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Thanks, Llama

I was surprised that grandma shared it with me. I was in my 20’s when she told me that. She rarely spoke about anything sad. She was young when she lost her mom. Her dad remarried many years later.

I know that you were young when you lost your dad. That’s so hard to lose a parent when you’re younger.

My mom didn’t know her mom’s mother. She died before mom was born.


Very touching. Certain anniversaries can be very hard.

Way: You're very welcome and thank you for your kind words.


Thanks, so sorry for your losses as well . I feel that it’s two days some years also due to a holiday not always being the same date . (((hugs))))

My daddy left this world on Good Friday, 1967. Good Fridays are rough days for me ×2 because they're not always on March 24.

Way: I am sorry for your loss of your mother on Thanksgiving Day.

Need: You're welcome. Yes, most certainly I did. Thank you. So sorry that your grandmother lost her mom on New Year's Eve.

My mother died on Thanksgiving Day .
It’s not enjoyable anymore.

Thanks, Llama. I know that you went through heartache watching your mom decline too.

My grandmother who rarely complained about anything, once confided in me that she hated New Year’s Eve.

I asked her, ‘Grandma, how can you hate New Year’s Eve?’

She said, “It seemed like the whole world was celebrating the upcoming New Year and I was sad because my mother died on New Year’s Eve.”

Need: Hugs. That was hard.

Riverdale: Yes, my birthday is January 13. My mother had suffered an ischemic stroke a week before and she passed away on January 24. No birthday cards for me. Before my brother flew all the way across country while mother lay on her death bed, he gave me a gift of a calendar, not even gift wrapped.
Sorry for your loss.

My mom died just before our wedding anniversary. I was hoping that she wouldn’t die on our wedding anniversary.

This is really here nor there and I can't believe I just realized that my mother died on the same day of a month (different one) that I was born on. Has anyone else experienced a similarity in their lives?

My late MIL died on the very same day and month as her late husband (who I never met) but 39 years later.

Anyway daughter and son in law came home from week to Netherlands (loved it there) and I no longer have to be referee between 3 and 5 year old grandchildren which is a relief as my husband and I have different viewpoints (we agree) on raising children.

Saw a sitcom the other day, where a man said:
Did you know that sandwiches were named after a guy called the Earl of Sandwich?

I thought it was a joke. Turns out it’s true!

(1718–92), an English nobleman said to have eaten food in this form.

My experiment below, isn’t really working. Turns out it’s very hard to break a life-time of go-to habits. I’ll try again today.

Random thought:
Imagine waking up one day, and thinking that every one of your decisions in life, until now, was wrong.

By the way, I don’t mean: your husband/wife, kids, being nice, being polite, etc. (Those decisions are not part of what I’m talking about).

But imagine you try totally different decisions. I think I’m going to try, just for fun.

So for example: I hate tomatoes. From today (for 1-month experiment), I’ll eat tomatoes now and then. I’ll read books I would normally never read. I’ll start some hobby that’s totally not part of my personality normally.

1-month experiment. I’ll see how it goes.


Enjoy it while it lasts! 😊

Need, I’m only up here a few more days. Then I have an appointment to go to. I’m meeting Way at Bingo, at the facility for broken-down caregivers.


That’s our issue. The humidity is awful!


I am absolutely jealous! I’m so ready for fall!

Pam, your plan to relax, sleep, spend time with hubby, and watch snow sounds wonderful.

One thing most of us never get enough of is sleep. A good night sleep does wonders for the body and the mind.

I hope you still have time to stay in touch with us occasionally.

Don’t want to make anyone jealousssss, but I’m up in the mountains today, where the temperature is a very nice 66F…19C.


Sometimes I run the A/C more for the humidity than the heat. I've read a fair bit online about where people set their thermostat in the summer and winter, it's even come up here on the forum. I'm shocked at all the people who expect to keep their homes below 70° F in the summer - heck no, that's way too cold for me!

Trust me, I know 25 celsius isn't hot in comparison to what most are experiencing. That's why I said it's bearable.

Vancouver experienced what they referred to as a "heat dome" a couple of years ago and it was 44 celsius. Now that was freaking hot. Scary hot. So I know we've been lucky this year. I think the highest it's gotten this year is 33 celsius.

We do have an AC but I personally hate it. Hubs would love to have it on all the time but the noise and having frigid air blowing on me isn't a personal favorite of mine.

Md one of the things I am looking forward to is snow!! Just staying home and watching it ( if we get any this year) and not having to worry about going to work! I am not planning to over reach myself out of the gate,, so the volunteer stuff if I do it will be once or twice a month at most to start. I really am planning to just try to relax and enjoy the rest of the summer and fall with my hubs . Thank you for your advice!

Happy retirement Pam!

Interesting development. Since I retired five years ago, I have gotten intermittent texts and emails from agencies soliciting me to come to work for them.

I got one the other day that actually interested me. I emailed back with the caveat that my availability is extremely limited and that I'm out of the country for the month of November. They came back even stronger, asking for a resume. Sent them another demurral this morning and they came back more insistently that they want to talk to me. So I sent them my bona fides and we'll see what happens!

You know Polar,, I am at bit of loss on that issue. I want to pack up some more stuff in our main house to clear out, and I still have stuff at the river house to get rid of ( a hard slog with hubby who grew up with this Holly Hobby decor his mom put everywhere there) . I also have spoken to a cat recue about volunteer work. And work wants me to work agency for them.. That would not effect my retirement and I can earn a certain amount without it effecting my SS. So I'm going to be a work in progress for awhile! At least for awhile I am going to try to relearn normal sleep habits and just RELAX

Wishing you all the luck!! 🥳🥳

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