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I wouldn't use the broiler for the bacon, just go low and slow like you said, less spatter that way too. Oh, and I do mine in a 9X13 cake pan, not a sheet pan, that also helps contain the spatter and you won't spill the grease when you take it out of the oven.

Posting my answer on the new thread...

General topics


Bacon cooking: I want to revisit this important topic, please.

I tried cooking in the toaster oven set on Broil. I thought 10 minutes (no preheating) would be fine, but that overcooked the thick-cut slices. I'll adjust the timing plus maybe baking at lower temp is better. "Low and slow" is always a better way for fatty meat (and most dishes in general)... isn't it? It splattered grease on the inside of the toaster oven. I guess there's no way to get around having bacon grease getting on things when you cook bacon...?

I'll can use foil to cover the pan, and that will help with clean up. Any other prep and clean up tips you have, I'm all ears. :-)


There's an old blues tune - trouble in mind - I actually like Johnny cash's cut better than the original-
The chorus of redemption goes - the sun will shine on my back door again someday

I just called the hotel California to see how mom is - despite her being under the weather she was singing God bless America with the others for Veterans Day

Mom and her best childhood friend loved to go to Long Beach for naval day and visit the sailors during the war

How many buttons on a pair of navy pants?

The Moon is in the night sky, making headlines ....
The full moon of November 14, 2016 is not only the biggest, closest and brightest supermoon of this year. It’s the closest supermoon since January 26, 1948. Should you watch for this full moon on the night of November 14? Sure, and, if you do, it’ll be beautiful. But, for us in the Americas the moon is closer to full on the night of November 13.

The moon turns precisely full on November 14, 2016 at 1352 UTC. This full moon instant will happen in the morning hours before sunrise November 14 in western North America and on many Pacific islands, east of the International Date Line.

In Asia and Australia, the moon turns precisely full during the evening hours of November 14. In New Zealand, it actually happens after midnight November 15. Around the longitudes of Europe or Africa, look both nights.

Better yet … everyone, look both nights!

The moon will look plenty full and bright all night long on both nights – November 13 and 14 – as it rises in the east around sunset, climbs highest up around midnight, and then sets in the west at or near sunrise.

The moon won’t come this close to Earth again until November 25, 2034.

Thank you Katie! That would have been an unwise decision to leave here, and miss all of you.

We will not be overtaken,
We will not be overcome!

Not as Americans,
Not as Christians,
Not as Women,
Not as Caregivers,
Not as anyone else, either...

Send, we hope you stay on. We would miss you!

Gershun, I cannot find the general topic/whine thread...maybe I am too beffuddled lately or not trying hard enough to locate it.... I also hope your hubby is feeling better.

I am surprised today after looking at the calendar, how fast Thanksgiving is creeping up on us. One of my neighbors has her Christmas tree up already. For several years now, seeing trees in people's windows has made me feel so alone and sad, and this year could be worse as my Mom died last January. Maybe this year I have to stay indoors at night and not look at the holiday lights I used to love so much. Keep busy with other things, that will help.

Thank you Sharyn, for encouraging me to do that, and change my mind!
I have contacted AC staff-but if I am missing-just want you all to know this:
It could be either they went ahead and deleted me, OR
it is possible that I was raptured, and a few of you were left behind.

Stacey, from what I read online (they only mentioned a laptop not a tablet), it said it is with the keyboard settings and sensitivity to touch. Possibly you are resting a finger on a key causing it to skip. Research your particular tablet or check the manual regarding the keyboard settings and touch sensitivity.

Ali, I believe you have the right to defend yourself and set limits (boundaries) which are not being respected. I also see the other person playing a cat and mouse game. Ignoring is the best way to deal with it, hard to do some times and some times we just have to go forth with both barrels.

In defense of the DYS thread, I want to say that some people get overlooked, it is not intentional. It happens to me also. One person who is very good at acknowledging everyone, does not post daily. If another poster is having a really hard time with something, everything is focused on that poster. This is normal. I have posted on the whine thread and have never been acknowledged. We do try to focus on new posters to the site who post on the Dsy thread too. A lot of attention is on welcoming new posters to the site. It is really hard to get to everyone and sometimes it may be a few days before a response is given. Hang in there everyone, I am sure the Whine thread will return in time. I am sad that Sendmetohelp is asking to have her account deleted. I hope she changes her mind and asks admin not to do it.

Stacey, does that typing issue only happen in your browser? Open any type of text/word doc and see if it happens there, too? That might give you a clue as to what's acting up because if it happens outside your browser then... it's a keyboard or operating system issue, and either of those should be covered by any warranty, as long as warranty isn't expired. I assume it didn't always do this, just started doing it out of the blue recently?

Please God, can anybody suggest how I can solve this problem I'm having with my keyboard on my tablet? About 1x in every sentence that I write, it skips the first letter of a word, even though I can tell that I've typed it correctly (you know how the letter/word lights up on that little grey bar) the first time, then I have to go back and proofread everything, and when I don't, then actually post, I see all my mistakes! Grrr! I've tried rebooting, and all of the settings that I know of on this damn thing! Ugg, I hate this! Obviously it's typing every other letter I type! Tx!

