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Cwillie and Pam
I too am so weary of the fake facade
Hoca suddenly changed Mother's Day luncheon to today
So starting yesterday they turn the place upside down hauling in folding tables and chairs

Meanwhile residents are left helpless and those without visitors are kept upstairs out of sight

In the midst, one of my favorite residents was moving out to a
Cheaper small board and care
She so deserves better care than she's had at hoca

Cwillie, I feel for you. We visited my MIL today at her "five star memory care" facility,, and all of the residents we see are parked in their wheelchairs sleeping, or parked on the couches.. staring.. Lovely room with a fireplace,, no interaction however. Around the corner is another sitting area, with a TV on,, same thing... We woke up MIL, talked to her for awhile,, talked to the one other lady who seems to speak ( not making any sense but at least talking.., ) I never see anyone actually interacting with the residents. Maybe once,, FIL says they do all sorts of "activities", and I will admit we once found her asleep with her head on a pile of socks she was supposed to be sorting.. FIL called later in the day to tell us all excitedly that they had her sorting socks when he visited 4 hours later.. (hum??) At least I can say in my dad;s MC we always found him being interacted with, and they seemed to have a lot more staff to do so. It breaks my heart, but my FIL and BIL don't want to move her because this place is not as costly, although dad's MC was only a few hundred more,, and FIL has the money So much for any sort of quality of life..

I'm just feeling antsy today for some reason (I already checked and it's not full moon). This afternoon I took mom across to the AL side of the building and it's like entering a different world. Fake wood floors and carpets. COLOUR on the walls, and they are smooth, not cream paint over cement blocks. NICE chairs. The lounge seems huge, but that could just be because it isn't crowded with people sleeping in wheelchairs. Even though this NH is such a big improvement over the one mom spent her first few months in it is still just a hospital in disguise, not a home. And some of those people have lived there DECADES!! It's just not right to have to spend your life that way. :(

Look up the owners of the NH, and write your suggestions to them.
OR, write a nice note to that guy who is running the country?
Tell him his mother will be eligible for the same kind of neglect very soon.

Keep it to one page, no rant allowed. Pick one item.

Tell us here what you want changed, because maybe we can change the world one little item at a time.

Oh yeah, The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau.
You write first, then the caregivers from around the world will write to back you up.
Will swear words be allowed?

I had to train myself to NOT become involved, because I cared too much. It was hurting me, making me very angry.
I stopped correcting people, calling things to their attention, and understood that it was not allowed to be a good samaritan.
I choose what I can do to help, but when the anger comes up, I walk away.

People call this boundaries, not selfishness. If I was there visiting with you, we would help others anyway as a team, and probably get in trouble for interefering.

Take a walk outside when you feel like exploding.  I will be out there, sitting in the shade, arriving just before you.


Some days I just want to have a toddler style tantrum at the nursing home, WAKE UP everybody! OPEN your EYES and SEE what is around you. Most of the little things that irritate me so much would require such a small effort to change, why can't anybody else see them?

So last night my mom was having a wild Sundowning. She was a toddler- kindergarten Sunday school teacher for 50 years. She calls me and says " that son of a b#!$h " is coming back and I'm not going to stay here so come and get me! I was so shocked at her saying s.o.b. that I laughed! Mercy! Yep I'm a little brat!

Hey, Brat Luckylu.......
How ya doin?

Without my chocolate, I fell asleep early. Sorry to have missed the party.

Ms Madge I never assume, it just makes an a** out of you and me.

Plus, I never soil least I think I don't. :P And I was eating chocolate covered raisins in bed. Anyway, my cats are wrestling. I have to break it up. Good Night Brats!

Thursday night
Brat night party

Stick to the plain Hershey kisses
You don't want an almond stuck up your nose

Why do you assume you didn't soil yourself?

Good Brat Lizzy~
Go Brats!

MsMadge said it....."Bratty is as Bratty does".......
It's probably from all the candy Iv'e been eating tonight.

Lol@ Lucky Lu......................:)

No, I didn't but I'm pretty sure it was a raisin...............yikes!

Send- melted chocolate almond bar, see now you have something to complain about. :)

Brat Reporting For Duty!

