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My daughter’s friend is a bit upset that her mom and mother in law don’t like the name that she chose for her baby. She’s using her grandmother’s name as the middle name.

The names that her mom and mother in law likes don’t suit her at all. I am hoping that she will follow her heart and will use the name that she loves for her child.

Some people don’t like a name because it holds bad memories for them. This isn’t the case here. Her mom and mother in law simply hate the name Daisy.

I feel like her family can hate the name all they want, but they shouldn’t tell her not to use a name that she loves.

Funny story about how I was named. Mom named me. My dad loved a certain name, but when mom found out the name belonged to a former girlfriend of his, she said, “No, that’s not happening!”

LOL 😆 Daddy just liked the name. Mom knew that he didn’t have feelings for this woman, but it still rubbed her the last way.

I’d like to comment with reference to Need’s post about the MIL and mother hating Need’s daughter’s pregnant friend’s choice of name.

In-laws not happy with our #1’s name. Tough bananas. Both my mother and MIL use their middle names, as both hate their first names. Our #2 is a girl, so we called her my mother’s middle name followed by MIL’s middle name. They sound lovely together - she’s had compliments. Extended family gushed about the tribute. M and MIL not amused. Both are old-fashioned names but neither odd nor harsh. Our daughter knows the story, loves her name and especially loves how we poked both bears.

Thanks Alva, it's definitely one to remember.

I wouldn't let him leave my side the rest of vacation. I even accidentally walked into the men's room with him , until I realized where I was.

Nacy is hubby like my SIL, won't carry a phone.
Without a phone N. and I can't even find one another in the STORE anymore, and Costco would be a dangerous trek indeed. To say nothing of travel.

What a story!

So I got a story ,

As some know last week me and my husband went to New Orleans. We are not seasoned travelers by any means. My first time on a plane

We were both a little stressed. Me pretending I wasn't and my husband continues questions about where to go in the airport ECT... The blind leading the blind

The taxi dropped us off at the hotel, amazing beautiful place. We walked to bourbon St, had lunch , me a none drinker , decided to celebrate with a hurricane.

Because of that and the heat , we decided to go back to hotel. Husband said he was going to take a small walk. While he was out walking he got lost. Sence I handle this part of the trip he didn't remember the name of the hotel or the road name, and I had his cell phone.

He walked for 3 hours , while I was in the hotel thinking he was dead. Couldn't ask anyone because he new nothing about the hotel or road. Needs, gave me her email, I'm like omg I can't email her , this crazy lady thinking her husband's dead , 3 hours after they get to my city.

Finally I got my self pulled together, got to the elevator it opened and he was in it. Never been so scared and he was upset.

The hotel looked just like a store front.

Anyways it is going to be a story that will make the trip more remaremarabl. We haven't really told anyone, or talked about it much till today, because we just wanted to forget are stupidity. 😂

pamz -glad it went so well. Such a happy time expecting a little one.

river - hope all goes well for you and yours too,


Sounds like the shower was fun!

My daughter’s friend was visiting with us last week. She is expecting her first child.

She started telling me about the name that she selected for her baby. I told her that I thought it was a cute name.

She said that she wished her mom liked the name. Her mother and mother in law told her that they hated the name and not to choose that name. I felt awful for my daughter’s friend.

It’s not a bizarre or weird name. In fact, it’s a sweet name, ‘Daisy.’ She has always loved the name Daisy.

I told her that it’s her child and she should name her whatever she wants to.

I can see why some expecting moms don’t share names with others. I can’t imagine telling my daughters that I don’t like a name that they selected.

I think it would be amazing to see the lights, but if it isn’t your thing, then it isn’t your thing.

I spent most of my Mothers day helping DD sort, detag and wash 3 loads of baby clothes.Luckily she got all sorts of sizes from NB to 12 mo, so she's good for awhile. She got so much stuff it;s unbelievable! All the big stuff is handled, and the rec room in her TH is pretty full of boxes her partner will have to hustle upstairs to the nursury. We got the crib all dressed and its so cute. And I am very tired... But the shower was great, and the girls did all the set up and 90% of the clean up,, just some furniture moving and vacuuming left for me to finish tomorrow.

Wonderful if you can see them.

No going out here. Dreadful (10+) air quality here due to smoke from BC wildfires. Visibility is much reduced.

My son was out fishing at midnight for the opener and took pics of stunning aurora borialis over Lake Minnetonka: undulating sheets of purple green yellow pink. He's out again tonight and will text me if he sees him and I'm gonna run out there in my PJs like a nut. He said last night the moon was very bright and he could see shooting stars behind the lights. Hope I get to see them!

Lol Gershun!
I just sent dH out, I stayed inside.

You have your own special interests, that does not make you apathetic, imo.

You have so many friends here willing to sit with you.
However, virtually.
Besides, sitting on the side of the road these days is dangerous, even if there are two or three.
The photos are so much better seeing them after the fact online.

It is all just proof that you can get excited about many things, but you can also choose not to get excited. There is no right or wrong, no judgement.

(aw, dH is critical of me. He says: "No right or wrong???").
I will not be drawn into a disagreement with someone I know to be wrong.

I must be very apathetic cause I didn't even bother to go outside to see if I could see anything in the sky. My hubs was driving home from his job at 1:30am. last night and said there was so much traffic cause so many were parked on the side of the road trying to see something and take pics. Meanwhile I yawned, turned over and went back to sleep. :P

If I had such a friend Send....

My dH often needs something to do (healthy like going outside after sitting at the computer all day).
In our area, there were no lights in the sky expected, but I sent him out with his cell phone. Reports were that what could not be seen with the naked eye, could be seen with a cell phone camera. I looked up how to get the best photo of the lights. He took just one amazing photo! Nothing showing of the lights.

