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My whole household behaved badly last night. But we had a blast.

Very good football game involved. Way, Way too much food involved. Lots of loud yays, ahhs, nooooos involved.

I can’t remember so much yelling at the tv ever have happened in my home during Super Bowl.

A good time was had by all. Now back to a healthier diet for all.

We are passed the Full Moon right? I better check. I need to call the contractor this morning...

Could hide in the dog crate, but would have to fight the dog for it....

Just went out for one last howl at the moon. It’s so clear and bright and white. Beautiful. Not scary at all.

12:45am I have broken my own curfew.

Goodnight Brats!

Sometimes, when I am feeling a little bit crazy...I read on here.
Lol., lol, lol.
All of you!

I didn't know we were supposed to hide!  
Observe and report, I say.

Oh no Mally,
Nowhere to hide from the Full Moon?

Can't get under my bed; the twin mattresses are there since we replaced them with the stupid king mattress.... which is way too big and and takes forever to itchel across and into the middle, so I can be next to hubby.

I read about the Full Moon after it was mentioned yesterday.

Full Moon, Blue Moon, Red Moon, Wolf Moon, Eclipse! Geez.

I am particularly irritable and feeling kinda Wolfy today. I have a meeting with Contractor and a Sub-Contractor later today here at my home.

Not sure if I should cancel the meeting and hide under my bed or hope the above mentioned characters can fit under my bed.

Regardless, I am trying VERY hard not to Behave Badly Today.
;). Insert Wolf Howl Here!

We had the blue moon AND eclipse phenomenon explained to us by the lovely Maggie Aderin-Pocock on the radio yesterday, Book. Unfortunately in the UK we won't see the eclipse because the moon will be below our horizon when it happens (not to mention the perpetual rain we're blessed with, humph) but the moon will still be spectacular - closest it ever gets, apparently.

Mind you. I'm not sure I like the sound of this turning red business. Sort of thing that brings out a primeval urge to run and hide under the bed, if you ask me.

LuckyLu, our local evening radio host mentioned that the sunset would be beautiful tonight due to the full moon. He then mentioned that starting our local time at 8:45pm, to look at the moon - every hour. I stopped listening when he said something about it being past midnight before we can see the blue moon turn to red, or the eclipse. If I wasn't working tomorrow, I would have - maybe - gone out every hour to look. Kind of dangerous nowadays. So many home invasions and attacks happening.

At least her knight in shining armor came to her rescue - I was expecting him to just grab the packages and run 😂😂😂

Karma. LoL.

Porch thieves? YES! Looked like her ankle was bit contorted. Would serve her right if it was broken!

Did anyone see the video of the porch thieves in Washington state over the weekend?

Look on yahoo for package thief slips into karma

I got the Viking a fox 🦊 tattoo

I'm going to use this Moon stuff and just be a "Miss Sassy Britches" tonight. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it lol!

Send....We had the most beautiful sunset tonight,probably because of the super full moon that's out now.I even saw a man in it and he was telling me that in the morning,bright and early,there will be a Blood moon.Trouble is,it's too early~

Hoping every caregiver can find a little harmless brat fun to celebrate the full moon, blue moon, blood moon, and total lunar eclipse on the 31st!
See you after that!

The Viking has a tattoo? What does it say? Is the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria showing? Is the world really round, or is it upside down and square?

Moving furniture, of course I hurt, what else would I expect. dH cannot help at all.
The bedroom looks better though.

Mom is in her pouty "everything wrong is my fault" mood lately ( yes I had the Dr represcribe her happy pills) So she made a hair apt for 10 am this morning near where my BF lives... so I just told her we were meeting BF for coffee. She says.. oh I would never had made the apt if I knew you had plans. just bring me home. Nope.. I told her I made the coffee date BeCAUSe she made the hair apt.. and off we went! Then hubs and I made her go out to Red Lobster with us for luch,, and she actually enjoyed her day ( OMG..How surprising!!) Then her toilet ran most of the night so we have muddy water today ( It's clearing up,, not her fault at all) So we stopped at a store and we are buying a new higher toilet for her! This could be the best day in weeks!!

MsMadge, please post a picture when it is finished.

I just ordered the Viking a tattoo arm sleeve 😂😂😂😂😂

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round

Really serious about clearing out my home. A bit early for spring cleaning, but went through ALL the expired prescriptions, ha ha, you know the ones, you take a few, not good for you, adverse reactions everywhere. Took them to the Rx drug recycler box at the hospital, dumped them in there. On the way out, hospital gift shop had this sign:

You make both

Now, it is hanging on the wall. I love it. It is funny to me.
Part of why I love my hubs is that he always makes his bed.
Then he expected me to make it.
When we were sick (most of December), I stopped making the bed and breakfast. Lol.

Sees Candy?
Hubs gave me a piece this morning.  Maybe he sent you some too MsMadge.   He was keeping it, but now it is all gone.  One piece will never do, but parking at the market, and Sees was just there a few doors down.....Hmmmm.  Guess for financial reasons, I have great self-discipline!  Yeah!  Yay!

Lucky,  Do you think I am a bear because I threw stuff out the back door?  Should my feelings be hurt?  NOT, but you are getting pretty funny.....Love that you still have your sense of humor!
Singing now...."Oh, they can't take that away....from us....No, they can't take that a-Way from us!"

What would Gershun say?  Lol.

I have my Winnie the Pooh Bear and it's in unrecoverable condition,but I still love it.
I hope Send has found her chocolate or she can be a bear.
I like chocolate,but I Love all types of candy,especially really sugary ones like Pez and Pixie stix,but right now a cherry popcicle is calling me.

Bears in gloves! Bears sitting in the ER! Happy bears all better now! Gaaaaahhhh!!! - that is so wonderful - I'm a total sucker for a bit of anthropomorphism 😍

Just saw an interesting story on how vets are helping bears burned in our recent wild fires by wrapping their paws in fish skin - tilapia to be exact

Seems the tilapia has been used in Brazil on burn victims instead of pig flesh

I just had a piece of See's, Send
Was it yours?

Bigger things have gone missing than Paddington which I should mention I did find but he was in unrecoverable condition

Same caregiver who loused up Monday afternoon bailed in the middle of the afternoon today - luckily agency was able to get her regular caregiver to swing by for awhile and get mom up from her nap and started on dinner - still don't know if they've got anyone scheduled for Friday

Giving the Viking more fluids = wetter diapers that'll need more changing to prevent another UTI 

Thinking back to what Veronica said about the drill sitting on the kitchen island........
Put it on his pillow!

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