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It is stressful going through this but I need hubs to understand that I am going to accept a low ball offer just so we can go to Idaho next next with everything here in California completed except for the moving. I can put $15,000 in upgrades myself. This is a starter home, granite counter tops and high quality flooring are nice, but for a starter neighborhood, a person can over do the upgrades and not get their money's worth when selling. The house that sold in march, needed work and sold in 16 days cash for more than what this guy is offering. The person who bought this home, renovated it and now has it on market for more than what the neighborhood warrants with no offers.

Glad, I agree. I plan to have hubs go in the back yard with me because I figure he will tear it apart. As I already told the Re agent, we are asking below market value to adjust for the new roof, every thing else is cosmetics that are of personal taste. Hubs is not a negotiator, he accepts whatever he is told just like when buying a car. He doesn't want to put the time in to play the negotiating game. I have to be at work at 1 pm and they are coming at 12pm. I will not let them pressure me to accept an offer immediately. When we sold my mom's house, the first person who looked at it, low balled us because my parents converted the garage to a family room. My sis called me at work saying we have this offer, I said no it is too low. She said but they are right, there is no garage. I told her I can't talk now while at work. Lol!! We got in a big fight because she wanted me to discuss it. I will call you in the morning and we will discuss it then. We do not have to answer them now. We countered back the next day which they refused and decided on something else with a garage. In the end, we got a good cash offer by an older couple who renovated it with upgrades of their choice. My house needs some work, however, it is not inhabitable. Just because property brothers do this or that or say this or is a tv  show aimed at getting ratings and to impress you with their good looks.  My parents house was in excellent condition except for needing a new A/c. 

Good idea Glad.
Be gone and don't leave any electronics or valuables lying around.
Your realtor will set the stage.
Bye, have a nice breakfast out while you think about raising the price $7,000.
(At least for this buyer).
It won't hurt to look the realtor in the eye as you leave, and say, "This is too hard, after today we are thinking of taking it off the market until we move!",
The things people say!

Jumping in here, Sharyn. If we're you I would arrange to be gone for this showing. And I would leave at least an hour before they are scheduled to be there. I have a hunch the investor will point everything out that another buyer will not like about the house. He will make you feel like what you are asking is way to much for the Area. Remember they would not have made an offer so quickly if this were true. And if you happen to be there, but do not, stay away from them. It is a game they play to buy homes and get them by making an owner feel bad about their home. Be very, very careful. And do.not get emotional. It may very well be a showing that will depress you, start second guessing yourself, and just feel planing bad.

One other offer I got was 100k below asking price, I did not even bother to counter that one.

Investors want cheap so they can flip it or rent out. Our agent will be here too tomorrow. This investor may counter offer, hubs is willing to accept lower than our counter offer. He just wants it done fast, lol!!

Cash buyers, foreign entities and investors can be heartless, as well as persons investing to flip the house for a profit.
My buyers offered 50k over the asking price. I so wanted to sell to someone really wanting, needing the condo, but even in my case, it would have been foolish to turn down $50 k. I will always remember the betrayal and having to be like a homeless person overnight, or until the check cleared my bank.
Even begging my own bank for a cash advance on the check to pay for a hotel. Meh.

That was horrible of your RE agent to not look after your best interest.

This is a cash offer which closes in 15 days , we are asking to stay in the house till the end of June.

One could request, in addition to the $1,000 Check along with their offer, a good faith deposit of $5,000 + for opening an escrow. Note: Is any of this a non-refundable amount? You can ask.

My buyer closed escrow with cash and wanted me out that day @ noon!
Prior to the R.E. agent appearing at my door at 10:00 a.m. same day, to tell me-and about the law in CA for low-flow toilets....the realtor quoted the
offer: 30 days or sooner, at close of escrow. He was my realtor, and of no help at all.
Moving out in two hours, and replacing the toilets.

Hi Send, after cleaning all day yesterday and today, I am spent. Was dozing on the couch at 8:30 when our RE agent texted me saying the buyer wants to view our home tomorrow before deciding. Crossed toes, fingers and 👀 Eyes tonight!!

SharynMarie, thanks re: the bougie. Yes, I had it moved because it had no leaves, now there is more sun, more blooms, but still no leaves.
I remember each year you say to get the (grasshopper?) eggs out of the dirt.
At least it's still alive. Wind has been bad, maybe the leaves blew off.

I know you are so busy with offers on your house. Cannot wait for the results. What is this loballing offers, anyway? Maybe it is their way of finding out what you will counter with, then their associates come in with an offer closer to that. Are you aware you can just say no, or allow an insulting offer expire without a response? I saw this on the varied househunter shows-I think it was "The Property Brothers". Your realtor will advise you.
Good Luck! Hope you get full price!

Send, I don't know anything about bunnies except of course the energizer bunny. Did you recently repot or move your bougie to another location?

Very tired this morning, could not sleep. Hmmm, I don't want to get up and adult today, too much to do.

Ah. What I think of as an Equity Pension Plan series - one of those they seem to have dreamed up to keep all our national treasures in work, like Morse and Midsomer Murders. But then again that sort are usually very watchable - I like Samantha Bond especially, because she can be a hoot given the right script. She was in a series called "Outnumbered" playing the mother's hysterically exasperating sister and did it beautifully - I could have slapped her myself, right through the tv screen!