No, Don't get rid of the Dysfunctional Thread! I post there a lot, and yea, sometimes I don't get responses, but I ust keep going back to my normal reception of happy replies, when I o post again. I think that sometimes people ust get busy, or the thread gets busy, and our post gets overlooked, or maybe mine wasn't all that interesting to begin with. But I've got some terrific friends there, and all over the AC site, so dont give up, just keep pestering, like I do! Lol!

Hey everyone! I started a new thread. Named it general topic/whine thread. If you want to post on there until original whine thread is back please do. Or even after whine thread comes back. Some of you already have, I see.

CM yes I have felt ignored on Dysfunction thread. There have been a few times where I posted a long, heartfelt post and received no acknowledgment at all. Not that I expect an "Oh, poor Gershun" cause I really don't but when you read all the other posts and everyone says something back and I don't even hear crickets..............well it kind of says something.

I needed to say all that. Thanks. I feel party responsible for the disruptiveness. I'm having 2 bad days the past 2 days... just ongoing, never ending house stuff, I'm tired... I have to figure out how to keep working even though it doesn't even make financial sense but it does help me network and be out in the city... and I can't get my bro to take 5 minutes out of his schedule to talk to Trust Officer for months and I've emailed the basement rehab company to find out if they plan on putting the basement back together before CHRISTMAS...

Just stressed lately.... more than I realized... And then Cap says something Cappy and he's a good target for me to be p!ssed off at...

The Whine Thread Mystery...

It was back, I saw your post CW. The next post was by Cap, and it was a trifecta of Cap-iness: a denigrating comment about black people, something about "feminist skanks," and "welfare grabbing foreigners"... in a single post. lol I think he was going for a personal record of how much he could offend in one comment...?

I happened to be on the site right when he posted, reported the post, and mods took the thread back down.

That's basically what happened.

I'm going to take this opportunity to say - I'm not some "my way or the highway" Pollyanna who gets offended at anything/everything. I wish that member had more sense than to make THAT kind of comment as his first comment back on Whine thread, but clearly he believes he's been given a pass to make those comments... why else would he keep doing it, knowing it violates the site's rules... especially after those comments keep getting deleted...? This has been going on for years, and I know that. I've been on this site since before Cap's mom passed. I don't know what's going on with him lately, and I do have sympathy for him, but I personally do not want to see that type of crap every other comment from him. I have bantered with him before about our personal differences - and it was not a problem until recently. He's now to the point that he's vicious with me and I... was vicious with him... but I won't be anymore because that's just petty. I'm sorry for all the disruption I've contributed to. I'm not a freakin Pollyanna or a {insert your favorite slur for liberals here}, I just don't want to read that stuff from him all the time.

Maybe MY mind is slipping and he was always that bad and I just... had too much to deal with with my dad before and didn't notice, I don't know. What's been happening lately is too much for me, especially the blatant sexism against women at times.



I think they'll put Whine back. Hold tight. Hopefully Cap's first comment won't be similar to the Cap-fecta he posted 2 hours ago.

Happy Thursday!

it was up, cwillie - you posted then cap posted and it disappeared again

Nasty, pretty nasty things. Maybe my mind really is slipping...

I have to admit I freaked a little when I realized how many read there but don't post, I've confessed some pretty things there.

I saw the Whine thread earlier today.... Yay !!.... but can't find it now.

Or was it a figment of our imagination or our memory slipping :P

Cwillie, I cannot find it either. Very mysterious. Maybe somebody got sick of all the whining, but it helped many care givers to vent and feel better afterward, or just touch base with one another.

Hmmm, it was back, I posted on it, but now it seems to have disappeared again.

Thanks, cwillie ...

Jingle, an newly santitised whine thread is back, sometime they will take down a thread while they edit it.

So if the Whine thread has been disappeared deliberately, why don't the admins tell us? And if it's not deliberate, what the heck is going on?

Wouldn't it be more professional of the admins to tell us what's happened?

CM, Ian Dury and the Blockheads....I remember them from the 80s. All those things that just disappear and we don't think about them anymore until they pop up somewhere!

I tried the dysfunction thread too, but felt I was intruding and stopped quite awhile ago. Though my Mom has been gone since last January, I am still going through a lot of emotions and feelings as are some of you, and communicating with others who are or have been caregivers has kept my sanity. I can understand them taking if off if it gets too political, but I think many of us are concerned about the future of health care, for our loved ones and for ourselves. This can be discussed without getting political. I am all ok with talking about bacon, and candy. Anyone remember those taffy suckers called BB Bats? They came in vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and banana? My uncle worked for a candy company in Europe and sometimes he would send packages at holidays....that was so great as a kid!

Have you, Gershun, been ignored? I'm surprised! I do think a lot of the people who post there are likely to be caught up in their own moments, and given the subject matter who can blame them; I'm sure I've done it myself.

"B is for Bear.
When bears are seen
Approaching in the distance
Make up your mind at once between
Retreat and armed resistance." - Hilaire Belloc

Or offer them a bacon sandwich?

Cooking bacon in the woods sounds like a good way to attract some bears 🐻

I'm sick now mom is sick and her new roommate screamed all night last night

Cooking bacon with bears sounds pretty good

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