I had a go at the 3rd party billing company for the ER Drs at our hospital this morning.

The bills for my ER visit have rolled in. Called Hospital and Insurance Co yesterday.

Soooo, ER Drs are billed “out of network”. I gave them my opinion, rant, rant, rave, rave. They changed the amount to my 20% owed. But noooo I had to go on what an outage, they should be fired...uggghhh I realized at that point I was channeling my Dad. The horror!

Hubby flies home tomorrow and the scramble begins to prepare for Cattle Working on Monday Morning. Tensions and tempers will be in overdrive. Predicting Future Brat Behavior Saturday and Monday.

Sunday our little family is traveling to Houston for the Astros game! Woohoo!!! Predicting Future Brat Behavior from myself and 4.5 yr old grandson! Weeee Fun Times!

Oh Send the chocolate almond candy bar................

Gershun...Are you positive it was a raisin?Did you taste it?

Send, I can't believe it. Just yesterday I was making the bed and thought I'd soiled myself. Then realized that it was the Glosset chocolate covered raisins I'd been eating in bed. One of them didn't make it into my mouth apparently. LOL!

Send...You could melt that candybar the rest of the way and pour the chocolate over some icecream or just throw it in the freezer for awhile.
I know YOU need your chocolate or you'll turn into a worse Brat!

That good, huh Send?

Received my medical records from the past few years, complete with doctor's notes.
Once I stop laughing hysterically, maybe I can tell you more. heh heh heh. lol.

Surprised that none if it was didacted.

Hate myself.
Went to lay down before picking dH up from work.
That chocolate Hersheys with almonds did not survive once I dozed off,
as it melted underneath me.

Always a brat here!
With my water heater replaced, and working (just this morning !!) I will need to find more things to complain about.
Thank you everyone, every brat on here, who has supported me through this time, even though I might have been without a proper shower recently. BTW, they are turning the water off again today. la la la la la la la .

Bratty is as bratty does


Glad you liked the new PCP - saved her from being pinched

Took me a while to find this thread again seems not many people take to being bratish. My DD would probably write in about how difficult her mother was in the Dr's office this morning.
On discharge from the hospital I was given an appointment for a new PCP at 10.15 this morning. on arrival the girl looked up and said"You don't have an appointment today" "You could see a NP tomorrow morning or come back next Monday"
"I have an appoinment today and showed her my dischage papers with the Dr's name date and time on it. "Well" she said we are fully booked today so come back next Monday" "No i have an appointment today and I want to see a Dr not an NP"
She politely suggested we take a seat over there and disappeared. DD chastised me for my attitude and mentioned that things do slip through the cracks. In true dementia loved one voice I mentioned that they were not slipping through this crack and anyway i did not like this place"
In about five minutes the clerk came back and said one of the Drs would see me briefly.
Within minutes I was checked in and the Dr I had been booked with came in to see me. I liked her immediately and she spent a good deal of time with me although did not have time for a full work up which will happen when I go back.
So now I have had practice at being a bad loved one DD will probably not volunteer to take me again. just as well hubby did not come or we would probably have been taken out in handcuffs.
So let your loved ones spread their wings occasionally at least this time it got results

RVing is a team effort.
I could go on and on, but would not want to deprive you of one minute of the challenges and enjoyment of the RVing experience. Enjoy!

No, I don't live in a condo, but the condos are behind and above our home, on a higher elevation than our property. At one time, years ago, I did live in a condo--there were lawsuits constantly trying to get the condo association to repair roof leaks that had damaged the condo beneath it, as well as the inside walls between condos. etc. etc. etc.
Hoping your fears of forgetfulness can be relieved with more brain exercises. Sometimes, it is fear getting in your way. Don't accept forgetfulness as your reality.
Fight it!

Tmesis, absolutely-fun-QI!!!! Yes, was very distracted reading about it, and recalling the movie-line from A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN:  (Cinderf*****grella, that's who!).

Send, so we just bought a new travel trailer; nothing to repair, and only the truck motor to maintain, which we do anyway. Do you think that will work (for us)? Of course, without my MUCH younger husband, any of them would be totally unusable for me!

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