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In case anyone wants to cry happy tears. I just did. Feels so good.

Exhausted Carer, as to the three who went suspended over a week ago (two weeks come this coming Monday) I think none of them are back. Two of them may not be coming back by their choice or haven't seen something they wish to comment on; they were neither of them "regularly" on.
One of them, however, I believe did something to go from suspended to eliminated, as she went from "anonymous" to GONE along with all her comments.

But, yes, the policy is stated clearly. I think that it's OK it stays top of the news feed, because it's a reminder, and we can't claim we didn't know the rules.

“I hope that the policy update will disappear from the 'top of our news feeds'.”

Agree. But I don’t think they want to get rid of it.

I hope that the policy update will disappear from the 'top of our news feeds'. I've already read it! Perhaps once a month would be better.

It's all covered in the policy update that is pinned to the top of our news feeds,

First strike: 7-day suspension

Second strike: 14-day suspension

Third strike: Permanent account closure

When someone is blocked from posting, how long does that last until they can resume activity on the forum?

So, Miley Cyrus may be doing the Super Bowl halftime act this year. If this comes to pass, I would really like to see her perform with her godmother, Dolly Parton! I adore Dolly! I think she would be up for it.

Geaux Saints! Who Dat!!!

I wonder how our old coach will do in Colorado coaching the Broncos. Payton is a great coach! He led us to win the 2010 Super Bowl.

Awhile back we had a really crappy football team! I remember when the fans wore paper bags over their faces and we called out team, The Ain’ts instead of The Saints! LOL 😆.

We are die hard fans though, no
matter how our team is playing. We show up for the games!

Venting, my Mom and her 2 older sisters who raised me drank almost 0 water in a day. My Mom is now 94 and the remaining sister is 104. Their liquid intake consists of: 1 cup of coffee in the morning, 1/2 can of Coke or Sprite for lunch, and 1 can of beer or 6 oz of red wine with dinner. I finally got my Mom to drink a little sparkling water mixed in with her wine. I don't know how they do it. My Mom is still very physically active: drives to the store, cleans her house from top to bottom, gardens... I don't know how she does it with so little liquid in her. Yet she never has had kidney stones or headaches from dehydration. I call her The Silver Camel.

A reminder to us all, young and older, ourselves and LOs:

Drink more water every day. So many health issues can be prevented and alleviated by drinking more water. 😍

Pamz: Congratulations on your retirement and many years of service to the medical industry at Johns Hopkins! You deserved it and all those parties for you!

Pam, so happy for you. Thank you for your years of service at JHU,!

Congratulations Pam!

Congratulations on your retirement Pam! The universe sure taxed you the past few years. Happy “control over your own time”!

Congratulations Pam!!! 🙂

Congrats Pammzi!

Hanlon's Razor, oh that explains a lot.


What a wonderful send off! Enjoy your retirement. You have worked hard! You deserve time for you now. I love that you’re starting off your retirement with a massage!

Wishing you all the best in your next phase of life.

Well today I am officially RETIRED !! ( as opposed to re-tired) It is bittersweet for me after 26 years at Hopkins, but I think I am ready. I may go back agency after winter,, the door is open for that, but we'll see. Last week my besties from hopkins past and present had a formal tea party retirement party for me, a complete surprise and wonderful! Yesterday the ICU( i am a neuro respiratory specialist) I have worked in for the past 20 of those years gave me a party and potluck and a wonderful book of memories from the staff. Today the Respiratory department gave me a party, and I got to go home after it was over so a double win! Lots of great food, gifts from the supervisors, coworkers and the hospital itself,, spoiled I am! and so many wonderful words it made me rethink the whole thing.. LOL So many hugs and tears and wonderful memories. tonight I am relaxing and will be in bed early.. and tomorrow begins my next stage.. with a massage from DD at a spa at 10 am. Wish me luck!!

Hoping that everyone who has suffered to to hurricane Hillary will recover soon from the flooding and wind damage.

Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
(or incompetence)
Hanlon's razor

Cwillie, I have to say that whatever changes to the forum, it sucks my battery dry. Red flags that background stuff is going on and I cannot help but wonder what it really is. Specifically because we have been having so many issues that look like things besides technical issues.

So instead of new articles from experts about newer changes and innovations in elder care the site has opted to present a reddit style thread devoted to AMA (ask me anything)🤔
Do we get to have an AITA too?

Hi MD, you asked how I am today. It’s better to ask on a general thread, and not on someone else’s personal thread. “General Topics” for example.

I’m doing fine. I’m way behind in solving my problems. It can’t be solved in one day, or one week.

It’ll happen.

Just talking to myself here…Don’t mind me. Just need to get it off my chest:

I feel like I took a wrong turn in my life :(.
But there’s nothing I could have done about it. I couldn’t have chosen any other way. No matter how many times I would re-do my life (if one could have several lives), I would always have chosen to help my mom for the years I helped.

However as a consequence, I have a huge backlog. So much trouble in my work, in my life.

I guess I didn’t take a wrong turn. I just feel…like one is punished for being a good person. So many people out there, doing so well, because they help no one.

But I wouldn’t want to be any other way.

I guess as a conclusion, I didn’t take the wrong turn in life. But boy do I have a lot to catch up on.

I had to have a check-up yesterday. Perfect health. In the waiting room was a dad with his child (9 years old). I remembered when I was 9: I never would have imagined my life in so much trouble later, and as a direct consequence of having helped others. Made me sad.

I’m also so surprised by the number of bad people I’ve met in the health“care” business, while helping my mom. I’m surprised every time by how bad some people are. Surprised also that they treat my mom and I that way. When you treat people well, you kind of think people will treat you well, too.

I don’t know what I need to change. Maybe nothing. Maybe I just need to keep solving my work troubles. Then I’ll feel better, and I won’t feel like I lost.

Cwillie, I agree that low flights are unnerving. We live about 15km from a helicopter training facility. I finally discussed their flight path with them. Now they rarely buzz my house. (we’re surrounded by forest and fields - why did they have to pass directly over my house?)

I'm getting buzzed by a crop duster tonight, it's kind of unnerving to have a plane repeatedly flying so low over the house. The field's not even that big, how the heck many passes do they have to take?

New Orleans is the greatest city in the world. If a person can't find a good time in New Orleans they might as well go live in a convent or monastery because they won't find one anywhere in the world.

Site is loading very slowly! Will check back later and see if it is running faster.

Have a good evening everyone!


Sounds like a fun plan! I have been to a bazillion Mardi Gras parades. Our jazz and heritage festival is fantastic!

I would definitely travel. Would you drive the RV yourself or hire a driver? I know that I would wreck an RV. My oldest daughter loves RV’s. Youngest daughter and husband would rather fly. I could go either way.

They have the fancy RV’s that have a built in garage to store a car. Very cool! They cost a fortune though. Hey, you could afford it if you won a bundle of money!


Good luck! We buy one ticket! I don’t know what I would do if we won. I guess the first thing would be to hire an attorney!

I would definitely take the lump sum. I am too old not to! Does anyone take the payment in increments? LOL 😆

Sad Satarri, you won't be able to tell anyone that you won!
Hope you win, but do not tell.

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