that. I kept checking to see if I'd forgotten to button something or I had a big blob of lotion on my face, but there was nothing. Maybe I was just radiating extra bonhommie?


Oh my goodness. I never know what to feed my mom. She is either going to tell me that it caused her to have diarrhea or constipation! Hahaha.

Every time home heath visits and the nurse asks about her last bowel movement I think to myself, oh boy, she gets to discuss her favorite topic!


F r a z z l e d Mama,

This is the Caregivers Behaving Badly Thread, to explain.
Mostly behaving badly by joking around outrageously, on purpose.
I knew what MsMadge meant.
She is very funny, and also very subtle.

Anyone can Google the phrase in question and find the meaning.

I was just teasing when I said that I was trying to figure out what she meant, and since the phrase was very similar to a topic in the bible, saying that I was going to go look it up in the bible was, imo, even more over the edge.

She is also a lady, and would not explain what she meant. I think she was the only one who might "get" my humor attempt. I am not intelligent enough to be humorous to the masses. Sorry.

Things are never funny if one has to explain them. But I will try to find something that you will enjoy.......later.

Well Crap, and I mean that literally.. mom has the runs for awhile now, her Dr thinks its from her meds, as all else looks fine. He said she could take OTC stuff for it, gave us two names, I bought both.. talking to Aunt turns out one is for constipation!! So she has been going back and forth.. I feel like an idiot.. and I am in health care!! I am tired.. and back to the store tomorrow..

Send, I take it to mean either what it says literally, or something like, "Better to live alone than have unwelcome occupants." Metaphorically, I guess it could mean it's better to be bored than have uninvited trouble.

Still trying to figure out what MsMadge meant.....18 posts ago.

"Better an empty house than an unwelcome tenant"

Soooo, I guess that I will go look that up in the b i b l e . Lol.


As seen online, made me laugh...


It's never too early for scrambled eggs Send. Bring on the eggs I say!

Denny's here I come..............ah, maybe not. Hubs isn't here. I'm not a sit alone in a restaurant type of gal. But they do have "Skip the Dishes" delivery here. Hmmm, wonder if Denny's delivers. Hmmmm.

It is way too early for scrambled eggs, or is it too late?

It wasn't that much fun.

Oh sorry.....if anyone thought it was. Sorry!

Ha ha, I apologize for going to bed without saying goodnight!
Went to bed without dinner. Dh is still waiting for me to cook. Sorry.

Good Morning everyone! Sorry I missed the fun.

Oh, sorry. This isn't the what's for dinner thread. So, so sorry. ;)

I had a nectarine for dinner tonight.

Send, I've been known to walk into a bench or wall, door, you name it and say oh, sorry.

In fact, here in Canada we are infamous for always apologizing. I was going into my bldg elevator not expecting to see anyone and the lady coming out same thing. We both said "Oh, sorry" LOL


Yep, I’ve done the scrambled eggs for dinner too. Nothing wrong with that!

NHWM, My mother use to say the same thing and now I tell her "I am not a short order cook nor is this a restaurant." She eats what I make or she can make eggs, soup or a sandwich.

It is embarrassing for me if I pass gas when alone at home...always say "excuse me".

When I worked for UMaine athletic team. We were at a parents meeting. One of the leaders asked the guys to each tell something about their mothers no one was likely to know. One guy spoke up and said his mother could fart louder than him or his five brothers. His mother laughed and said it was probably true.

Shell your belch and date comment reminds me of my fav cousin and her husbands first date. He politely asked if she minded if he smoked ( back in the day many did) and she responded by asking if he minded if she tooted.. they have been married about 30 years.. with a great sense of humor all these years!


My son grew up thinking women never passed gas.

My mom is funny about tooting too. In New Orleans it is traditional to cook red beans and rice. This is because Monday was ‘wash day’ so while the day was spent doing all of the laundry it was practical to put on a big pot of red beans to cook since the bulk of the day would be spent doing the wash.

Anyway, my mom followed this tradition as most people still do in New Orleans. You even see red beans and rice as the ‘lunch special’ on Monday in our local restaurants.

Now sometimes she will say, “Don’t give me beans. I don’t want to have gas and fart all day!” Hahaha.

I can’t help but think that I ate this low cost meal every week at home but now she doesn’t always want it now. Her line to us if we didn’t want something was, “What do you think this is, a short order kitchen? You will eat whatever I serve you!” Oh boy, sometimes I want to tell her that line but I end up making a sandwich for her.

Better an empty house than an unwelcome tenant

In short, my sister whom I've always been close to is at a crossroads with her partner. She lives a long way from my father who is on his own now and has absolutely no tolerance or patience with his cognitive impairment. We had a conversation last week where she lashed out and was comparing my father to her husband in a Freudian " You always marry a man like your father" tirade. Well I certainly didn't. My husband is a wonderful man, and my father has many good qualities
My sister just refuses to acknowledge them. We all got smacked as kids, All of us, but t h at was the way back then if you were naughty. My sister feels she was smacked more than any of us, so now that she's thinking of ending her unhappy marriage to a man who is verbally and emotionally abusive to her, she's justifying her decision by comparing his behaviour to our father's tough love strategies.( My father had a cold unurturing mother)
Oor conversation last week totally drained and deeply upset me to the point where i ended up saying the "wrong thing" and she hung up on me. We've spoken since but with discomfort. She wants me to set boundaries with my father as my husbandand I see him the most, but I can't and won't.
Thankyou for listening to me

Pam, My sig other calls tooting while walking "dust cropping." He says, my mother is very good at it!

I use to belch very loud when I would go on a date and figure out part way through the date that I didn't want to see the guy anymore. This was my way in hoping he wouldn't call me again!

My folks thought 'tooting' was healthier than keeping it in, but we tried for only at home.  You've reminded me of something Dad told us.  In New England we have beans Sat. eve so we can toot in church Sun, if sermon got too long or too negative.  And it had to be a loud sound.

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