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BOJ: Good to see you posting!

Hey, Bundle

So great to see you posting!

BoJ, so happy to see you,!

Hi bundleofjoy! Good to hear from you!

wishing all of you well!! ❤️❤️❤️
also: don’t worry, i’m fine. just busy.

i’ve been gone about a year from this website.

i wish us all well!! ❤️❤️❤️
COURAGE. sometimes life gets very tough. just hang on. things GET BETTER.

your friend,
bundle of joy ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for bumping up the quotes thread. It’s been fun to read everyone’s quotes.

This quilt show that I am watching because I had too much coffee earlier and can’t sleep is so interesting!

Some of the guests are men who quilt. Another woman did all sorts of creative work while she was in college but became hooked on quilting after discovering textiles. She ended up getting her degree in textiles.

My mom and grandmother sewed beautifully and I have always loved beautiful fabrics. The best fabric stores that I have ever been to were in New York.

Oh my gosh! The fabric stores that we have in New Orleans are so podunk compared to the ones in New York! I was amazed at the selection of fabrics that were available.

I have noticed that more men are doing crochet and knitting.

I have to start recording this show on PBS. It’s called, Craft In America.

The show just ended so I suppose that I will try to go to sleep. If I can’t sleep I will listen to a podcast! I am always finding great podcasts to enjoy 😊.

Watching a show on quilting. Quilts are beautiful stories of history!

I so wish that I had the quilts that my dad’s mother made. They were ruined in hurricane Katrina.

My dad said back in the day, a group of women from church got together to make quilts. They did quilting the old fashioned way. Nowadays, they are much easier to make due to modern sewing machines and sewing methods.

The show that I am watching on quilts is showing historical quilts and quilts sewn today by women who have art degrees. They are all beautiful!

One woman on the show has made 60 quilts to donate to soldiers. How sweet! The gift of a quilt is priceless.

My father lost his mom when he was a young man. She was dead before mom married my dad. His dad died when my oldest brother was 2 years old. I didn’t know my paternal grandparents.

My dad kept them alive for me by telling me stories. He cherished the quilts that his mom made.

I love researching my genealogy and I have found several documents about my dad’s family. It’s so interesting to see how our ancestors lived.

Quotes from Stoic thinking:

There is no need to set oneself on fire to warm someone else.

Do you know how to start a thread, discussion or a question?

You could contribute your quotes on the "My favorite things" thread.

Yes, you have a good idea there. NHWM has made a thread, titled BEST SENIOR QUOTES.

Posted November 23, 2023
Best ‘Senior’ Quotes. Please share your favorite quote. It can be funny or serious. Humor can help to keep someone get through tough times!


We have had a threads like that before. They never seem to stick around.

Not sure how to say this, I think it’s sort of like the news. People seem to gravitate towards the negative side over the positive side of aging.

You could try to start a thread and see how it goes.

Anxiety, sure, that's a fine idea.
Just title it "Your favorite quotes" or some such.
Actually surprised we don't already have such a thread. Maybe we do.

I'm new, and new at this kind of stuff. But I would like a thread or a discussion on mostly positive famous quotes. Like a quote of the day thing.
Like Robert Louis Stevenson " make the most of the best and the least of the worst" is that a good idea?

It'a a holiday in the U.S.A.
Working hard on laundry,
considering an increase in car insurance,
putting off my taxes.

Eating what is called a Papusa. Yay, it has meat in it.

Feeling bad for the little blue man. He has a tough job as the representative trying to gain disabled accessibility for those that need it. His presence is now required by law. I don't think he knew what he was getting into, accepting his job. Maybe that's why he keeps turning blue?

People see him as pesky, hate him, and want him dead. They try to shut him up, make him disappear, and constantly criticize his presence.

He was likely tripped up by all the criticism. Or maybe it was me who pushed him over.

Learning to accept his presence has been challenging. Talking about him all the time has made it more of an irritation for me. Because, I admit, I don't much like him either. He never really goes away, never changes his color, even though I have tried to eliminate him. But people should feel free to talk about how irritating he is.

(a discussion ensues about his gender, age, and religion, lol).

I know, right? I'm trying not to touch the blue man again.
Send: What did he "trip" over?

Litttle blue man has a mind of his own! 😆

cw, I wish he would. 😁

I thought maybe he'd died LOL

The little blue man has tripped over.

Sending love to all caregivers on this Valentine’s Day! 😍❤️🥰

Watching the Grammy Awards.

Joni Mitchell is timeless! I adore her and so happy that she is singing for the first time ever at the Grammy awards, at 80 years old!

My favorite album of hers is Blue.

Send, Way, ITRR, HHF, Ana and Pamz: Thank you. Send, you must be much younger than 77. Way, you take care, having been on a ladder. ITRR, HE was! Ana, feeling 40? LOL. I am indeed grateful for my many friends here.

LLama, Happy Birthday!!!

Llama, I hope your brain gifted you rejuvenating sleep and you bounced back to feeling 40.

Happy Birthday, LL

Llamalover, Happy Birthday!

May The Lord touch your body and bless you exceeding abundantly!

Happy Birthday Llama 🎂🎈.

You said you feel like 90 tonight . My knees feel like 90. Was up and down a ladder today painting .

Happy Birthday Llama!
The fortunate thing about birthdays and the passing of time
is that you may forget how old you felt on this birthday.

I would feel old if I struggled to count that high all in one day too. 🎂

When the realization comes about that you have made many friends here to share your burdens and joys, may you feel much younger and hopeful in this the New Year.

Many blessings Llama!

Need, Beatty, Golden and Gershun: Thank you!

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