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Dog or cat? My granddog is coming over Saturday. My daughter has a baby shower to attend. We love having him.

A lot of my daughters friends have kids. We don’t have any grandchildren. They don’t slow down enough to settle down. Maybe, one day.

It is sad but I learned to hold special memories in my heart. I was so tiny when I got my first two wheel bike!

Mom adjusted the seat to the lowest possible position and I still couldn’t reach the pedals so they bought me thick wooden blocks made for smaller kids to place on the pedals.

I loved that bike and I still remember what it looks like without having a picture of it. I thought I was hot stuff when I learned to ride my bike! LOL

I never knew my dad’s parents. He promised me that I could have the quilts that his mom made. I wish that I would have taken them home before the storm hit. They had been sitting in wretched 9 foot flood waters for weeks on end. So gross🤮!

My dad’s military photos were destroyed. Not to brag but daddy was extremely good looking. I can see how mom fell for the stranger who followed her home. Today that would be classified as stalking but he was smitten with my mom and determined to meet her.

Thats so sad that all your childhood photos were ruined in the storm .,

I don’t watch hoarders often . I’m pet sitting at my daughters . …..

It’s interesting some of the different sad events that are triggers .


I have only seen a couple of episodes of Hoarders. It’s a disturbing show. I’m so glad that no one in my family has ever been a hoarder. It’s definitely a mental disorder.

When my grandma died my mom didn’t have to deal with hoarding issues. She kept her house clean and free from junk!

My parents were never hoarders. Everything that mom had was destroyed in hurricane Katrina, so there was nothing to save.

Many things I would have loved to have, especially our baby photos and pictures of us growing up. I have a few photos that my cousins had taken and they passed some along to me.

I try not to let things accumulate because it doesn’t take long before it gets out of hand.

You’re right, that show does inspire us to purge unnecessary things from our homes!

Watching an episode of hoarders ( it makes me feel good about myself , or inspires me to purge a closet depending on the day ) . In this episode the caregiver is the hoarder and he takes care of his mother that lives with him . He just had an argument with his sister because she told him they have to bring in help to clean up the house and he just yelled at his sister not to tell him what to do , he also said “ I take care of Moms diapers not you “

Very interesting . The elderly lady is the enabler. The hoarder son was complaining to her they are throwing everything out . The elderly mom told him “ you are in charge , you tell them what they can throw out “. 😬😬😬😬

She was sitting at a folding card table in the middle of a mess surrounding her and doing a puzzle .

Send: My mother used to say "If the person doesn't have anything nice to say, the person should say nothing at all."

Don't answer the door to those mean-spirited neighbors.

Mean neighbors who are strangers, at my door.

Open door, they start talking and do not stop.
Skip the hello, how are you today?

I was left wondering if they needed a 911 intervention.

While I understand they were having a bad day, I interrupted to refer them elsewhere for help. They said that person was sick.

It would have been nice if they even asked if I was available to dump their woes upon. But, I was not available.

My daughter must have stopped somewhere. She is running late. Oh well…

I hear her pulling up into driveway now.

Talk later y’all. Have a good night.


Chocolate is always the right choice! It has to be dark chocolate though.

If I want salty it’s almonds or popcorn. That’s what I had today, a bag of popcorn. Had a salad for lunch.

I need to make some soup soon.




I and happy to hear that he is doing well.

NHWM - BIL is fine now, but he's really aged a lot. It would probably help if he didn't sit watching TV all day but....

Way - I thought I was the only one who did that 🤣

Which snack do you eat first ? The sweet or salty ?
If I eat salty then I crave a piece of chocolate after .

We have all had our reasons for venting at one point or another. Haven’t we?

CW, this post reminds me of your BIL. What’s going on with him? I certainly hope that situation has improved.

I have a box of fudge cookies, a mini bag of salt and vinegar chips, or I could stick to my halfhearted resolution to cut out the bed time snacks. Hm, how to choose 🤔

I vent here and don’t care if anyone reads it most of the time . I don’t blame them Lol . It just helps to get it out.

Now if I could only purge my closets this efficiently…….🙄🤪

I had one friend I vented to but I always asked her first if it was okay, I know that sometimes other people can have sh!++y days too 😉

Just because I pick up the phone, or answer the door
does not mean others can start venting, then ranting!
Conversations are a two-way communication.

I love my friends on here, who are so very careful not to over-step boundaries. Sometimes, I wish they would share more, because I chose them to care about over the years.

My daughter will be back soon. We took good care of our Grandpup while she was in Austin. Okay, I spoiled him a bit! I bought his favorite treats, took him to the park and gave him lots of belly rubs! I also sewed a cute Halloween bandana for him.

When the kids were young we dressed up our greyhound in a skeleton costume to go trick or treating with us. It was perfect because greys are so thin!

She got her BBQ fix and said that the music festival was so much fun. She definitely shares my love of music! We have taken our kids to music festivals since they were young. I’ve always have music playing at home and in the car.


I don’t know anything yet. He has lived in Louisiana his entire life. I have no idea if his cremains will be placed in our family plot.

I do have two younger brothers, one who lives in D. C. and the other one is in Louisiana.

I’m not going to pry or push my sister in law into sharing anything right now. She knows that I am here for her if she needs me.

She’s in shock. She’s grieving and whatever she decides is fine with me. I suppose there will be a memorial service at some point in time.

I have no idea what my brother wanted. I honestly don’t think it was all that important to him. Years ago I asked him if he wanted his ashes to be placed in our family plot.

He told me that he wasn’t sure how he felt other than desiring to be cremated.

He probably would prefer that his wife does whatever she is comfortable with.

I just got home from the dog park a few minutes ago. I walk around the park while he is playing. He runs laps and plays with the other dogs. We both get some exercise when there. It finally feels like fall here.

I heard a little girl tell her dad that she wanted to play with that wolf! Hahaha, too cute. Huskies do look like wolves.

CW we missed it too, rainy and overcast all day

no need for special glasses here, it rained and was cloudy most of the day

Be sure to wear eclipse glasses when looking at the
Solar Annual Eclipse.

Happening now.

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Cool story about the daughter and her chess playing father.

My mom and her older brother both had Parkinson’s disease. They wanted to remain involved in life as long as they could.

My mom played solitaire every single day at the kitchen table. My uncle played his guitar daily until he entered the later stages of his Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s affects everyone differently.

One thing that I always found fascinating with my mom was that she often had tremors when she was holding her coffee cup but when she wanted to sew, she could hold steady enough to thread the needle.

Regarding the chess player . The daughter said he also likes puzzles and board games. She said he was “ very educated and intelligent “, he has Parkinson’s and he wants to keep his brain working . Also he likes to have intelligent conversations .

I really love that someone thinks enough of their father to do this for him. That is a beautiful thing.

Wow, that's a lot of chess!!

I've been mulling this over and my suspicious mind thinks that this person wants more than a simple chess player. That level of commitment either means the father is an obsessed master level player or is suffering from dementia and ruminates endlessly about playing - in the first case it may be difficult to find anyone to match that level of ability, and in the second scenario attempting to play would be quite challenging.

Cwillie . She was asking for 3 afternoons a week up to 3 hours each day .

Probably only expects the chess match to last an hour each session, that's actually pretty cheap entertainment.

Way, I think that is awesome that someone posted for a chessplayer. That would have been nice for my father at one time. He was quite the chess player up until a few years ago. I tried, but never could strategize ahead.

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