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I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving week, and to let you know I am very thankful for this community I so enjoy. It's honestly the first thing I do in the morning. A cup of java going all caramel color with cream, my laptop on a pillow, and me sitting on the bed in the sun, diving in to see what's new. The day will wait.

I love everything about us, but especially fact that in all of our variety, there is the commonality of our wish to try to help others.
In a time when social media can go all caustic very easily, I think we are one decent group.

I have been helped here.
I have learned a lot here.
Please, all be well.


I have short hair and have to have it cut often. It adds up!

My hairstylist charges $50 and I tip her $15. I go every six weeks.

You’re right, it doesn’t take much time but they pay a percentage of their wages to the owner.

I need a haircut. But I hate having to fork out over $30 for a simple haircut that takes the stylist less than half an hour - I've timed it and 10 minutes was the fastest and those who play around a little can stretch it up to 20. And this is a walk in with no appointments necessary chain salon, nothing fancy at all 😒

Unfortunately people are not consistently testing or staying home when ill at least in the US . Many are choosing to ignore it if they just have mild cold symptoms . This forces the compromised and others at high risk to live very isolated lives . I feel especially bad for these people . I can’t speak for other countries of course. I was told the same , that they reduced from 10 days to 7 to try to get some compliance .

deleted. Because I don't want to reopen the whole can of worms again.

A few points:

1) My sister aged 79 had the flu shot and the latest Covid shot in April this year. A week later she had a stroke and was then diagnosed with Guillain Bare syndrome. She was in hospital for a month while they finally identified the Guillain Bare syndrome, which is normally very rare. It seemed to be related to having both shots together. DH and I decided not to risk it, and have had neither for this Southern Hemisphere winter just past.

2) The news here is saying that there is a pronounced swell in Covid diagnoses and ICU hospitalisations, though not in deaths. The pundits said to continue doing tests and staying home if you had any symptoms.

3) DH and I have changed our habits quite a lot. We don’t do indoor crowds, which messes up most entertainment and dining out options. We also stay well away from anyone wearing a mask, as we caught Covid earlier by sitting next to someone wearing one in the theatre, and found from conversation that she was only ‘just over it’. Or not ‘just over it’, in fact. Our medicos said that 10 days isolation was really best, but they had compromised on 7 days because they couldn’t get compliance with a longer time. I'm also more careful about washing my hands when I come home from a shopping trip.


No problems by me scheduling , so far not much interest in the US to get the latest Covid dose . I have asthma , DH has diabetes , it’s recommenced we get Flu and Covid vaccines .
I spaced them apart even before I saw those articles , to avoid possibly being down a day or two. I was concerned getting both at the same time would make me feel sick . Didn’t feel sick after either . I also thought maybe I would get a stronger immunity to each , if the immune system can respond to one at a time . The concern in the articles , of getting both at the same time is a very slight increase of stroke for over 65 but especially in the 85 + .

They give babies so many immunizations at the same time . I wonder if the immune system can really respond well enough to them all at once, to get the desired amount of immunity .

Way - public health officials here have given the green light to getting both at the same time and a lot of people have been doing that. I jumped at the chance for the flu shot when I saw it was available because there are already cases reported in the area and I didn't want to wait.


There is some concern about getting Flu and Covid shots together in us older folks . I’ve seen articles recommending space them out 2-3 weeks apart

I got my flu shot last week, none of my friends could understand why I keep getting them now that my mom is gone 🙄. The powers that be announced that covid shots are finally available for the general public, my local grocery store pharmacy allows walk ins so I'll check the line up next time I'm there.


That reminds me that I have to schedule my flu shot. I received a reminder in my portal. I have been taking pneumonia shots as well.

I wonder if I can wait until November 30th to get my flu shot. I have my regular doctor appointment on that day.

Prairie nephew and his wife are here for a week and last night sis tells me that everyone at the inlaw's house where they are staying has the flu, including DIL.

"Oh, no! how did that happen! Is everyone alright, how sick are they?!" I ask.
"They've all been throwing up for a couple of days, the little one brought it home from play group" says sis.
Me - 😠 "That's NOT the flu".
Sis - "what is it then?"
Me - 🤯😠🤬"you can call it stomach flu if you must, but NOT the flu"

Why do I need to have this conversation every year? The woman gets her flu shots, has worked in LTC, how can she still confuse the two?

