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I wish they would get rid of the Dysfunction thread too then. No offense to any of you who post on it but it is so cliquey and most of the time when I have posted on there I have been ignored.

The whine thread is gone? Why? That was my favorite thread to post on? I guess too much talk about the election or something............Hmmm.

Guess have to whine with bad behavior

Katie222, whew, I thought maybe my mind was slipping, as I was reading it yesterday.

I enjoyed that thread as it was a hodgepodge of just about everything.

Well I see the Whine page no longer exists, so it says.

We buy bacon in a 10 lb box since mom moved in,, she does a lb at a time, sometimes in the oven.. but indeed you do have to watch it or it gets really crispy!

I could try the broiling, too. I have a pan -- it wasn't mine, it was here at the house when I came here. I'm not sure what it's for but I'm starting to think if it's not already a "bacon cooking pan," it certainly would make a good one to go under the broiler or in the oven for baking.

I'll try a few different ways, see what's easiest and tastiest. Thanks!

I'd like a cast iron skillet... and a cast iron Dutch Oven. I think those 2 pans could make 80% of food worth eating. ?

Bacon was on sale at store yesterday, bought a thick-sliced 3 lb package, divided and rolled up in pieces of 6 and put in the freezer ... to take out a roll at a time and thaw. There will be bacon cooking in my near future. I had some this morning - it's good.

Toaster oven - I'm going to try that next time. :-) mmmm

Ah! - translation error, sorry - yes, broiling = grilling, I believe.

How thick are the rashers, though (do you call them rashers? The slices?) - you shouldn't need to pre-cook as long as they're not so thick you can't cook them thoroughly without incinerating the outside. The slower you go, the better the fat renders and the crisper the result...

It's no good, I will have to go and buy some tomorrow. See if the nice butcher down the road has any Gloucester Old Spot, which is insanely fat but so delicious - it tastes like you thought you only imagined bacon to taste in your rose-tinted memories of fabulous breakfasts.

Nothing is better than frying up the bacon in a cast iron frying pan while stopping by the roadside to camp overnight, on your way somewhere....

Toaster oven? Perfect! I usually cook up the whole package when I do bacon, then I only have to fuss once. I keep the extras in the frig, easy to nuke for a few secs for BLT's or whatever.

CM - other than salivating over bacon (understandable), I don't get the advice. You're suggesting grilling it? With fire? I have a broiler... and a toaster oven... but that's it in addition to pan or oven (agree, microwave sounds not delicious... my mom did it that way...).



Grill back. Sloooooooow fry streaky. Only takes minutes anyway.

If you've got any in the house, that is. Dang.

Mmmmmm.... bacon....

CW, that's the sticking point - seems like extra effort for a little bit of bacon. The other option is like my mother used to do - microwave between paper towels. I never thought that prep was very appealing, but it's hard to mess up bacon.

I cooked in a restaurant for the breakfast shift, we pre cooked all our bacon and sausages in the oven. The only downside is if you forget to keep an eye on it it will be only fit for bacon bits. I wouldn't turn on the oven just for a few pieces of bacon, but if you are putting it on anyway...

Sticking to CBB rules, this post is out of left field: I think I've been cooking bacon all wrong. I usually put it in a skillet, medium heat, flip 1-2 times until crisped, that's it. I do put a splatter screen on top, too, but...

I'm reading online that you can bake in the oven. I have a unique oven pan that has raised grooves that would allow for grease drainage. I think I need to start baking my bacon.

Input welcome.

Ahhh, happy days. I hadn't thought of looking on the tube for it, so thank you! Took me right back to my horrified father looking over the top of his glasses at the t.v. and saying "is that man *deformed*?!"

To which the answer was "yes. He had polio as a child."

Admittedly the make up, the clothes, the strong Essex accent and the music didn't do much for a persona of wholesome respectability either...

The "Reasons" are just a list, and an impressively eclectic one to my mind, of things to be happy about. Starting with "some of Buddy Holly" - which seems harsh at first sight, but when you reflect on it is fair enough :)

Don't worry, be happy....

Checked out Reasons To Be Cheerful on youtube and found I couldn't make head or tails of it, so I looked up the lyrics. Still incomprehensible. I guess you have to be a Brit ;)

yakkity-yak was put out by the Coasters....That's why I brought up coasters.....

MsMadge.....Wasn't Myrtle the Turtle a wonderful book?I Loved it.When I got sent to my room,I didn't mind because I had my trunk full of books and I'd escape into them forgetting what I even got in trouble for.

I am still an "arm flinger" even with seatbelts!!

Sorry, Gershun - Reasons To Be Cheerful was a single released by Ian Dury and the Blockheads waaaaaay back in the eighties, when to be honest nobody was really feeling that chirpy. It's a catchy little number - goodness, even my mother liked it!

Church I don't get it.........uhhhh?

Gershun, the background chorus repeats: "why don't you get back into bed?"

Ah..............Hmmm..............well.........I'm not sure.

Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part III)?

The day the music died

Myrtle the turtle with the detachable tail

How did we all grow up with all these things which are now deemed dangerous ?

I remember drinking out of a garden hose as a kid - there were no seatbelts - just mom's arm flinging across you when she had to stop short

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