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I recently saw an add on
Someone is willing to pay $30 an hour for someone to play chess with her elderly father .

Nice to read some good news for Cwillie's SIL's husband.

And a vacay for Pamzi!

Things are settling down here at home, the unsettling emotions that often come with a full moon are subsiding. Taking a break from too much phone and internet time helps too.

Just read online of a job that pays $60 for 30 minutes time, being an empathetic ear over the phone. No comment, I just thought many here would qualify. Tee Hee.

Back from OC, .we had a decent time even with the crappy weather . My friend was changing meds and was not feeling so great so it was mostly hubs and I "making memories" as she puts it. The weather was nice when we drove to Chincoteague and the day we took the ferry to Cape May, but the days we tried to walk on the OC boardwalk were awful, I almost got blown over! Did have a nice time going to Assateague and such. Took Chloe on the beach a few times and this is the first time she seemed to enjoy it! Saw the ponies. But we are all glad to be home as we didn't sleep too well.

CW, that's great news. May his healing be complete, with no setbacks.

I found yesterday that out my SIL's husband got a new kidney on Monday!! It's unbelievable because he was only just beginning dialysis, but apparently the person in the queue who was supposed to get that kidney was unable - D was a match, close and available. Wow, I'm so happy for him!

pamz: Please be careful going to OC with very bad weather arriving for our area. Hope that you have a good time.

So very sorry for your loss of Merlin-cat.
It is so special when they choose you to be their person, and to live in your home by choice all those 16 years!

Very sad.

tomorrow we are going on our annual vacay to a friends house at OC MD, and the weather looks crap. But we will still find things to do. My BFF owns the house and will be there with us.. may help me over the Merlin loss, and still working on" the new at retirement issues" As to another kitty, some of you may remember we have feral colony on our property. DD will be taking care of them, and one of them moved in as an indoor/outdoor cat the first year. He is a blessing and so much like merlin except Tippy is black and white, not orange and white. Same size and personality as Merlin at his peak. So if you don;t hear from me for a week, all should be good and I'll miss you all!

Pamzi, I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard because they just don't live long enough. But, what a way to goe out enjoy a nice meal or the anticipation of one and good night sweet prince.

May another precious kitty come into your life at just the right time. Hugs!

Ali he was a few months old. probably dumped by our driveway and wandered on up to the house. He was a real sweetheart from day one, and I kept looking for him today.. it's hard

pamz: I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty, Merlin. It's hard to lose your fur kids.

Sorry, pamz. It sounds like he fought the good fight while he could. Glad you had him. Did he wander into your house as a kitten?

Well my 16 YO cat Merlin passed over the rainbow bridge today, after a long hard fight. He literally walked into our laundry room one night and went to the food bowl,, and never left. i remember my hubs telling me " you won't believe what just came in the house, and me telling him whatever it is put it back out! " We live in the country and I was imagining a raccoon or possum! He was such a lover boy.

I went to check my church's Facebook page this morning and was given the login page instead. I checked all the other public Facebook accounts I visit and they are all the same, there is no access. I've already buckled to the need to create a Google account and have zero desire to join Facebook, ever. Why are people so content to have big business tracking our every move?


Wow! Quite a turn out for the class. Sounds great!

So sorry about your kitty. I agree that as soon as you know that he’s uncomfortable, it’s time to bring him to your vet.

Thanks, our granddog will be here in the morning. I can’t wait! My daughter says, “Mom, you tell the dog hello before you even speak to me.” LOL 😆 It’s true.

NHWM there were about 10 of us there. 2 that looked to be about my age, the rest older, and the lady who led the group was at least 70. All pretty spry, and the one that wasn;t spry was sure as heck trying! I was hoping to go today but we were swamped getting food ready for the last long weekend shindig at the river. Plus I made a qt of spaghetti sauce to freeze and that needs watched. I have to admit my legs were a bit sore!
Merlin is hanging in there. He is about 5 lbs these days, and greasy looking as he only grooms his front legs ( or licks off the cream I put on his one tumor.) Actually since I accidentally brushed the scab off it, which is how I found it, it is scabbing back over so I guess that is good. He would not survive any surgury, and so we just keeping him happy . He doesn't seem to be in pain, and spends his time sleeping in the sun and our bed at night, meowing at my DH for treats all day, and having a small bowl of milk at night when hubs has his snack. Using the litter box and otherwise seems content. When he is no longer happy, we will take him to the vet and hold him as he goes ( if he doesn't just pass away in his sleep.) It;s hard but we've done it before.
Enjoy your grand dog!!


How many people were in attendance? Glad that you enjoyed it!

How’s the kitty doing?

My youngest daughter is going to the beach for the holiday weekend.

She’s dropping off her dog at our house so we will get to spoil him while she’s away.

I already bought special treats for him and a new toy to add to the basket of toys that I keep for him. I have fallen in love with our granddog. 😊

I had a blast! Very nice people and the workout was harder than I thought it might be,, never underestimate older ladies! My GF sweated off her makeup! And I was cold when I went in but sure not cold when I left!! I think this will be good for my joints, and believe me I need the balance training.. i will be going only once in awhile for the end of summer, but I am going to go more regularly once fall and winter start.

pamz: Good for you!


Senior centers have all kinds of activities. Hope that you enjoy your class. It’s great that a friend will be joining you.

Tomorrow I am going to go to the local senior center and take a class on balance and strength. My BFF is also going to go as due to foot surgury she has a locked up ankle. Wish us luck we don;t break anything!! It will get me out of the house a few times a week when I am home, and make some new retired friends,, good for winter coming up. My DD keeps saying I am not Senior Citizen,, so I told her I could be the baby..LOL. Actually she is for it. I was going to volunteer a few places but I think I need to take it slow on all that. Today was the end of my first week of retirement and it has gone OK,, been busy JHH finally got my retirement package so hopefully no more information needed and I'll see a check before Nov. Also got locked out of my SS account ( well why not add to the stress) but they were able to get me back into it, and I may see a check in Oct.. This retireing is harder than I thought,, from a paperwork end.. and I started in MAY!!

No problem Llama. Happy to help. 😊

Gershun: Thank you for letting me know about golden.

Llama I sent Golden a private message and she responded. Her big move is coming up the 2nd week of September. She said she'll be back once she is settled.

I know we all are wishing her the very best with that and looking forward to her return.

I, too, was wondering what happened to golden.

I miss Golden too!

Thx for letting me know Willie. I miss her on here. I hope she is doing well.

She told me she's taking an indefinite break from the forum Gershun. She's liked a couple of my posts so I know she's checking in occasionally.

Anyone hear from Golden lately? It's been a while since I've seen her on here. I'm a bit worried. I'll send her a private but in the meantime if anyone has heard from her let me know. Thx in advance.

Wishing GOOD HEALTH to all.

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