I sent him out again to get a photo of our home because it was so bright outside, or was it the long exposure he used? Very cool, as one of his interests is photography. I enjoyed seeing the photo!

So, we've been very busy here last night, sharing the rare occurrence.

Ya know, Cwilllie, you can go out with a friend to watch the night sky tonight.

I should go outside too. Maybe I will.

People from near me are posting amazing pics of the northern lights last night, lots of pinks and purples!!.... I'm sad I live in town and wasn't able to see anything. I was just too tired to go driving to sit on the side of the road on the off chance there'd be something worthwhile to see (sigh).

Things have certainly changed and will most likely continue to change. Trends seem to be cyclical.

Beatty, your post made me feel a bit guilty. But the whole thing was not 'done' when I was growing up or when my daughters were babies. The general rule was no parties until the babe was three, and then the same number of 'guests' as the age of the 'host' baby. Things change!

We have done Disney, not Kennedy Space Center or Universal.

My youngest daughter has done Universal with a friend and loved it!

I would love doing Kennedy Space Center and Universal.

Our oldest daughter visited the space center in Houston on a special school trip for honor students. She came home devastated.

Space travel is an exciting adventure when all goes well. When an explosion occurs and death occurs it is truly tragic.

It will be fun for you to go back to Disney and see the other attractions in that area of Florida.

The rides are fun in Disney!

Need, we hope to return to return to Disney, Universal and the Kennedy Space Center for our 25th anniversary this year. We visited Disney with the kids for my 50th. We got stuck in my favourite ride - The Haunted Mansion. I was over the moon.


Scavenger hunts are fun! I feel the same. I loved playing outside as a kid and our kids loved being outside as well.

Like you, I think a lot of couples choose DisneyWorld for their honeymoon destination.

I bet DisneyWorld prices are sky high these days. Everything has gone up in price so much.

I second the support of grandparents, Beatty. My parents were terrific grandparents.

Need, my kids went to prom in our minivan except our youngest who, last year, went in her date’s best friend’s car. I remember kids renting limos to prom when I was in high school (1980ish) except I went in my date’s project car.

No senior trips for me or them. I went to Disney World on my honeymoon!

The crazy big parties that made me cringe were kids’ birthday parties around the late 1990s. Indoor playground rentals with characters, caterers, animals, loot bags... $$$$

Ours kids had scavenger hunts in the woods and crafts.

Margaret, I guess the Grandparents at my bub's 1st birthday party may have felt similar!

But we also did the 1st birthday as a 'just survived the 12 months of parenthood' event. We catered to many babies & had appropriate toys but it was really for the adults.

It was a milestone I cherish. The no sleep night before is visable on my DH & my faces in the photos: grey & worn while the baby beemed. The parents from the Mother's group (this mixed group of strangers just 12 months before) were there. Those women that kept me off the ledge.. the close relatives that had supported us were there. At one stage I had planned out leaving the baby at a hospital & fleeing.. those people at that party still have no idea how much their support meant.

I send a thankyou to supportive grandparents everywhere. ❤️

I remember being asked to my first grandchild’s first birthday party. I declined saying I thought a year old really didn’t need a party, a complete waste of time. Daughter explained that it was really for the adults, for surviving the first year. It wouldn't look good if I didn't show up. So I went, and it was just a lot of her friends standing around with drinks, ignoring the baby. I was right – a complete waste of time!

Pam and Nacy.

Remember senior proms In high school? We drove there in cars. Now kids take limousines to arrive!

Senior trips too. We went to our state capitol for senior our senior trip. My daughter’s senior trip was to Disney World!

Things are very different these days!

Need and Nacy! I know, its crazy! I am 65, going to 66 in July, and DD is our only one, and this will be our only grand. Luckily no reveal party, we have ALL known since the sonograms! and I only paid for the main food ( except meatballs a friend is bringing and the favor cookies her daughter made, they are adorable) They paid for all the decor and drink stuff. we have been to several destination weddings, most recently bonus DDs in Jamaica.. I sort of enjoy them and look at them like the vacation I would otherwise not have taken,, LOL. Plus they get good discounts when they book a wedding and a block of rooms. But I am excited about this, and thank you!

Don't forget the bachelorette, destination,3 day party. I couldn't believe it when I heard about that. Anyone that agrees to be in the wedding needs to go broke too.


Have a wonderful time at the shower!

Yes, it’s a different world today.

So many things have changed since we were young. I am 68. I don’t remember how old you are.

I remember backyard birthday parties when we were kids. Not anymore! Birthday bashes are a big thing now where tons of money is spent.

Yes, wedding and baby showers were more intimate events held in our homes. The last several showers that I I have gone to have been held at fancy venues with loads of food, drinks and decorations!

Weddings have changed drastically too. I had one wedding dress. Now they have one for the ceremony and one for the reception. Destination weddings weren’t a thing. Two of my nephews got married in Hawaii!

I had one wedding cake at our reception. A ‘grooms cake’ wasn’t popular then.

Don’t even get me started on how much couples spend on engagement rings and honeymoons!

Everything is over the top now. Huge engagement parties. Baby reveal celebrations, etc.

Gone are the simple days and having a modest budget. People go into debt entertaining others.

Nothing is cheap anymore. Going to a movie theater was cheap when I was a kid. Not anymore. Same thing with concerts. When I was young I paid between $5 and $10 dollars for tickets. Look what they cost now!

If I start to ponder things like solar storms I feel kind of comforted in a strange way. Realizing that I'm really not in control takes the onus off of me to be perfect.
Not that I ever thought I was in control know.

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