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Pam, you made a huge life change and you gave up a job you loved for 26 years, so it was definitely worth the tears.

What are some of your plans for retirement?

Congratulations as you retire Pam!
Can be bittersweet.

Finally saw some threads that Riverdale mentioned, with no poster attached to them.
It was a mystery.
But looking closer, it was fun recognizing who the poster was without seeing their name.
Still, a frustrating glitch. Hope it's fixed soon.

My dH said it has not been hacked, but may be from site development.
He said not to worry.

Pam, congratulations!

Pamz: Congratulations!



The site is weird right now but they are supposed to be working on it.

Yay! Congrats, Pam.

Enjoy your retirement!!!

Well today I sent in my resignation /retirement letter.. it was hard! I cried after I sent it. When I started my job 26 years ago I never thought about retirement, and here it is! Wish me luck as I navigate this!

Hi River, it’s not done on purpose (font change is on purpose). AC is aware of the IT problem you mentioned, and they’re trying to fix it.

Are others experiencing the font changes on the site? There also seem to be replies without a poster connected to them. I don't know why there have to be such changes. I had enjoyed a certain familiarity here previously.


I hear you! I am done with summer too! I would also freeze during the winter months in colder climates.

Gershun, rotflmao 77° is bearable! I am afraid you would die in Tucson, even in the winter it would be too hot for you. On the other hand, I would freeze to death in short order living in BC.

Need, I prefer needing A/C to months of needing a heater or fire but, this record breaking heat is really tough this year.

We aren't even getting down to 77° overnight and I am soooooo done with summer already I would love a single day of 77°, it would be a reprieve to be sure :-)

I am always amazed at the difference tolerance levels based on where we live.


Oh my gosh, it would be a delightful not to need air conditioning!

Yes, I'd call 25° a pleasant day, you won't hear much complaining until the temps get up beyond the mid 30's and then only if it goes on for a while and is coupled with warm humid nights.
But then people in BC often don't have A/C.

25 degrees Celsius is 77 Fahrenheit.

It's bearable here in Vancouver today. But I've noticed they show the temperature readings as 25 degrees, feels like 30 now. We are celsius here by the way.


Summers are always too hot where I live!

Funny topic.

Just checking in with everyone. Hope it's not too hot where you all are.

I thought of a topic for a new thread but then realized it's not caregiving related so I'm bringing it up here. I was going to call it Getting Song Lyrics Wrong.

For instance: That song by Billy Idol, Eyes Without a Face. My DH thought the words were How's About a Date.

Neil Diamond's song Crackling Rosie? I thought it was Crackling Rosie peed on board. LOL

My mom thought the hymn Jesus Loves Even Me was Jesus loves Eve and me cause she had a sister named Eve. :)

Anyway, just thought it would be a fun topic. Share if you like.

Hugs, BOJ!

So good to see you, BOJ!

wishing all of you well!!

also want to say: don’t worry, i’m fine. just busy doing my things.

sending summer hugs!!


Sounds like a meaningful and peaceful day. We do find closure in these final times of having everything settled.

Sending hugs your way today.

Riverdale, what a lovely tribute to your mom! I hope you are feeling some peace and resolution today. (((Hugs))).

Riverdale: Hugs to you.💙

We took my mother's ashes to a very old but still active family cemetery today. A 2 hour drive each way. 2 of my older grandaughters came along. We placed some notes,pictures and shells inside with her. A final step to closure. She is resting next to her beloved father and a bit aways from less beloved stepmother.

Next step will be to order a headstone with some warm tributes. A family cousin who oversees the care of this cemetery dug the hole. We had some readings and then each threw a handful of dirt in before he covered it up. It actually was a lovely day and the 8 and almost 10 year old were able to say goodbye as they weren't here in May when we had a small service for her.


Many years ago. I was getting ready for work. I showered, got dressed, did my makeup and styled my hair. I thought that I grabbed my can of hair spray.

Nope! It was a can of bathroom cleaner that was sitting next to my hairspray. My head was covered in white cleaning foam! LOL 😆

I was late for work! When I told my boss why I was late he started laughing.

I just put sun screen on my toothbrush, fortunately I noticed before I got it to my mouth🙄 That is all.


Thanks, oh gosh. More tech issues!

Had an interesting experience this afternoon: I was driving across town going to pick up my adoptrd son and grand nephew when I noticed the tag on the car in front of me was hanging at about a 45 degree angle... then when the car turned off the tag fell off! I dropped the tag off at the police station and they're going to return it later today.

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