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Yep! We were hiking all day and I wanted a cold drink (gin and tonic) before going back to our hotel room.

The hotel had a nice bar. Friendly enough until I asked for a ‘go cup.’ The bartender said, “What do you mean by a ‘go cup?’

I said that I wanted to take the rest of my drink back to our room because I was tired and wanted to rest before showering to go out to dinner. Apparently, I was an oddball! LOL 😆 He quickly told me that TN doesn’t give ‘go cups!’ That’s when he asked me where I lived. Then the eye roll.

One time in New England at this quaint B & B this woman asked me where did I live. As soon as I said, New Orleans, she started asking me about voodoo. 🤣 hahaha, I was all set to tell her a wild story until my husband looked at me like, don’t you dare! LOL People have these strange stereotypes about New Orleans.

I guess my husband was my calming force when I was young. He didn’t always appreciate my sense of humor! He has more of a dry wit.

I knew that!

They probably thought you came from Sodom or Gomorrah NHWM.


I wasn’t talking about DH being handsome. I was talking about my knowledge of drink ingredients!

Let me tell you, the first time I went to cities that didn’t have ‘go cups’ for booze was interesting. In New Orleans, it is legal to get a drink to go.

I found out that isn’t typical in Tennessee or Arkansas! LOL 😆

Geeeeez, people in TN have you join a club to order a glass of wine with dinner! Is it still that way? When I went to buy wine in the grocery store in Arkansas, they looked at me like I had two heads! They sent me to a liquor store.

We stayed in an adorable cottage on a lake in Arkansas. All I wanted was a bottle of wine to have for dinner one evening that we cooked in the cottage.

People in both states, Arkansas and Tennessee looked at me and said, “You aren’t a local. Where do you live?” When I said, ‘New Orleans’ they rolled their eyes! 😆

We were young! No kids! And just wanted some wine!

No, I cannot tell from here if he was handsome, but I will take your word for it. Lol.


I wonder if it’s a Mai Tai or some other kind of tropical drink! Made with rum.

Pina colada’s have pineapple and coconut 🥥 &🍍 ! Plus rum!

Chi chi’s have pineapple, coconut and vodka.

My husband was a handsome bartender when we first started dating. Can you tell? LOL 😆 He was just about to graduate from Tulane.

What is in the coconut?

Maybe a Pina Colada?


Just in case Send didn’t send you enough…


You better eat something to balance out the booze! So…🥨🍔🍕🌭🌮🥜🍤 🍿

Wait, you need dessert to go with your food…

🧁🍦🍰 🍪🍫🍨🍧🥧🍭🍮🥮🍬

Enjoy!!! 😊

Here ya go, Cwillie!

I keep running into headlines telling me that just one drink a day can influence blood pressure. Why is it that makes me want to have a cocktail?🤔🤪

It's too bad we can't put the weather in a blender, after a few gloriously hot days we are back to cooler than normal temperatures here. And I'm sure some of that rain in Nova Scotia would have been welcome over in BC.

Sitting on my patio…

Just need a few moments by myself. It’s so hot though that all I can think about is the fall weather can’t get here soon enough!

I will definitely make another pitcher of iced tea today.

I hereby confirm, with first-hand experience: there is no non-painful way to bang one’s head against the wall.

I love popping bubble wrap! It’s very satisfying! LOL 😆

How many rolls do we need? My daughter got upset with me when I helped her pack! She had to go buy more bubble wrap! LOL

Hey, she had a lot of crap to pack and I was getting tired and bored!

These young women and their cosmetics! Geeeeeez! Her bathroom had so much stuff to pack.

Books! My kids inhale books!

She must have at least 25 different types of water bottles! Crazy! She drinks tons of water from her long walks with her dog but no one needs 25 water bottles! Some from work, company logo, some birthday gifts, some in her favorite colors and so on.

Wallpaper the wall with bubble wrap ?🤪


I bet there was a bit of alcohol 🍺 involved in that activity! LOL

OK maybe a motorcycle helmet then..... I knew some guys who used to butt heads with their billy goat wearing one. (there was probably alcohol involved) LOL


Are you sure about that? LOL 😆 I am thinking about all of the concussions that occur in football!

I think screaming into a pillow kind of therapeutic!

Punching a pillow too!

I love chopping veggies when I am frustrated! As long as I don’t miss and chop my fingers off! LOL 😆

Football helmet? 🤪


I don’t think so. It sounds like you are in enough pain but I get what you’re saying. There were times when I got in the shower and cried my eyes out so no one could hear me.

Is there a non-painful way to bang one’s head against the wall?


Sassy and sounhappy,

I hope things improve soon for you.

Why can’t I have some months of calmness…New problems now.

Sassy, you need an exit plan.

Any one long time caring for a parent who is narcissistic and manipulative living with them? My fault because I searched acceptance and over showered her to be good enough. Even though she is bedridden she is critical even of how much attention I give my dog. She has controlled every part of my life by pointing out every short coming she feels I have. The last couple of years she has driven away my kids, my friends and now my husband is pretty near through. I have nurses 2 times a day to assist 7 days a week. She grows weaker physically but is mentally very strong. Needing the constant care of a baby we are have missed the whole last year of holidays, birthdays and gradulations. I am so stuck there is not a day I do not cry and really even find it hard to reason with going on. I do have a social workers for support but in the end there is no point of talking about because there is no other way. There is no money for assistance living or assistance living. There is no help from my sister because her words Mom's life changed not hers. I look in her face and I am so sad to see her health failing. She was always so strong. Every day is hard. I feel sick to my stomach every day. Sleep as much as I can to get away and no desire to do anything but go through the motions of living. My husband is getting completely frustrated that we can do nothing or go anywhere. I know people say get a sitter and go out for the evening but what I really really want is to get up in the morning without worry of what this day will bring. Be able to sit, relax, watch tv or read a book with my husband without always having to get up. More then anything I want peace. I have been a full time care giver for my Mother for over 20 years all but the last six months completely without help. I do not know even no me because it has always been about her. I know there is nothing anyone can say but I hope that I am not alone in these feelings and that I am not a terrible person; just exhausted.

My father died just shy of his 75th birthday and his funeral was a few days after that, I don't know the exact days. A lot of us have birthdays around that time so that's what I choose to remember, that and the fact there was a frigging spring blizzard on the day of his funeral.
Mom died in early October, I could probably pinpoint the day if I tried but... I know I came home and busied myself by cleaning up falling leaves.

My dad passed on his 97th birthday which happened to be Ash Wednesday. Need, mom lost her mom at age 5 as did my father. He was raised by siblings and his grandfather. He was a great man though. Had his faults but patient and kind.

Order one for all of us 😊.

Is there such a thing as a 1-month pass (free of any problem in the world)? I’d like to order a few passes please. Thank you very much.

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