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what a fun day . i thought it would require 450 .. to extract a couple of bad jaw teeth . didnt happen . doc said the inflammation is just not evident on the xrays, he ground a rough spot on an upper tooth smooth for me and made me an appt to have a filling fixed tomorrow . had two worn out tires replaced on the gmc real reasonably , kept the dental money in my pocket , took edna her cookedapples ,ran into poa , we discussed our recent misunderstandings and were still good and both concentrated on ednas well being and comfort . went to my customers farm and saw the need for someone to run the rented stump grinder for a second shift and thats what ive been doing from 2 pm till 10 pm . its been fun . saved a heap of dental money, edna is fine and content with her nh and support system and im clocking the hours to go see the grandkids again . really great day with results all around . i was kind to the rented commercial grade stump grinder but i made it earn its living today . the results are incredible . im not a pair of boots on the customers farm , im sensing and putting myself in the most important position on a day to day basis . ive 6 years till being eligible for some social security money and id be glad to spend those 6 years on this world class organic angus farm ..

Cap so glad you and POA are sticking together for Aunt Edna. I wish my cousin and I could see eye to eye but I don't think that will happen in this life.

Changed out Hospice providers today and can't believe the difference in services and professionalism. I had sadly lost confidence in our previous one and while I dreaded going through all the "process" again, the new provider made everything go so smoothly...I knew what to expect and Mama loves them. The chaplain and social worker are great! I'm looking forward to a much more positive experience. Yay!!!

good for you hope . i think we were too far along in hospice to change providers . after 3 - 4 months theres little money left to be made . a new provider wont get involved .
i dont really get along with cuz all that wonderfully . shes not very smart and at heart a very spiteful person . i just dont fall into her hateful mind games . her youngest son , this time , sent me an F filled phone message the other day . after all i caught them at their game of going partying instead of relieving me for an important va appointment and totally threw a wrench in it . that kid doesnt exite me any more than her older kid did . they think being obese amounts to being fearsome .. ( yawn ) .. it just isnt so . theyve obviously never heard of the oriental art of " tire tool , montgomery wards " .. lol

I didn't know and still don't know exactly how they are reimbursed, etc. but one thing for certain, as much as they have ignored my phone calls, texts, frustrations, once I called a new one and got the process rolling, the old one was immediately back trying to find out what they could do to keep our account. I very politely told them nothing, we are ready to move on. The fun part of the day came when the old one rolled up with the paper to sign to transfer services, JUST AS THE NEW ONE got there.....The new provider has all kinds of services they are going to provide that the old one told me were not part of their obligation. So all in all, even with all the frustration, and since Mama and I made it through the other, all of that led to this so a very good thing....I can't believe the professionalism of the new one...

Also, I am so excited that this company has a social worker who actually seems to be a true social worker and the chaplain is great...These are two services the other one had but the folks in them were not people I felt comfortable with now we..and especially I...will have additional help with the emotional aspect of all this...and the personnel were soooooo sweet to my Mama and also to me...and that's what I love the most!!!! They seem like they truly care!

People who don't care should never work in hospice.
Medicaid pays the hospice a set daily amount and they have to cover all their services including drugs. The hospice has to make up any extra with fund raising and memorial gifts which of course vary greatly depending on the area they serve.
This also affects the salaries they can pay hence the quality of staff they can attract. Your new hospice may attract a lot of money so are able to go above and beyond the services they HAVE to provide. That being said there is never any excuse for unprofessional behaviour so we'll see if the new one follows through on their promises. Anyway I am glad you are pleased so far

So excited, as thus far they have surely done all they said, right on time, and in a very kind and compassionate way. One of the nurses called today just to check on me and be sure I didn't have other questions for her or them and told me to save her number in my phone so I would have it if I ever just needed to talk. wow. I already feel so much more comforted. I think I may have mentioned it already, but the Chaplain brought his guitar and he and the social worker both sang one of Mama's favorite hymns to her...Mama was so happy..I wish you could have seen her little face beaming. It made me cry of course, but a happy cry. I am just so thankful. another issue which I had dreaded, I knew all the equipment would have to be swapped as different hospice providers contract with different companies..turns out both of them used the same equipment service so all they will need to do is the paperwork...the nurse said she didn't think she remembered this ever being the case , so all that will not need to be done. the nurse made a visit today just to double check and be sure Mama is ok and they will be coordinating the oral surgery first of the week....I feel like I can breathe again...

Finally.... I finally shredded my old income tax returns going back to the 1960's. The box they were sitting in is sighing with relief.

Plus I went through my book collection which isn't all that large, and pulled out 20 books in excellent condition to donate.

Tonight my Dad asked me if I wanted their old encyclopedia or he could donate it.... this set of books was published 75 years ago. OMG, no wonder it has been taking years for my parents to downsize at the speed they are going :P

FF you're going to hate me again - AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH 75 year old Encyclopedia?! Nooooooooo don't throw it awaaaaaaaayyy…

It's absolutely gripping reminding ourselves what we thought was definitely true back then. Mind you, it's also often a pleasant surprise how right they were, and even sometimes how right-on they were!

But put that on eBay, if it's a decent edition - someone'll give you money for it.

Sorry for typos, can't see the screen for the leaning towers of books in here… ;)

This feels like both an accomplishment and a failure!!

With my Mom in the hospital heading to NH I've managed to keep my trap shut when dealing with my oldest useless sister! (I have 6 more but I haven't even told 4 she's in the hospital)

Do you understand? It's not going to help Mom's situation if I pipe up and tell her to eff off, BUT inside me it would feel like such an accomplishment...

Gold star AandA. Just keep reminding yourself you have more important things to save your breath for. Hugs

a fellow named rick came to our house one day and strummed a tune for mom on a stringed harp . mom really liked rick but confided in me that the harp music sucked ..
its a rain day here and im fine with that . been working plenty hard . i think ill show up at nh in about an hour and see what the fee is for me to sit and have their jail food with aunt edna at lunchtime .. the jail food blows but im a very focused person . the real payoff is checkin out " dorreens " behind when she aint lookin..
its as close as i come to multitasking ..

Countrymouse, not sure what I will do with the 75 year old encyclopedia... I hope my parents took care of it and hadn't stuck it up in the attic... it would have made nice nesting material for any mice who found their way into the attic :P

I have a fondest for very old books. One I have is "The Etiquette of Today" copyrighted 1903. What a hoot to read, but there are so many things that I wish young people would consider doing once again... like hand writing thank you notes, and how young people socialized, courting, etc.

Love those, FF. I was browsing through "Duties of the Footman" in Mrs Beeton the other day (I was actually looking for a good recipe for madeleines, if anyone's got one?).

My folks had a set of encyclopedias from the 60s. Our auctioneer would not touch them, ended up tossing them. I love old medical books...

i had a fine day. offered to buy lunch for myself at nh , they said it was free and would be served in ednas room . spent 3 nice hours with edna and still worked for 4 hrs this afternoon . back home to my cheap garlic bologna sandwiches but with slabs of fresh tomato on them and a half dozen extremely cold beers .
my customer , mike , an extremely brilliant man told me when my time with edna has ended something else just as rewarding will present itsself . hes so dam smart that i believe ill take his word on that ..
then i had a letter here stating that my new property assessment had fallen slightly -- good -- even lower property taxes is all that means to me ..
good day .

oh , and dorreens behind still looks great . i can see why . those nh girls are some hard working people .

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