If you are so inclined please send PRAYERS/good thoughts/vibes as my husband (62) is off for an emergency heart catheter today after many episodes of uncontrolled angina. He already has a pacemaker which is now working at 100% capacity. I think my stomach ulcers are back so I have to keep it together now for his sake. We're off to the hospital now.
Thanks in advance & I will keep you updated
thinking of you both.
I would truly just like this whole nightmare to be OVER with now. It's kind of like a dream where I'm trying to wake up but can't seem to. Keep sending prayers/good thoughts our way, Ladies.
THANKS to all for everything; I appreciate it.
Hope everything starts to settle and both of you get some well needed rest. Good night.
Keep us posted on the air leak and hopefully it resolves on it's own very soon. I'm glad you have DD to help here being a cardiac nurse.
I'm also glad your DH seems to have had a good attitude this whole time, and continues to have a sense of humor coming right out of the procedure, I'm sure he can't wait to see you.
Remember self care for you too Lea, are YOU holding up okay?
Sending you a big hug!
We had 2 good Duo phone visits last night & this morning, and it's almost as good as being there in real life. Except for the holding hands part and kissing his forehead.
Thanks for all the support, Ladies. You are the best! Piper, I'm doing well.........hanging in there & holding onto my dog Honey for warmth! I feel like we're turning a corner here so even I can breathe easier now. Thanks for asking.
Heart healthy recipes can be a a new hobby for both of you, share the good ones 👍🏼 😋
I hope it went well.
Hugs and prayers.
Thanks for all the support, everyone!
No wonder he is tired and still hurting, he has been through a lot, you both have, but thankfully he is on the mend and the hardest parts are behind you.
Lots of R&R for you and DH!