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Thank you Veronica! She wanted to know where the cat had been all morning. On the armchair right next to mother was the truthful answer, but the cat wasn't telling.

Jessie, she talks to the cat when I bore her. Or when she wishes to change the subject. Or when she's sick of the sight of me. Or when she's done something idiotic like balance her teacup on the arm of her chair. On this occasion I was trying to explain how the walking frame would be much more useful if she didn't abandon it ten feet away from her chair and totter the rest of it… I just moved the frame closer. Quicker and less painful for both of us.

JB it sounds as though she was deliberately ignoring CM or maybe she just had something more important to tell the cat who knows but CM can have her medal

Was it weird that she was talking to the cat or that she had tuned you out. I talk to my rabbit all the time. Is it crazy to do this? I just figured that as long as he doesn't talk back, I'm still okay.

Mother started talking to the cat when I was trying to explain something to her (to mother, that is, not the cat). I did not get wound up or turn purple. I reminded myself that if she didn't want to know it was pointless to bother her with it. I want a medal.

I'm working on the Honey Do list for my husband who retires the 28th. Daytona Bike Week is March 7-16. Maybe I'll send him there. In a sidecar.

Accomplishment: I got my mother's fed and state taxes filed today. Yea! I still have to do my own, but there is plenty of time. Mine are a bit more of a pain.

this is kinda cool. cut ednas toenails testerday -- with the same clippers she cut mine with 50 years ago. its a true story, teared me up several times today.

Finally got the menu planned for the next week. Started a grocery list. Did a couple loads of laundry.

sleep was a no - go tonight. had to get up and knock a bat in the head. this is the third one in 6 months. im gonna just catch the next one and break his legs, toss him out the door and he can carrier pigeon his broke ass back and tell the rest of em to stay out of my bunker.

ah. after enough peace and quiet ive fired up a deep purple concert. ye, they are still around and totally rockin wacken every year.
into the FI-AAAR, lol.

Austin - one of the tricks is keeping a food journal writing down everything you eat. Scientifically proven as one of the things that helps weight loss. There are online sites to help with calculating calories and nutrients. I use nutritiondata. It can be slow but once you get it set up it really helps. It is a health issue for me more than a looks issue.

lol, cap, actually, not one of my problem areas...

@ my beloved emjo'
" lost 2+ lbs " --------- turn around, youll find them.
( turning off the pc, locking the door )

I am not doing well losing wt. I was for a few weeks. Capt like the world being iced out.

accomplishment - 2nd load of dishes on, spaghetti squash cooking in the oven, lost 2+ lbs,

man, a 10 hour hard sleep after several nights of restlessness has already made today a success. im rather iced in up on my hill today but i prefer to think that the world and its annoyances are iced OUT.

Snowing here again in NY-plan to be productive today already doing dishes and freezing food that I will not use for a few days and plan to write out bills and finish laundry and make ahead some waffles for breakfasts -my boyfriend will be snowed in so he will not be over the next few days are suppose to be above freezing then back to winter weather.

captain, the maddening part is we have set-up a dual charging station for her and two batteries are always ready to go. She has seven e-cigs total, so I could be away for a week or more in a sane world and she wouldn't run out.

She just can't grasp the concept of how batteries work and how long a charge lasts. She thinks they're good for a couple of hours even though the tobacco store owner patiently explained to her how one battery will be good for two days at least. He sells the things and uses one himself. She told me he is WRONG. It's just another one of those control issues, I know.

that is hilarious windy. not the white crap but the e-cigs. mom might be a lot of things but nicotene cold turkey isnt one of them. as a nicotene addict i can say that does not happen. youll end up shoveling off the side of the road to find some discarded butts or something..

Thankful my teenage son was out of school today for George Washington's birthday. 6 more inches of the white stuff which drifted three feet in spots. Looong drive way. You get the picture. :( Snow piles are now officially higher than I am tall, which isn't saying much. 42" on the ground plus drifts and the shoveling piles. It's getting kind of surreal, like living on some alien planet. I do remember snowpiles like this back in the late 60's - drifts up to the rooftops.

Glad this wasn't one of my every other 'mom' days. The roads were horrible. On awful snow days like this, when I don't want to risk my life, she rubs my nose in it that so and so made it in and said the roads were bad, but not so bad. I just want to scream they are paid caregivers, it's their job. I'm forgoing a paying job to take care of all your needs and I'm sure as heck not going to risk life and limb and car to plug in your e-cigs!

Accomplishment = driveway. Failure = none (and very rare) Must be a good day!

ice raining here in indiana this evening. i took aunt edna out of AL today for a few groceries. she is one who doesnt find AL to be a party at all. if her little house werent occupied by a grandson right now id take her back there and stay with her . she caregave for both her parents at the end of life. shes a treasure to me, always has been..

Feel in a rut today another storm is due tomorrow so will be home then also this snow is getting to be too much but will try to be productive the rest of the day.

I did get a lot of cleaning done today which I am glad about-would rather be cooking but my boyfriend is on a low fat diet until he has his GB out so that limits what I can cook and did cook all day yesterday.

I knew a man who accidentally forwarded me his login and and password for an online dating service. So I logged on and almost spit my coffee when I read his description of himself as "athletic and muscular". I was so tempted to post a picture of his wife.

Capt you are just too picky!

this truck hauled 14 ton boulders on okinawa for f**ks sake.

yea the first person i ever visited from an online site would barely fit in my truck, and might i add that its a big f**king truck.

I found dating site all bad -I had many dates where I had seen their pics and not one was updated-on one he looked to be youngish with black hair and standing up nice and straight -when I got to the diner where we were to have lunch I saw this old old man hardly able to get out of his car-I said to myself I bet that is my date. He was so deaf he did not hear me address him by name the waitress had to shout his name to him. He talked non-stop about himself and did not ask anything about me and he ate most of my lunch as well as his. One man had loose dentures that drove me crazy and he yelled at me because he got lost. Thank God that is all behind me-now I am with a man who graduated with me 55 yrs ago from high school and we are doing great.

mother passed away on aug 1, 2013.
lifes BS never lets up. i recieved a message yesterday on a dating site. the person said my pics turned her on. then " she " sent a pic. " she " was a black male tranvestite. i hope the sob dies of hiv today, tomorrow at the latest.

capt you are one of the most interesting folks I have met on AC you keep it light and give us laughs for sure-are you still her caregiver?

dreading my own taxes but when everybody else gets their returns im owed about a thousand bucks worth of firewood money. they about have to pay me, i fix their cars, home repairs, etc. well, me and uncle google.. ill do anything for money as long as its legal and from dec - feb we can wave the " legal " requirement. lol
that reminds me. a couple years agoi i got caught with some pills on vacation in marion indiana. my friend betsy drove me up there to court and we had to visit grant county probation before leaving town. i told betsy and " mike " the probation man that i was going to go out to cikana state fisheries and f**k fish for my 100 hours of community service. poor mike as trained as he was in being mr gruff like to busted a gut at that visual. hell i was already in trouble , might as well have a little fun out of em.. i worked 100 hours at the local goodwill store. 12 hour shifts, no lunch break. now THATS sarcasm. lol
i never let up. a year later when my local probation officer told me my probation was ended as of today i told him i was going to get tee totally trashed. he he. we became pretty good friends in that year.
then i got thrown in jail for running over a customers lawn hydrant. nothing doing but i had to write my attorney one night and told him i shoulda ran over the guys throat instead. if i hadnt been my mothers caregiver id probly still be in anger management. you only live once, give it hell i say..

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