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Well then, I am never getting on the elevator again!

Measles is resurging in Europe - presumably due to drop in immunization. Read about it a few years ago.

I am now having visions of mother in a knitted viking helmet. You know, sans beard, it works! 😊

well, she was trained by the best, eh?

I saw the same news bit on the European measles in the elevator yesterday so it must be reliable and not fake news

I was offered a flu shot at the drug store recently and politely declined - clerk said you want to get one early before they run out - no thanks, I don't get them - she was undeterred - but, the flu was really bad this year - yes, and the flu shot did very little to stop it

btw, love the knitted helmet

Oi, that's your daughter, for sure, CM!

MsMadge, the knitting website I use most sent me this email this morning and I thought of you...

DISCOVER Viking of Norway!

Knitted helmets, maybe? I'll certainly be looking it up.

The lunchtime news included an interview with a worried public health specialist talking about the resurgence of measles in Europe - there have been, I think he said, 57 deaths this year. I'm not normally one to flap about such stories, I leave it to my ex, but it crossed my mind to wonder if my adult kids' immunisations were up to scratch and seizing the moment I emailed all three telling them to check.

Daughter 1 replied almost immediately:

"And run the risk of contracting regressive autism? No way, Jose. I’ll just put a sock full of oats in my bath - I’ve been told by my Naturopath that this will protect me against your so-called “measles”, if that’s even a real disease, and not just some money-making scam dreamt up by Big Pharma.


J xx

(p.s. Had my antibody titres checked at the start of my FY1 and I’m all good. Thanks for checking, Mummy. x)"

Such sarcasm in one so young...

We've changed pharmacies twice in the year mom has been in this NH and once in the months mom was in the other one - that makes 5 different ones altogether. I don't like the one we have now, they seem very inefficient.

Hoca recently changed pharmacy providers - received an invoice for one OTC supplement which now costs $5 more a bottle than the last provider

Well, pureed cottage cheese looks a lot like a puddle of thick milk on her plate so your mom probably appreciates getting the real thing better! I've always thought it was a blessing mom can't see her food so she has to experience it as it tastes, which is usually OK.

mom makes a face every time she sees her purée plate

hoca never has a menu choice and never has cottage cheese

I bring her cottage cheese and peach cups and she gobbles it

another resident’s wife shares an avocado with her

if mom’s alert and seated upright then I let her eat real food within reason cut finely

she does have a tendency to stuff too much in her mouth or gulp too fast so it’s better controlled when she’s hand fed but I want her to do as much as she can for as long as she can

the only concern I’ve heard from hoca was when she lost 6 pounds from refusing purée - they suggested an appetite stimulant - I refused

I asked them why they didn’t care when she packed on 30 lbs from all their cookies and ice cream - I got no reply so I guess that’s not a licensing issue

sorry to hear of your family losses

hope the hurricane headed towards Baja doesn’t make weather even worse

I had another little melt down in the dining room today - menu choices were cheese and bacon on a bun or a turkey salad plate. I already know that things like cheese and bacon on a bun are often modified for the puree people but WHY would you even offer them that choice when what arrived at the table was pureed cottage cheese... it shouldn't be that difficult to communicate. What, the people on puree are so brain dead they can't tell the difference or feel disappointment?

The party was my sister's idea and just immediate family, we have a very difficult time arranging ANY kind of gathering so bringing everyone together was something of a miracle, exSIL even came but bro's kids were not able to.

I'm with you Ms. Madge, hot and cranky.

I agree, if a person can't take the time to visit their own mother over the course of a year, then I wouldn't give a rat's tail about trying to get them there for a party-let alone accommodating them! Phooey 😑

But I may just be crabby today too. When is this heat gonna' let up? Grrrrr 🌞😠

I also may be out of sorts as my uncle died end of last month (went to funeral) and my brother-in-law died a week ago (43, what a shame) and we just got over all his doings. Hope bad things don't come in 3's. 🙄

Maybe autumn will be better.

Just curious Cwillie
would any of the guests have visited mom for her birthday if you had not hosted a party?

the Viking's birthday is coming up over a 3day weekend and sis texted yesterday to let me know she can't come then and proceeded to tell me when she could come and she would need to stay over 2 nights so she could do other things

I haven't responded but I'm inclined to decline her plans - no one has visited mom in the past year and not sure why I should host a party to encourage them to do so plus mom would get more out of a one on one visit than me trying to feed her with six people yakking away and laughing - maybe it's the heat but I'm feeling cranky

The actual party went well, the outdoor area at the NH is off the dining room so we all had to troop by everyone seated at their tables which gave the residents something interesting to look at, especially the baby (he is 11 months old and we laughed because he waved goodbye to all the seniors - his first time)! Unfortunately it was very hot with threatening clouds and thunder all around us (it never did arrive) so we cut it pretty short and headed back to my place for dessert. Mom was awake but very disengaged, I'm not sure she got anything out of it. I can't help thinking the next time we will all be together will be for the funeral.

how did the party go yesterday?

