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Gershun: No ... it's a sign that you still have your sense of humour. I told CM in a PM that my mum and I used to read the same book (Three Men in a Boat), she at 35 and I at 15, and there was a passage that neither of us could get thru reading aloud without laughing ourselves boneless (yes, an Anne Tyler I fan I am too).

I have a similar gut-wrenching laugh far less now. In fact, the last time I recall having it was with my grandsons, when I threatened them with "the wrath of Gamma". They fell over laughing, so I laughed myself boneless too. That was early summer.

I laugh far too little now.

jiglebts I am missing the Captain and his brats. I hope he is just fine. And by the way I too get those laugh moments. Sometimes to tears its not off but it feels good when it does. I sometimes think its a breakdown in a way. Maybe to make room for more bs I dont know. Or a natural cure to built up stress we relive or remember something that tickles us over and over.

Countrymouse, I am exactly the same way. I lose it laughing about something and have been know to start laughing on the bus or in the grocery store lineup. I used to worry that people might think I'm psycho but now I don't really care. Is that a sign I'm getting old?

I just discovered this thread and you are all so bratty. Of course before I knew there was such a thing I assumed you were all talking about The Captain's brats.

Kellse ~ HAHAHAHAAAA! That's hilarious! When there are auto-finish suggestions like that, it means someone out there is searching for it... but it strikes me as an unusual search, this "urinating in lederhosen" query. Maybe I live in the wrong part of the world.

Not sure this belongs here, but I was playing Google Dr. and I started to type in urinating less, Google thought I really meant urinating in lederhosen. lol

I don't know, but Jerome K Jerome describes mislaying someone on the river:

George said he never saw so much thoughtful sadness concentrated into one glance before as when, at the lock, that young couple grasped the idea that for the last two miles they had been towing the wrong boat. ... The maiden was the first to recover her surprise, and, when she did, she clasped her hands and said, wildly: "Oh, Henry, then *where* is auntie?"

Just wondering with all the stuff that goes missing has anyone mislaid a loved one in a nursing home?

And friends, family, husbands too are wondering just what is all that laughter? Only your caregiver friends know for sure. But, Churchmouse, I recommend snickering only in public, or they just might.

That's not the problem I have, Send, not yet anyway; but the problem I do have is that once something tickles me I can't stop - Anne Tyler talked about a woman 'laughing herself boneless' - and the *worst* of it is that an hour or two later, when I'm walking into town or waiting at the dentist or something, it'll pop back into my head and I dissolve again. One of these days I'll get locked up.

Cry a little,
laugh a lot,
piddle a little?
Or can anyone still make it in time?

Next time I do laundry, I am sticking in some green dye in honor of all efforts to save the planet, go green.
It is not allowed to use dye in the laundryroom.
It will dye my husband's t-shirts only.
What, green is not my color!

M2M, Bwaaa haaa ha here too. Did I spell that right?
My heart is deceitful above all things. Two natures-the one I feed, and all that stuff. Bwa ha ha ha ha.
What can I do to bless my brother today? hardeharhar.

Mom2Mom I don't know if it shows that I am fundamentally evil but you have just made me cry with laughter.

Can't say you didn't warn him.

Just discovered that Mom has been serial dialing my brother. Multiple calls lasting only seconds (I'm guessing it is hitting voice mail) every few minutes. She gets stuck in a loop and becomes obsessed with reaching him to make sure he is OK. Well, ya' know what? a couple of weeks ago, I reached out to him and told him that if he didn't call his mother once in a while, I would put his number in her phone so she could call him whenever she wants.

He didn't call, I put the number in her phone, and the rest is history. Bwaa haaa ha

About a year ago, I was binge watching The Good Wife on TV. When Mom would come through, she would ask me what I was watching and I would tell her - and it usually was The Good Wife.

After a while I got tired of her always asking me what I was watching because she doesn't know any shows from Adam anyway (not being a big TV watcher herself) so I just started automatically saying Good Wife any time she asked, no matter what was on TV. She must think I really love that show (even though it has been off the air for almost a year).

