
My DD is a Woundcare Nurse in a LTC facility. One of her patients is not a happy person. She was complaining to my DD about being "stuck in this place". My DD asked her if she would like to go out for a walk. The woman said yes. The drive goes around the building. It was beautiful here yesterday. Sunny and in the 70s. They talked while DD pushed the lady. It was only about 15 min or so but it changed the ladys day. DD said she did not complain for the rest of the day.

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Well done JoAnn's DD! 👏 🌞😃

Being outdoors, looking at nature, feeling the wind or sun can work absolute wonders.
What a kindness 💖

Bragging about your kids is good

I got 4 beautiful boys

Number 1 son works for the state in mental health. Has 2 beautiful boys of his own. Over came a lot of obstacles in life, and a great wife

Number 2 he is more of a exporer Lives in Texas now, him and his gf, mountain of climbing and stuff like that

Number 3 , is a micro biologist. Sweetest gf. Just awsome couple

Number 4 son, is in construction, works his butt off, still finding himself

They are all just awsome

Yes all boys, always boys for me!

Anxiety, I loved my Dad but he never instilled confidence in his children. My Mom not so much either. I grew up thinking I was stupid. I was a slow learner but once I knew something, I knew it. We livved psy to pay so jo moneyvforvextra curricular things. I came into my own when I started working. I found I was good at what I did.

My girls, if they wanted to try something we made it happen. They didn't have to stick with it but they were able to at least see if the could do it or not. Both single now and live on their own. They both do well on their jobs.

Personally I love hearing people brag about there children. Honestly don't think we do it enough. Your daughter has a beautiful sole and you should be proud

As a daughter that has never felt like she did anything right or were good enough, I'm in now very aware of not making my kids feel this way

I don't usually brag about my girls, always felt it would come back and bite me in the tail. I saw it happen in other families. But, I do have to say, my daughter is a good Nurse because of her compassion. She is planning on leaving if this job she applied for comes thru. Not because of the residents but because of the families. They are so nasty.

She has resident who suffers from Dementia. The woman had her toes removed because of poor circulation. Every day my daughter goes in and bandages the wound. To do the surgery, stints had to put in the leg veins to open up circulation. The woman now has a heel wound that is not getting better so my daughter put in for the woman to see her surgeon to see if the stints collapsed. The son cancelled these appts 2x now. She saw him last week and explained to him why Mom needed to see the surgeon. He blew up at my daughter saying she was only a Nurse and knew nothing. She told him she had 10yrs of Woundcare experience and ran a unit at one time. He still berated her. This is a son that shows up every 2 months or so. My daughter had tests run and it was found she was right. She had the other son take a picture of the report and send it to his brother. The brother was back a few days later and apologized to my DD.

My daughter said this woman is a sweetie. But everyday DD goes into her room she has to re-introduce herself and tell her why she is there. The woman is surprised that she had her toes removed. DD takes the bandage off and the woman says "thats my foot, oh my" type thing. Everyday. DD was walking down the hall the other day and the woman said "your the one who does my foot" DD felt she had made some progress.

Another time a resident was coding. Nurses and doctors everywhere and my daughter on the phone with 911. A woman stood at the nurses station trying to get my daughters attention. DD put her finger up signing...just a moment. But the woman continued so DD put on the speaker so woman could hear that she was on with 911. When DD was done with the call she asked how she could help the woman. She said "My Mother needs a glass of water" Now, this mothers room was right across the hall from where all the stuff was going on and the daughter felt that was a good time to ask for a glass of water?


This post and the comments were so nice to read this morning.

Your daughter listened to her. She validated her feelings. She didn’t shush her up, criticize her or even inject her own emotions onto the woman.

This woman felt seen and heard by your daughter’s thoughtfulness. How lovely!

JoAnn that is wonderful!

I love walking, I live in a small village, and try to walk every place I need to go, the bank, post office ect....

It's amazes me that if we are have cloudy rainy days, and you start feeling blue, I grab the umbrella and the blues go away.

That would be an amazing volunteer program, there are people that go to facilities to read and volunteer there time. A group of volunteers just to take people for walks, could really make a difference in there lives

Amazing what a little fresh air and sunshine will do for someone. Should be a lesson for us all.

That's an exact conversation that my MIL has with us when we visit. She complains about being "stuck in this place". We take her out for a roll around the grounds when weather permits. Your DD did a lovely thing. May she be blessed!

Bless your DD for taking the time to give this woman some individual attention, it's the little things that make such a difference.

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