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hang in there! little steps!! keep going, ventingisback!!!

I'm writing this for myself. I guess, hoping that in the future I'll re-read this post and say, everything worked out!

I'm having an extremely hard time. It's out of my control. There's a lot to deal with.

So my uncle (who I'm not close too) is 90, lives in a senior living center. Always had a good sound mind for 90, He was driving on the north way, was going to his VA hospital, about a half hour away, south. His kids and police and everyone couldnt find him for almost 24 hours. He ended up going north, 3 hour drive to Canada, they wouldnt let him in. Then sometime like 6 hours later during the night, he was on the northway going the wrong way. Ended up in a ditch, he is going to be fairly ok, has broken ribs and stuff.

Anyways the moral of this story is it ended up being a UTI . Which is ironic because you girls are always saying, maybe it's a UTI, check for a UTI. It was a UTI!

Just thank God no one else was hurt!

My sisters , niece by marriage and boy friend and 1 year old was just killed by a drunk driver in Maryland, traveling. So we have all had enough sad news for a while!


It’s true that some doctors are diligent about keeping up with new treatments. Others aren’t.

My older doctor didn’t even want to switch over to using the computer and keeping required medical records. He was also against using a portal.

I absolutely love the existence of a portal. I can check everything on my portal as well as making my appointments. It’s really convenient.


Yes, it’s hard to change when you’re satisfied with your current doctor.

I am surprised at how quickly new doctors fill their patient load. My new doctor isn’t taking any new patients because she is already at her quota.

I get all that, I was mostly joking ! I get along great with my Dr's, and they are very open and up to date. My PC is a great gal, I've been with her since she started at our local practice and I consider her a friend, so that helps too!

When my PCP retired he was ready .
I chose a woman in the practice in her early 40’s .

My DH took the young male doctor that replaced our previous one . He looks like he’s 12. Right off the bat he told my husband he get his Doogie Howser jokes out first if he wanted !!

When I did any research on my own, my doctors' comment (more than once) was 'where did you get YOUR medical degree from?'. I'm not sorry he retired. I also remember an older doctor being scathing about a requirement to do so many hours of update study. 'The human body hasn't changed much'. Medical knowledge has, though.


When my older primary care doctor announced his retirement, I was happy! I was so ready to find a younger more up to date doctor.

At my first visit with my new PCP, I felt like I was speaking to my oldest daughter. Well, guess what? I absolutely love her! She is attentive, compassionate and up to date with newer treatments.

I steer clear of older doctors who are near retirement age.

I found that when my older PCP was nearing retirement he wasn’t as thorough as he was when he was younger. He became annoyed if I asked questions.

One time he even said to me, “You know, there was a time when patients didn’t question their doctors.”

What??? We have a right to ask questions. My new doctor is never bothered about answering questions and she will always ask me if I have any further questions.

Gone are the days when people treat their doctors like gods. People nowadays are strong advocates for their own health care.

Well I knew this day was coming,, my eye specialist told me today at the end of my visit that he is retiring!! Another Dr is taking over his practice so I'm still good there,, but now I am starting to feel older! My family practice gal is at least 10 years younger than I am, so at least I have awhile there. I just knew I would have to get more "baby doctors" in my future! you would think I would be used to new younger doctors after 26 years at a teaching hospital, but NO!

cwillie . I’ve seen privacy screens that are like a shade that pulls out horizontally or retracts . The ends are poles with stakes put into the ground . Idk if that’s easier for you or not if the deck has a railing on it . I don’t know how much they are either. Amazon has a lot of different ones .

My cousin designs vertical gardens , very large ones. She has won urban garden awards.

Sounds wonderful, DoggieMom.


Some dogs are super smart!

The ice cream man loved my dog when I was a kid. Mom gave us 7 cents each to buy a popsicle. Our dog got a small vanilla cup of ice cream free!

My dog got so excited whenever he heard the music from the ice cream truck playing. He knew that he was going to get his ice cream treat!

I think next summer I might rent an RV so I can take my dogs and go visit a few Civil War sites here in the states.

Speaking of smart dogs.... When I was young we had a collie type dog (not a border collie) who never left the farm, or so we thought. Turned out that as soon as we left for church on Sundays he headed over to a neighbour's place to visit, but he was always waiting on the front porch when we got home. lol


Yes, you can assemble a pretty trellis with lovely vines growing on it. I love columbine. Does that grow there?

I love honeysuckle vines too. There are lots of beautiful vines. Some are highly fragrant too!


Vertical gardens are beautiful!!

Our botanical garden in City Park has a lovely vertical garden located near the entrance area.


Forgive my facetiousness and sarcasm. 😝

It’s too bad that you can’t make your neighbors wear a shock collar and you could install an electronic fence in case they try to cross over their line. LOL 😂

I am thinking about my friend who installed an electronic fence to stop his dog from escaping.

His dog outsmarted him! He figured out a way to tilt his head a certain way to cross over without being shocked.

He would roam around the neighborhood on a daily basis.

I swear that dogs have an internal clock, because he would go home just before my friend got home from work so he could eat his dinner.

The neighbors were still complaining about his dog running free in the streets and he couldn’t figure it out for quite some time until he caught the dog in the act of escaping.

My friend couldn’t put up a fence because he lived near the golf course. His HOA only allowed invisible fences.

Lot survey plus a fence is way over my budget Way. I think can cobble together an inexpensive privacy screen on the deck though, I'm looking at a 4' X 8' vinyl lattice mounted on a simple 2X4 frame.