My latest brat moment? I have quit doing most things for my MIL. She is capable of doing for herself now, her hip is healed. She just "doesn't want to ". Her words, not mine. The only thing holding her back from going home, is her home. Her husband hasn't done anything to prepare for her! So I posted to the family fb account that stuff needs done and we can't get there to do it ourselves. Other family members finally stepping up and are going to help. Yes I am being rather pushy, but she has buffaloed the whole family into a "pity me" attitude. My husband and I now know what she can do and what is just pure laziness! It doesn't help that her therapist treats her like she isn't capable of making a phone call. Grrr! Just needed to vent!

My mom was wearing a man's shirt the other night - wtf?

I spend a lot of time at mom's memory care late in the evening after work when there are no other family visitors and the things I see make me cringe - poopy diapers tossed in with clothes and wet towels then dumped in the laundry room floor - the poor person who has to get up in the morning and open those stinky plastic trash bags

Since many of mom's things go missing even though I do 70% of her laundry I try to check out the laundry room for lost stuff - they have an armoir full of unclaimed items - maybe I could have a yard sale and help pay the $450 incontinance fee this month

Okay, this is a bratt thought I offten have. Its associated with an old joke. Its not word for word I only have the jist of it. The jist is my twist to the joke. One Sunday at this church the people gathered for service. Then the church was full and in the middle of the sermon the devil walked in. All the people in the church scattered but one man. The devil walked up to him asked why aint you afraid. He answered " I live with your sister". I often picture my self in this picture saying My mother is your sister. Of course I shouldnt even voice such things. But its just how I feel sometimes.

I have to admit it, in January when my mom came home from respite care I tossed her clothes in the wash and left them to sort later. There was one nightgown that I didn't remember sending but it looked familiar so I just figured I forgot. When I finally got around to putting it away several weeks later there was an identical nightie already in her drawer... oops.

Luckylu, If your husband doesn't like it, feed them more, each with their own dish.
Don't forget to wash his dish when you serve your husband, because those critters can carry diseases transmissible to humans. Ewwww!

Detective here, problem solved: You said it!

"The staff provided some things to cover him to get him home"

Duh....where did the staff get "the stuff?" Did you wash it and return it?
No, really, where?

Or, get a search warrant-the most likely place the belongings are hiding is in someone else's closet or dresser, or on the floor of the closet in laundry bags.
Look everywhere.

In my salad days - and *as a joke*, I stress - I owned one pair of vibrant purple satin panties.

But thinking about it... If you want to make sure your LO's clothing is easy to trace...

I think that would depend on whether or not the woman was wearing the nightgown at the time...

What about a man who goes into a woman's room and takes the scissors and cuts up the nightgown on the bed because he thinks it's his wife's and he's mad at her?Would the facility pay for this mishap?just wondering...

Send ~ I agree. When I went to dress my father to bring him home from rehab, and his PJs and robe were missing, the staff was very apologetic and said that it's unfortunately a common problem. (Where do these things go? Are these places like one big clothes dryer where certain things go in but never come out again?)

The staff provided some things to cover him to get him home. What more can I ask of them? They don't know where the things go, either, and that's why exploding dye packs would be helpful to identify the person who's doing the taking. j/s

They have smaller and smaller stick-on tracking sensors these days. I don't know the cost but likely those will soon be an affordable and sensible option to keep track of LO's things in care places.

Maybe form a marauding band of 80 year olds, swipe the staff's sweaters, coats, hats, umbrellas and keys, holding the belongings hostage until the resident's stuff is returned. If they don't return it, start wearing it.

Disclaimer, staff is loved..they take care of our loved ones......humor is ok.

Cathberry ~ I know exactly what you mean. Pajamas, underwear (UNDERWEAR), glasses, robes... all these have gone missing when my grandmother and father have done stays in rehabs and other group-care facilities.

Under the "Caregivers Behaving Badly" heading, I wonder if there's a way to prank the light-fingered pilferers. If someone thinks of something, I want to know. Exploding dye packs in a decoy drawer is what I'm thinking...

In all seriousness, it commonly happens in care facilities. I don't have a clue how to prevent it.

I just wanted to say that I LOVE THIS FEED! I love how random stuff just pops up! I was very disappointed when I didn't get any new notifications for a while. Life is too short to take everything so serious! Thank you for making this!

My husband has been in long term care for one week and already a pair of glasses and a pair of pyjamas have gone missing. What next?

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