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I still have hope for my peppers 🫑.

It's that time of year when all the wonderful flowers of June fade away and the hope for the garden fades with it. Powdery mildew has arrived and I expect Japanese beetles are just around the corner, the hot, dry weather stresses plants, and the $%#@ squirrels finally found one of the two sunflowers they have missed up until now (sigh)


They are hanging on by a thread but I am still hoping they will come back.

Yay! where there's life there's hope NHWM!

I'm sure, husbands working hard to get my deck painted fixed and done. To beat the heat.

It's going to be my "She Deck"


Yeah, it’s stifling here!

My cannas, Delias , marigolds and zinnias are doing great too. But it's going to be a hard week to keep up with watering.

They predicted 97 Wednesday. Seriously not sure if we have ever had it 97 , maybe a few times in my life but very often. And never June. Will see if they are right.

Needs, it's hard to keep up with that kind of watering. When you think about your peppers not getting watered enough, then think about your body, makes you realize how important water is to are bodies too.

My peppers are still growing but I don’t know if they will flourish or not.

My tomatoes are beautiful 😍 😁

🙂 What did the alien dandelion say to the Earth dandelion?

Take me to your weeder!


They are sitting in the pot looking pathetic, a few peppers and no leaves. I don’t know if they will come back or not. We’ll see.

It is super hot here. My husband stayed with me in the hospital, even though I told him that he could go home.

So, they weren’t watered. I think he thought it was okay because we had a lot of rain previously.

Did they perhaps get dried out while you weren't able to watch them? Whatever happened don't write them off yet, a little TLC might get them back on track (but don't overdo it)

Thanks, Nacy.

Well I'm so glad to hear from you! I've missed you. Many of us did.
Please take care of yourself.

Sorry about your peppers. I've never seen that one!


I hope so. Going for follow up care. I have over 20 test results in my portal right now. Will discuss with my doctors.

I have to wear a heart monitor for a month.

I am still having a couple of symptoms.

NEEDS, your ok! 😊😁❤️

I have no idea what is going on with my peppers. When I got home from my stay in the hospital, all of the leaves were falling off. Of well…I tried to grow peppers. 🫑

Daughter, that's good to know! I'll look into that. my neighbor put hot sauce on his polls and they didn't care. So we think are squirrels are from Mexico. 😂.

Usually I don't mind and occasionally squirrel, but even are cats can't keep up with chasing them.

Bunch of road work down my road pretty sure they all came here. Hopefully they go home soon

Call me crazy for putting this much effort into it, but we buy a product at Lowe’s or Home Depot that is mixed in with the birdseed to make it so hot nothing but birds will eat it. We bake the seed on a cookie sheet or other pans at about 225 degrees for 30-40 minutes with the hot stuff, maybe named Squirrel Away? The baking makes the sees unable to germinate when some falls to the ground. So a capful of the liquid heat and some baking and no critters and no germinating seed mess. It’s worked for years

You will be dearly missed , by me Alva!!! And many I'm sure!!
Have a great time. Many many a times I read a post and think , oh Alva needs to answer this one.

Take good care of yourself 💓

Btw, hubby doesn't know I spent 50 dollars 🤫. I don't disagree it was probably not the smartest purchase, we just never had this large of squirrel issue before. Birds where mad and banging on the window

No squirrel feeder is worth fifty dollars says this old bat. I feed my squirrels over the neighbor's fence so Frieda the foster doesn't get the nuts. Currently the squirrels have nipples, so babies in their nests I think.

I have a garden (small) that is a jungle of blooming high cineraria, brugmansia, jasmine, california poppies, foxglove.

I leave in two weeks for a month on Puget Sound with the DD, and am letting the partner watch over the yard, as he does yearly for a solid month. I want to try to clear out what I can of the spent blooms and yesterday filled one Lowe's garden waste bag and two huge greens containers (the tenants and ours).

Worked all day and had myself at last down on the ground with the proverbial "I cannot get up". Had to use the nearest tree (the brugmansia with it's yellow trumpet blooms) to pull myself to my feet. Have a blister on my thumb.

Nothing more strenuous than the Golden Gate Park dog park today, and eating things bad for me while listening to podcasts.

I hope I just "go" before I cannot get down into the earth. (wait, you DO get down into the earth when you go). I WILL NOT hire out this work I so love, let them have the fun, and pay them 50.00 an hour (the going rate on NextDoor here to do it while nanny helpers for moms only get about 35.00.

I will be gone June 25/July 25 and I never take ANY social media of ANY type with me, nor a computer. I do have a few friends here whose email I have on phone, should I fall in the Sound and have time to type in a message. But otherwise you kids are FREE OF ME FOR A MONTH, as happens ever year.

I do not want to hear too much celebration about that fact.

So I stopped at tractor supply, spent 50 dollars on a squirrel proof feeder. I'll let y'all know if it was worth it.

I think if your really over populated like I seem to be this year, they will find a way.

I once had a homemade baffle that kept out 95% of the squirrels but then they decided to launch themselves at it from a nearby tree, since it was really too far away they usually fell but they did manage to smash the feeder to bits in the process, thereby reaping their reward.

cwillie, I have been using a squirrel-proof birdfeeder for years. It's a cylinder shape with a cage on the outside of it so that when a squirrel jumps on it the weight causes the cage to decend and they are blocked from getting at the feed. It needs to be far enough from the post so that the squirrel can't reach over and grab the seed without actually being on the feeder. The cage spring tension can be adjusted so that even the smallest squirrel will cause it to go down.

It's very similar to this one, but not my exact model:

I've had mine for a long time, maybe even 10 years or more.

However the squirrels do love drinking the nector out of my oriole feeder, like a bunch of drunken sailors.

We have never been invaded this bad before, it's probably because of all the road work going on, now there done near me, they are chasing the squirrels my way.

There is no such thing as a squirrel proof bird feeder

Not really gardening, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep squirrels out of your bird feeders.

We are invaded with squirrels, like I've never seen before.

They ate a hole in my and neighbors bird feeder . We have 3 cats, boys being boys husband bought a pellet gun, shooting near them. They didn't care. Neighbor put hot sauce all over and near his poll, they didn't care.

My neighbor builds amazing bird houses. He’s really talented in woodworking. He gets so angry when the squirrels eat the bird seeds.

He started placing metal sheeting around the trunks of his trees so that the squirrels can’t get to the bird houses.

I've never successfully grown sunflowers here, if the squirrels don't dig up the seedlings they climb the stalk and destroy the flowers.

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