Oh the retirement thing, I know that well. Lol first month of retirement, it was August, a really hot day, husband decided to fix are AC, that wasn't broken, but after fixing it , it was most definitely broken. 😆 And all ACs where sold out!

Willie, that sucks it's so uncomfortable living next door to people that a miserable to you

cwillie ,
how fast can you get your privacy screen up ? Or how about a fence so they can’t encroach on your side ?

You could do a vertical garden that hangs on planters on your side of the fence , to pretty it up .

My cousin owns a company that installs these vertical gardens on building walls in NYC

I have a contentious history with these neighbours (I've complained about them here). Fortunately the last couple of years things have been smooth but I'm always on eggshells, reluctant to do or say anything that might rock the boat.


Your neighbors don’t seem to be very neighborly or wise. They remove your nice established shrubs, only to end up planting trees, that they also removed! 😝

So, how did they justify planting trees that would have grown onto your property? 🙄 That’s pretty ridiculous!

I contemplated planting my own hedge Golden but the house is much too close to the lot lines (narrow lots) so I really don't want to lose that much space there.
The ass planted a whole bunch of little spruce trees where the hedge had been and I was wondering how I was going to deal with them inevitably encroaching on my yard, but fortunately they've all been removed now. I think part of the issue may be that he has retired and is looking for projects🙄

Oh yes, Golden

I love trees too. They can cause quite a stir amongst neighbors though.

Some people get upset about how messy they are. It’s nature! We can’t control which direction the wind blows the leaves in.

My godmother would get furious about the leaves from her neighbor’s tree ending up in her yard. She could be vengeful at times. She would rake the leaves and dump them back onto their yard!

I asked her why didn’t she just dump the leaves in the trash? She said because the leaves were from their tree! My godmother had a mean streak in her.

Ah, need, neighbours trees.

I think you are being very sensible about your neighbours.

I have a mountain ash that is bushy and grows over the neighbours' (older couple) driveway. We keep it trimmed and I told them to lop off what ever they wanted to on their side. She told me she loves that tree. On the other side they had a huge spruce that very much added to our privacy and they cut it down. The neighbours to the back had a wonderful stand of birch in their front garden and they cut it down. Another neighbour across from them cut down a lovely maytree and replaced it with garden ornaments. The new owners of that house are now growing another tree, I am pleased to see.. Another cut out a mock orange shrub that flowered beautifully. One neighbour on the other side had a lovely apple tree - they removed it a couple of years ago and replaced it with something much less attractive. If I had known I would have offered to have it removed to our garden. The blossom was beautiful and the fruit very good, if small. I have walked a lot in my neighbourhood and enjoyed all the trees, shrubs and gardens in general and miss them when they are cut down. I don't understand chopping down good trees and shrubs. They add so much to the area.


I find it interesting how many people end up in court over trees. Sometimes, people have legitimate concerns. Other times it is trivial.

People are sue happy these days and will sue over just about everything.

My neighbor planted an oak tree right next to our driveway. I didn’t see her planting it. I saw it after the fact.

Needless to say, I wasn’t happy about it because the roots are eventually going to cause structural damage and crack our driveway.

Am I taking her to court? No, I am not, but I did speak to her civilly about the situation. She said, that she loves trees and wanted a tree in that area of her yard.

At that point, I decided to walk away, because I didn’t feel like she was logical enough to have an intelligent conversation with. I didn’t feel like wasting my time.

The neighbor on the other side of me, tried to sue us, saying that a limb from our tree broke his bathroom window during a hurricane.

Our tree doesn’t encroach on his property at all. Our insurance agent said that he would never win the case and he didn’t.

Our fence was destroyed from strong hurricane winds and the neighbors tree behind us fell on it as well. We didn’t try to sue him. We simply repaired our fence.

Cut down a cedar hedge!!! That's terrible, however, it being on their property, they certainly had the right to do it. I had 6' fences around my back yard but nothing but shrubs and trees in front and not for privacy. I do have a screen on one side on the front deck, and the garage sticks out on the other so the front deck is pretty concealed from the neighbours. I've never been "palsy" with the neighbours but usually acknowledge them if I see them, just with a nod and a few times a year with a chat with the older couple who have been there for a long time. They always wanted to be friends but we kept it light. I am thankful for them now as they have keys to the place and she is watering my indoor plants. We will stay in contact once the house is moved. They are sorry to see me sell.

The newer neighbours built a shed in the front which was against bylaws and did my property no good, so I contacted the city and the neighbours removed it to the back of their property. She somehow got ahold of me on face book and tried to bargain. I didn't respond. I explained to him, as he as erecting it, as did the bylaw officer, it was against bylaws so it had to be moved. What I thought of it was immaterial. I maintained a nodding acquaintance with her. Rarely saw him. Once he and a friend were on bicycles on the side walk when I was out for a walk. As I approached they didn't move so I had to walk out on the road to get around them. Not very neighbourly.

I am sorry you lost the cedar hedge. Is it worth planting one on your property?

I think I keep to myself a little more the last few years, more because of political division. There are a lot of conspiracy theoriest around me too. So I work at just being friendly. Then is someone says something I disagree with I can just walk away

cwillie, what a shame they didn't even offer to give it to you before wasting it by cutting it down (f transplanting it was even possible). It's one of those things that is perfect for: "Free hedge: come and get it yourself".

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