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Not losing is almost like winning, but then my motto has always been the less you bet the more you lose when you win 🐎🎰🎲

What is for dessert?
Here, have some chocolate turtle cake.

Hah, Madge, I had enough of gambling to last a lifetime from when I lived in Las Vegas. However, when in Rome... I didn't find any lucky ones but I did find a couple "not terrible" ones and lost only a little bit, lunch money amount.  

A driver up ahead was a bit erratic, drifting to the far right of the lane.
Coming closer, I saw that it was a driving school vehicle, still drifting, so I want to pass cautiously, and see the new, or something.
Passing, there is only one driver, no passengers.......this EXCELLENT driver was no doubt the instructor!
I behaved myself, looking straight ahead as I passed by.

The littlest owl,called an Elf owl is only 5 and a half inches long and weighs about as much as a golfball.
And now you know...
See,You learn something new everyday.

This is what happens when you start watching late night t.v. instead of going to bed like a sensible person - you bump into The Great British Sex Survey and learn things you really didn't think you needed to know.

But when the narrator commented, over the scene of a disconsolate looking young man trudging forlornly home through a park somewhere in London, "perhaps understandably, Georgio has decided that public humiliation is not for him" I laughed 'til I cried and shall now go to bed feeling more cheerful. Thank goodness Georgio found that out in good time, eh?

Have you found a lucky slot machine yet?

Hi Luckylu - aw, you're sweet to feed the turtle! I have a turtle, too; she's actually a Sonoran Desert Tortoise, though, not a box turtle. It's true that they don't always like lettuce. We never give ours iceberg, because it has almost no nutritional value. I don't even give her romaine, and spinach is a no-no for tortoises, not sure about box turtles. We DO give her kale; she loves that, along with dandelion greens, grasses, and various forms of desert plants, such as prickly pear cactus pads and fruit (thorns removed from both). Hope you see him/her again!

Once, when I fed the wild rabbits/bunnies in my yard, they never touched the lettuce, much to my dismay. Re-thinking it, they know what to eat, and it must be plentiful because the population has increased. They are wild and don't like the lettuce.
They have moved down the street where there is more lush grass, and now when arriving home late at night, they are not disturbed by the car, and I don't have to wait for them to leave the driveway when bunnies in the headlights freeze up. Still, there is an occasional bunny.

LOL - MsMade that's a very welcoming breakfast for a turtle.:-) I wish I could manage making such a delicious breakfast just for me.

Dear Luckylu,

You are so good and kind to worry about your Yertle. I'm sure he has just found a new home and there is no possum involved.:-)

Pink grapefruit 
Vanilla yogurt 
Waffles with berries 
Scrambled eggs
Crispy bacon
And a great big cup of coffee


these are all ideas for a new thread.



are you sure you were calling it by the right name?

There were actually 2 "Yertle" the turtles in my life...
The original first one was in a wonderful story I read as a child.It's in my room somewhere and the one that came the other day disappeared and never came back.It didn't touch the lettuce and I called and called for it and now I am worried a possum DID get it!

The best revenge is living well.
If a neighbor leaves grass clippings on your walkway, sweep them up and make a compost from them, it will turn into a golden mulch, your yard will look beautiful!
I have other really bad ideas for neighbors like CWillie's.

Very good, Ali

Hope you can catch hamilton in Chicago- it is brilliant

Lol! It is done now, you have named the turtle "Yertle".
Sounds like a Jewish name, just in time for Rosh Hashanah on Wednesday.

Me thinks you may need to protect Yertle from the possums though. How big is it?

If you give it lettuce, give Romaine because iceberg lettuce is said to have no nutrition.

What a wonderful variety of foods you listed for little "Yertle" the turtle cwillie. Thank you for all the ideas.
The last I saw it was in the garage and he hasn''t reappeared yet,but if he hangs around,ofcourse I'll HAVE TO feed it!

From WikiHow

Protein: snails, slugs, grasshoppers, earthworms, crickets, baby mice, canned dog food, wax worms, cicadas, or sowbugs.
Fruits: tomatoes, grapes, mangoes, melons, figs, pears, strawberries, plums, nectarines, raspberries, and apples.
Vegetables: kale, cabbage, spinach, red leaf lettuce, bok choy, pak choi, sweet potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, dandelions, and squash.
Foods with Vitamin A: whole mice, yellow vegetables, dark leafy greens

But you're not really going to keep him, are you?


Today,as I was coming into the garage,there was a box turtle and I showed it to my wonderful dH and he said"Youv'e got a menagerie going on here" but I never invited it to come.His Father saw a circle of different dogfoods going around a pole and said"What have you got here?A smorgasboard?" Like Father,like son....I just want them to be happy....the animals!
Now,this past week,we have caught 3 possums,a skunk and 1 feral cat and he took them all down to the creek.I can't help it they come....Do turtle's like lettuce?

Is that from Hamilton? Or is it from something else, too? I've heard the song about sausages.

Name that tune

No one really knows how the game is played
How the sausage gets made

Lol! Yes I did, I even made scrambled eggs and then I able to go back to sleep!!

Cooking sausage at 5am, now that really is behaving badly! Nobody can sleep with the tempting aroma of sausage (and coffee?) wafting through the house.... did you save him some?

Woke up at 5am can't go back to sleep. Cooking some sausage now. Part of not being able to sleep, having a quiet house with no one else up, just quiet time for me. Soft rain falling outside, bil left to go back to California this morning too. Oh!! Spoke too soon, hubby is up again.

Too late Send, I could have used that advice a month ago but alas...........too late.

Hubs was busy disassembling an old sofabed while I cleaned out bedroom dressers. It took me twice as long as it should have cause I was on "A Sentimental Journey" to coin an old song.

Organizing still.....ran across a box of photos, took a break.
I suppose none of you have some photos with a person cut out of them?
ha ha ha, Lol! I forgot what he looked like.  Now I will never remember.

For organizing, I recommend you don't stop to read letters or look at photos because the organizing stops altogether.

MsMadge, my Mom had a lovely lady who would sit and hold her hand. She always gave my Mom a kiss on each cheek and I know my Mom missed her a lot when she left.

They should really just hire a few kind people to just be affectionate and kind and that's their only job. But I'm sure the government would rather spend that money on stupid bike lanes and building a new bridge that we don't need. Here in Vancouver, bike lanes seem to be a big priority. Who knew.............:P

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