How to change negative thoughts into positive.
How to gradually improve our mental outlook.
How to use positive affirmations to change how we look at the glass half empty, or is it half full?
How to get through the day, just for today.
Caregivers who have had success doing this, please help your caregiving buddies by telling what you tried.
So many are suffering in silence, I am sure.
Okay, here we go!
I know I have alot to work through & It's good to know there's help available out there.
Thanks so much~
Thank you for your contributions and commitment. I hope you can recieve support, as well. Sincerely hope you can find someone who can make you feel more welcome. You and any shortcomings are still welcome here.
I did try to private message you in response to your PM to me, however your account is not set up to receive. And that is so understandable, privacy is so important, even on this forum. I know it is to me.
Will apologizing for sarcasm help you? If so, I do apologize to you. Sorry for my
Maybe you could recieve more support if you addressed your comments to the support group here, in general. Then we would all feel it is not a private conversation. Well, yes, I am addressing this post to you, but also to others who
may be offended by poorly attempted humor, using sarcasm. So sorry!
To the support group:
This is a support group to give and receive support to past and present caregivers. To attempt actual "therapy" on a public forum is dangerous and ill advised.
By history, myself, when in a group (support group or group therapy), I was often singled out, even attacked! More than once, the therapist intervened on my behalf.
(Strange, huh?).
It is not too-far fetched, imo.
WW literature:
Shift your mindset from fixed to a growth mindset. 1) Learn to identify a fixed mindset. If a setback or challenge triggers a reaction like "I can't", or "I'm bad at this"-that's fixed.
2) Talk back to it in a growth mindset voice. Remind yourself of challenges you've overcome in the past and what you learned. How can you apply those lessons to this new situation?
3) Keep practicing.
My advice:
Do not be your own worst enemy with your thoughts. Change your thoughts.
The bible even covers this topic...."Think on these things"........
Reference anyone?
Ok. I survived my past. I can survive anything!
Finally,brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
I am trying to change my negative thoughts to positive but it seems like nothing is going well in my life right now. I wonder sometimes if I'm bringing it on myself somehow. While I do pray and trust the Lord I think he sometimes needs to bring us to a point where we have no other choice than to just give up and stop putting barriers up so he can get in there and help us.
I know I feel tired so much now and life seems impossible. I am getting to a point where I just don't care and feel like I'm standing back and watching things from somewhere else. I feel detached from myself these days is what I'm trying to say. I think it's a form of self-protection maybe.
What kind of studies show brain chemistry changes? I know my mood can change, even my responses. The way I start my day makes a difference. When I start with prayer and meditation, everything seems easier. When I don't, my thinking has been changed from negative to positive by reminding myself what I've been told by friends. I can restart my day at any time. That's the self-talk some one else mentioned.
Sometimes I grab one of the journal's I kept when I was caring for Mother and that makes my day harder.I know better ,but I still do it anyway.
Hubs and I rented a movie last night called The Mustang about a program where prisoners tame wild horses. The main character was this closed off, angry man who became totally attached to this horse he was trying to tame. It was a simple movie but I found it quite touching cause this horse tamed him too.
I don't need to be tamed but I'd love to have a horse to bond with.
I do take Klonopin occasionally for sleep. Half the dose that was prescribed and still I feel zonked the next day. You know that feeling you get when you nod off in front of the t.v. and then suddenly wake up with a start. I feel like that the whole next day after taking Klonopin. We'll be driving along and then DH says something and I jump. No, I'm not the one driving. Can you imagine? LOL
When I get stuck in the "pit of despair" I sing or say "Amazing Grace" out loud or just to myself. Focusing on the message of the verses lifts me above my worries & cares.
Did I mention he is retired?
Whew!!! Thank Goodness!
Not that I have anything against orange juice.