The brat thread is where Boots' friends hang out late night.
Boots, getting your Mom more specialized care is what was needed, and you are a strong person to do that for her.

The next few days are gonna be agonizing for you.

You are not throwing in the towel! You are doing what is best your you and your Mom. That thought won’t make the next few days easier but It does get easier.

You will still have plenty to do coordinating her care.

Cwillie, It's on here because I am trying to learn how to navigate this new format lol! I liked the old 1 better and had always used that haha. Serves me right. But I think I just got it whipped! Also, I'm stealing Rainmom's car analogy on Dorker page using that on the hospital social worker today.

I'm sorry you feel placing your mom belongs on the behaving badly thread Bootshopgirl, those of us who've been there know how tough that choice was😢

I'm sorry that things have gotten so bad that your mom has to be placed. Been there, done that. It ain't easy but, as you say, it needs to be done. You can't keep this up because your health will fail.

Come on back here as you grapple with your decision and we'll give you support. I think this decision was the most agonizing that I ever made but it was also the best decision I've made.

When the Alzheimer's parents can outsmart their offspring, it's time to let someone else handle it and we can return to being their kids.

Big (((hugs))).

Bootshopgirl, don't think of this as you "throwing in the towel" Six and a half years, my goodness, you are hardly throwing in the towel.

Stay strong! Start by taking care of yourself. Your Mom will need your support transitioning to memory care. You can't give it to her if you get sick. You can do this. I've been where you are and it sucks but if I could get through it anyone can. You've got this!

Everything hit the fan this last 2 weeks! Dementia Mommy escaped her house every night. Woke up neighbors. Had to finally hire night caregivers. Doctor weaning her off meds so I could place her. Came home in a strangers car 2 weeks ago from down the block. Friday morning I walked in her house, found her on her bedroom floor. Nothing seemed broken but called E.M.S. She has been in the hospital tonight 3 nights. Sundowning VERY bad there. I have to talk to the social worker tomorrow. I told the Doctor I'm finally throwing in the towel after 6 1/2 years. It's midnight and I'm awake and feel awful. She has to go to a memory care. I have the F.O.G. And not in a good way like "Beware the FOG" Kansas University Jayhawks. I also have a appointment for a throat specialist tomorrow because I have had a horrible raspy voice for months. I have waited 4 months for this appointment so I have to keep it for my own health! Please give me some prayers friends because it's almost 1 a.m. and I'm sick inside. I know it's the right thing to do, but my heart can't stand it.

go to dinner but walk and bring mom a sudsy drink too 🍻

You can decide after your nap?

Not to be judgmental, but I would never drink sudsy dishwater soap, or even sudsy laundry water for fear it would give me diarrhea.

I've been enjoying a sudsy beverage while prepping for tomorrow's party and, since I seldom drink anymore, am feeling a little tipsy. Do I still go to the NH for supper? And should I walk, bike or drive?

quite by happenstance I learned hoca is having a party next week - usually an invite goes out to the families and a phone call for rsvps - I received neither

when I mentioned to staff I didn’t know about the party, the reply was everyone got an email blast - I reminded them I don’t have email

the party and the lack of an invitation are not an issue although this has happened before but the constant lies are annoying- other families got an invite in the mail

why is it so hard to just say oops, sorry for the mix up?

while they charge a hefty sum for incontinance care, they are out of the size briefs that mom and some other women wear, so I’ve been bringing those from home for several days along with disposable chux which always seem to be scarce - grrrr

Thanks CM.
Usually, there is a plan in place for end-of-the-month scarce finances. However, I think Willy and Nilly are wanting to move in for good, take over control, and seek my destruction. I have got them in my radar, and a plan, a written plan for August's budget. Lack of self-discipline leads to me being my own worst enemy.
All the other peoples with plans for my budget have been notified to back off.

Fortunately, my hubs and I have never gone without good food or enough food.

Ah Send - the last thing on the larder shelf - now there's a new topic for everyone! In one of my favourite novels a character complains that his father has nothing in the kitchen cupboard but "Polish earlobes in tins..."

At school it was always Ryvita. Two weeks into the term you'd eaten absolutely everything else, including the emergency Marvel dried milk powder, and all you had left was a packet of Ryvita crispbread with one and a half missing. It would be interesting to find out how bad famine has to get before anyone can actually finish them.

Not so clever here. I must have watched way too much "Hell's Kitchen" with Gordon Ramsay to have written about our meal that way, jokingly.

What really happened was, opening canned salmon, crunching up saltine crackers, one egg, making a salmon patty, finding the only vegetable left in the cupboard was a yam, I cannot take any clever credits.

Looking at what was on the pitiful plate as monochromatic gourmet plated was just my way to make it more positive. Lol.

Where is the chocolate and ice cream now? I want some!!!

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