I'm not sure any age was or will be free of abusive people, sadly. There's even one in a Lord Peter Whimsey story, a chap who's down on his luck and suspected of "being beastly" to his fragrant and long-suffering wife. A dim view was taken of that sort of thing, whereas nowadays of course he'd go to jail. But I wonder if we'll ever work out a way of preventing it rather than punishing it afterwards?

Actors in the Masterpiece Theatre "Home Fires"
Samantha Bond, Francesca Annis, Ruth Gennell, Claire Rushbrook, Frances Grey, Mark Bazeley, Ed Stoppard.

Busted, though. after Series 1 must pay to see it.  It was well done.

Apologize in advance, but I was especially shocked at Mark Bazeley's character of an abusive husband, but enjoyed the ways that was treated back in those days (by the women).

Reading back a ways....
CM, Home Fires has some British actors-Will google that...

Ms.Madge, Just yelping-was hoping you had tried it so if you liked it, I would try it soon. Hubs doesn't really like crab, lobster, or shrimp because they feed on the bottom (bottom feeders), but the one pound of fries was interesting-and the place may be newer. I also love to share new finds...

Veronica, Did you get to keep the pennies?

Cwillie, Churchmouse, You up yet? Please take it from here.

Sharyn, This caregiver is in a bad mood. Not fun tonight.  3:58 a.m. here.

Do you know why my bouganvillia has only blooms and no leaves?
Can the bunnies jump up into the pot (20" tall) and eat them off?
Should I talk to the bunnies, or to the plant?

Will you be taking us with you when you move?

I'd love to stay up late and play but I'm pooped and have to be at work early - or at least on time

Any one up for caregiving shenanigans? 12:20 am here with another busy day ahead in the morning.

Veronica, sounds like you are recovering, making progress. Always glad to read your posts. Puppies in the therapy area?? What is that about?

Not really a caregiver behaving badly just the patient this time. First day in rehab was sat down at a table and given a small bowl of glass balls and pennies. Beside it a slightly larger bowl with a hole in the top. I was told to transfer them one at a time from the small bowl to the big one. When that was approved I had to repeat the process in the opposite direction. Something in my demeanor must have got through to the therapist because she did not let me pin the clothes pins on the line.. like the other old lady was doing.
When we brought all of our concerns to the attention of the administrators we were told that therapy was scheduled for 2 1/2 hours each day. Opened mouth,couldn't help it and said "They must be using different watches from me then! After that they checked their watches at the start and told me exactly how much time I had. I also objected to them eating their lunch and gossiping while I was supposed to be getting therapy. That stopped in a hurry too. did not do anything about the puppies though. They were really cute kept in cage 4' by8' in one side of the room and had to be taken out frequently for potty breaks. That took up about a third of the room not that it mattered because the only equipment they had was a set of parallel bars

CM, that is funny too!! Mayo on burning bottom, we all like mayo on ours buns!

Mom loves mentholatum - whatever the problem just rub some mentholatum on it

A few years ago my niece had salmonella and had diarrhea for weeks and had a sore bottom as a result (tmi). So jokingly, I hope, mom suggested she put some mentholatum on her bottom ( feel the burn just thinking about it)

So tonight, her caregiver was lamenting that her daughter has a sore bottom from diarrhea so I say ask mom what she should do - mom said put some mayonnaise on it - ha ha

I asked what about mentholatum, and she said oh no, that would burn - still it's gotta be better than mayo

Are you yelping or did you actually go to the crabby crab?

Keep The Home Fires Burning was a popular ditty of the Great War, WW1, Send. What with the centenary of the end of it coming up next year and everything we're getting a steady trickle of themed programming. Most of it a) treacly and b) carefully attuned to 21st century sensibilities in terms of diversity and equality so as not to offend today's viewers. Or only offend those viewers with any historical awareness anyway, and I don't suppose they're the majority.

Haven't seen Home Fires though - who's in it?

Watching "Home Fires".
Hubs turned it on to distract me because earlier he said my knuckles were getting white, lol.
I never watched it because I thought it was about war.
It's more about women in a quaint country town, in England, before WWII, and so far in the series how they supported the war effort at home.

Sharyn, you'll like this - a friend was looking at my newly planted-up flower bed and said "oh! Where did you find the tree peony?"

"Tree peony?" I said, "is that what it is?"

"It's a tree. With peonies on it. What did you think it was?"

You are so funny Send and CM. How do you CM, come up with these questions and answers? My humor is very dry sarcasm. I had a customer ask me "where can I find frozen blueberries?" My response... "in the frozen food section, duh!!! I about fell on the floor laughing! Another customer told me there was a fly inside a cake container. Stoically I replied, don't worry, there is no extra charge.

There you have it-proof in writing that my suffering arrives a full 3 days before each full moon. If I am not aware, I could take myself too seriously.

Countrymouse and her answers made me laugh, and that she took the time to answer!!made all the difference to me, as I was immediately able to let it all go. I will call this 'friend therapy'. Thank you again, CM!
And thank you too, Sharyn, just for being there, also funny.

I can't begin to answer those questions as my google search froze!!!

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