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That's not being a brat, Send, that's being resourceful. ;)

Today, I am a brat. Hubs has a theraband for exercise he never uses. A long, yellow rubbery thing. I failed to ask him, but I cut off a thin strip of it.
The small pot-bound pine tree needed some support from the high Santa Ana winds.
He did nothing.
So I tied it to the tree and the porch, creating a very flexible tie that will allow movement without cutting the tree bark.
This was so much better than cutting elastic out of his old underwear. It looks better, too!
Gee, I hope it was not too expensive......
Calling this stunt the 'theraband hack'.

Well, without the Cubs help, the Dodgers would have never won! I am sure of it, the statistics show that result. So, thank you Cubbies!

And, thank you Ali, for being so gracious to root for the Dodgers!

You know, I don't mind the Cubs losing to the Dodgers. I think Dodgers are a better team this year and I'm already stressed out with other stuff in my life and the losing Cubs fit right in with my general mood right now lol. I'd hate to see em get swept, but... if they do, then I hope Dodgers win World Series, at least.

Send I do the same. I set the tv to record it cuz I forget it’s on. A benefit of direct tv. I am liking the Good Doctor.

Tonight-is this accurate?
Cubs and Dodgers at Wrigley field?

Missed the t.v. series:  "The Good Doctor" on Monday.   Something that I will be watching because Dr. Shawn Murphy has autism.  My tech dH will find it somehow.

Just what I needed at midnight tonight

John Cleese - Monty Python - on the tonight show

He's 77 and wicked funny

There will be other games left to win.

Sunday here was nice and restful.

Have a better week caregivers.

Caregivers are people too, right?

Dodgers 5
Cubs 2
37 minutes ago
via my car radio

I checked the score and it doesn’t look good for the Cubs. I’m so silly about not knowing my WiFi options. I looked up how to do a personal hotspot via my phone and it took a whole 2 minutes to set that up. Duh. 😁 I have been so reliant on WiFi provider for home that I forgot there are many ways to use a smartphone to get a WiFi signal. Now I can watch the Cubs lose game 1...

Upset, I liked your story about your dad watching Cubs with a blind cat. I typed a reply, related about how my grandmother used to watch the Cubs on a small black and white tv in her kitchen. 🙂 Then I lost the post somehow. My connectivity isn’t the best right now as I’m in between places and haven’t fully set up new WiFi at new place. Anyway... go Cubs! (I think they’re currently losing and I’m scared to look haha)

I’m at the old house in south Chicago area, no WiFi here, and it’s raining cats and dogs and looks to do that all night... so I’ll stay here for now but I can’t watch the game! I can check on my phone and see it’s tied 2-2 about halfway through. I hope Cubs win but I’ll be happy if Dodgers win, too. I think Dodgers might be a better team this year. That’s about all the energy I want to expend right now lol, just a little baseball talk, that’s it. Hope everyone is doing alright on your Saturday night, or whatever time you have currently.

I'm in awe too - your national anthem requires a vocal range not possessed by most amateur singers :)

I like joining in the French one before rugby matches - especially the last line, about 'we will march until their foul blood overflows our gutters.' Charming!

Just discovered a trend....
"MapleLeafs (Canadian Hockey team) fans finish singing the U.S. National Anthem after technical difficulties...)."

Apparently, not the only time this has happened at sports events. I am in awe!

Opposing team sings out our national anthem....while our players take a knee.

Maybe I will feel really bad if the cubbies lose. So, I want to apologize in advance to friends here, cubs fans.
After all, they are playing in my home town area...


Were you doubting my loyalty? Dodger-dogs are best!

Ali, Even though my dad lived in WV, he was a devoted Cubs fan. Before lights, he laid on the couch every afternoon with his blind cat and watched the Cubs. They brightened his day winning or not. Last year when they won the series, my son did an essay for a local forum on my Dad and the cat watching the Cubs. I watched that game last year me it was so exciting.

Bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado, mayonnaise, turkey, sprouts, cheese......

See the cubbies in LA Saturday

Whaf about dinner? Did you want a Cub Sanwich? Lol.

Congrats on the win, and on feeling better.

The Cubs managed to eke out a victory in Game 5, do or die, of the Division Series. They won by 1 run, 9-8. What a nail biter of a game. Nothing comes too easy when you're a Cubs fan. 😝 But they did win, and they advance, and I feel a little better about every single thing in the world lol. :-)

Go Cubs!

Dh and I were watching comedy. It's over, and I say: "That was mostly disgusting, who was that?"
He answers: "Christina P, they just gave her name at the start!"
I answer,  "I can't remember back that far".
He answers: "It was just now up on the screen!"
I answer, "I can't see that good anymore"

You woulda have had to been here, still laughing!

Ok, so this is definitely, "Caregivers behaving badly"...or, ALMOST behaving badly, lol!...

One of those #$%*&@ Microsoft scammers called my cell phone with a number to call back... These are those groups from, shall we say, overseas, who call and tell you there's something wrong with your computer, or they need to give you a Microsoft update/refund/whatever crappy excuse they can come up with to get you to call them back. Then they either get access to your computer, bank account (to wire you the refund, of course!) or whatever info they can pry from you. They prey on the elderly and the uninformed, and they're terrible!

Anyhow, I called the number back, cuz I'm pissed that they somehow got my cell number, and just to mess with them and tell them I don't appreciate that they're scammers. (They immediately start cussing at you when you confront them, by the way. I don't think Microsoft does that, lol...)

But, as I hung up, I had the thought, maybe I should let them talk to my father-in-law with dementia? There's no danger, he doesn't have access to his computer or any money to give them, but he HATES solicitors. I mean, hates them with a passion. Yells at anyone who calls. Just the THOUGHT of those scammers having to deal with my FIL makes me smile: Who's calling?!? What do you want??!! WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME??? I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU'RE CALLING ME!!!! WHERE DID YOU GET MY NUMBER??!!!!

LOL!! Now obviously, I'm NOT going to let FIL talk to them, because it would honestly be mean to get him riled up like that. But, oh the thought.... ;)

MsMadge, You just made my day! I am laughing so hard at your image. Getting me in the mood this morning to go sell some cowboy boots!

Someone suggested a Texas catheter on another thread - before explanation I had an image of putting a cowboy boot between the poor old man's legs

It's Looking like the Dodgers will be playing the Cubs in the playoffs again !

Cubs won. It's hard to explain, maybe, but it brightens my day SO MUCH if the Cubs win! And they did. It's been a tough day as I'm dealing with so many things related to moving in to new place, moving out of old place. Bro and mom coming up on Thursday, they say, and hopefully that will go alright. They're going to take some things from the old house.

Had an interview this afternoon for an audio tech manufacturing company. I'd like the job. It doesn't pay great but audio tech was my major in college and I like the industry. I think the interview went ok. It wasn't outstanding. It's been a tough day in a lot of ways... but the CUBS WON... and so I'm happy. :-D

Luckylu, The only things I ever liked were in high school!

Was it Canadian?
The beer?
The hockey team?

Sorry, I missed the party ye all.......but I did down two beers with Hubs while we watched the first game of the hockey season. Our team won..........!! yay!

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