Bounce: Thank you.

My mother was a Halloween baby, who would have been 104 today! Her mother was an Independence Day baby. Happy heavenly birthday, Mother.💗

cw: Please be careful bending over in your sink to wash your hair. That's a recipe for vertigo.
Good that The Foster maneuver assisted you.

Okay this is a PSA for others who deal with vertigo.
Today I tried the Foster (half somersault) manoeuvre for the first time and I think we have a winner! The YouTube video posted by Carol Foster is easy to follow and totally doable, despite the naysayers assertions that it was more difficult I found it exponentially easier (and more effective) than anything else I've tried.


It was very nice. Thank you for caring.

Note to self - do not bend over to wash hair in the sink 🌪️😬

Thx Need.

Bounce, so sorry for your friend. Hopefully my MIL will adjust.

Have fun, Pam!


So sorry you’re going through difficult times. I don’t blame you for wanting 2023 to end. Hoping that 2024 will be a great year for you and the rest of us!

Did someone declare its National Narcissist week or is it a full moon ? So many new N threads .


That’s cool you are so close . I’m 100 miles northeast of Gettysburg .

Way we live about 30 minutes from there, and we love it. The museums and Restautant's are great, and tons of great shops and culture to see, we go there once a month at least!


Have a great time !!! Been there twice , it’s very interesting. We had the best tour guide. We asked him how he knew so many obscure facts . He said he had to take a history test to become a tour guide .

Well not about caregiving per say, except this would have been harder to do if my folks were still here. Since I retired many things have not gone as planned but I did think ahead to having something to look forward to each month for a few months. Our DD gets us a gift certificate to a BNB each Christmas, and we had $ left after our first trip to go again to our favorite place in Gettysburg. ( Amazingly they raised their prices 50% since we were there earlier, LOL) So I booked it for Halloween. It is supposed to be haunted. LOL We got our favorite room, and found a haunted objects museum we hope to go to, then to drive around the battlefields and such. We are going to be open minded ( at least my hub will try) and just have a fun time. DD will be watching our puppers who has never spent the night at her new house, so I will be packing her a bag ( a doggie bag?) If you have never been to Gettysburg it is a wonderful place to visit.

Thank you Bounce.

Yes Willie, not treating all sounds good until it's yourself or someone you love. Then it gets more complicated for sure.

Her surgery went as good as it could. They got all of the tumor from her colon but discovered lesions on her ovaries and bowel which they could not remove. So they've said they have bought her more time but.............the big BUT!

I don't think she understands a lot of what is going on and I pity the person who is going to have to deal with her when she comes to the realization of the colostomy bag and all that entails. A person in their right mind would have a problem with that, let alone a 87 yr. old woman with dementia. Her husband who she still lives with had a stroke two yrs. ago and needs help himself. She scares any health workers who come over away so as selfish as this may sound I'm glad this is not my problem.

I pray for them all and will support my hubs in this but as far as any hands on care I'm afraid I can't get involved, not even out of selfish reasons but because that family puts the D in Dysfunctional.

Oh man Gershun, 87 with dementia and now surgery and a colostomy - this is exactly the reason so many people on the forum hate modern medical intervention. But of course the decision to not treat is always so much easier when it's theoretical.

Sorry for not mentioning you Willie or Send in my message earlier.

Of course I feel for both of you and hope your dizziness subsides Willie and your foot gets better Send.

I've been feeling lately like I just can't wait for 2023 to end. It's been a rough year for me. I do come on here and read but haven't felt much like posting.

So hoping everyone on here can get to the other side of their health issues.

After the full moon tonight, we will all feel so much better, or not.

Gershun, Prayers for Dh's Mom. Hope the surgery can improve her chances and she has less pain. The waiting to find out is so stressful.

A neighbor just got taken by ambulance-so many elderly here.

My doctor did not offer a diagnosis, just referred me.
He did put up an x-ray taken in the past-must have missed that-I never saw it. It looked like arthritis. Maybe more than one diagnosis, but doc doesn't know.

Determined to get better! We are having a salad tonight.

Hang in there with dizziness-it comes and goes, does not always get worse, imo.

I am moving so slow that it might be impossible to get dizzy again at this speed. 🐌 🐢

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