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What movies? Were there movies at the drive-in?

Been meaning to share this....guess it's on my mind right now because Mom's B'Day is Monday....she'll be 94! For her Big 90th we sibs threw her a magnificent party....delicious and plentiful food catered by her favorite restaurant, her favorite live band playing everything from showtunes and Big Band to the Beatles, Eagles.....custom B'Day cake decorated in her favorite was grand! The very BEST time! I am so glad we did this because less than a year later all the horrible medical crises started. But what I wanted to share is this: Mom's been happily retired in SW FL for almost 30 years. I was still working FT living 1800 miles North....knew I couldn't put this big affair together long-distance so googled party planners and found the most magnificent young woman. Kirsty (who looked 25 told me she was actually 42, married w/4 did a magnificent job. We started working in August for a late November party. Kirsty and Mom were like 2 peas in a pod....both little energizer bunnies. Kirsty spent hours and hours w/Mom (and me via phone, email, skype). The very BEST thing she convinced me to do was to let her produce a DVD (from Mom's numerous photos), along with soundtrack and captions, of Mom's life up to's the most wonderful, fantastic, FAVORITE thing, and not just for me. The party room in Mom's condo had a large flat screen TV.....we played the 4 minute DVD in a loop thruout the party. Everyone was mesmerised watching it.....there's Mom's Grandparent's w/their baby daughter....Mom's 19th C Ireland! There's Grandad in hat and goggles and big fireproof gloves sitting in his new open air car circa 1910! There's Mom, looking impossibly young and innocent, in the backyard modeling the coconut shell top and grass skirt that Uncle Ray, her brother, had sent her from New Guinea where he was stationed during WWII.....Mom and Dad walking down the steep steps of the church after their wedding, looking only at each other w/big smiles, the train of Mom's beautiful dress billowing out behind her.....all of us kids from birth to B'Day parties, Holiday events, graduations, weddings.....Mom and Dad in retirement.....Mom, still strong, independent, engaged in life after Dad of my favorites: Mom and Dad in a Ballroom Dancing class (Mom's idea, of course!) Looking so cute....Dad w/long sideburns and big open-collared the 70's?! very sorry to be so long-winded but obviously I do feel passionately about this very favorite thing! Urge all of you to consider does not have to be terribly expensive and it can be a wonderful little family time capsule. I still bring my copy every time I visit Mom. Her ALF has several little private lounges w/wide screen TVs. Sometimes its just me and Mom....sometimes w/good friends, my this day, everyone is still fascinated....we play it over and over and Mom still recognizes everyone....she'll point at the screen and call out people's names....don't think she remembers from time to time having seen it before BUT.....that's all's like a sweet new surprise for her everytime.

Blackdof, those are fantastic memories! I have so many, they would be hard to list them all! My parents immigrated to the US from Wales in 1950, followed by all 4 of he siblings and their families, also my Nana's sister, her 5 kids and their families. To date, there are more than 60 of us, all products of that generation, tho all of the oldies, have now passed away. It is amazing to think that we all could well have been Brits, if only they had stayed in Wales! It was amazing growing up with all of those British customs, and because this New World was so fascinating to them, it was important to them that we did it all and saw as much of the western US as they could possibly see and do. Usually in caravan style, one car after another, to the Oregon Coast, California, into Mexico, with all of our Aunties and Uncles, and cousins. Every year, a new adventure was planned, and nearly every weekend, it was a new park, or camping, and we had a ball growing up! Oh, and they all immigrated to Seattle, and lived here their entire lives, amazing really! I do still have family in Wales. My Dad's brother, his wife and my two first cousins, who each have 3 kids themselves. I am now hearing murmurs, that they all will be coming over, for my daughter's wedding, God help me! Lol! They are Awesome, so I can't wait!

GardenArtist, fast forward 60 years, and if anyone dares talk about their old facebook comments, they will be drummed off fb with: THAT WAS IN THE PAST. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. THAT IS NOT HOW I REMEMBER IT. DON'T TALK ABOUT THE PASSSSTTT! THE PAST IS IN THE PAST.

BLACKDOGMINA, Nice memories, great looking Mom. Could not post on your wall just now, did you change it? Did the trolls come after you?
Hope you are good. That was such a nice post to read. Just started wondering where you've been, and here you are!

If I forget, most happy birthday to your Mom on Monday!

All of your memories have reminded me that I also had some good memories of the past, so thanks for that!

Each of your memories have brought back some good memories of my own, so thanks everyone! We never got to go 'over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house' in the snow, but we sang it anyway.
Report many thanks, Send! Thank you....yesss....she's gorgeous still.....

Stacey, So happy for you and yours this thanksgiving. There is so much to be thankful for. Take good care of little Charlie-girl, the news is warning that pets get too cold, but I'm guessing she sleeps with you. Such a darling little dog. She seems whiter now, did you bleach her fur? Or is it just the picture?

Send the past is the past get over it is my Mums philosophy - its how she has avoided taking responsibility for absolutely anything. Phrases she uses still are. no point in crying over spilt milk, whats done is done, you can't change the past, get over it girl (never woman), nothing you can do will change it, that was years ago why let it bother you now. Given my past I have to say these are my LEAST favourite phrases. But I just smile (well I would call it a grin between very clenched teeth ) and walk away muttering foul words under my breath

Black what a beautiful memory for you to keep forever. Such a joy to have lovely memories.

Yes, Jude I hate that too. The past is what created the present so it has to be somewhat important. Although I would agree we should not live in the past but we are doomed to repeat it if we don't learn from it therefore we should always remember it.

Sendme, no, I didn't bleach her, it's just as she is aging, now 2, she is getting moresilvery blonde, eespecially around her face. She is just the best little thing that I have done for myself in years! Yes, she does sleep right along side me, and she is a little heater! It seems like she is getting smarter every day, and knows and understands everything I say. I had never owned a dog before, as we were too busy raising 4 kids, but she is a kick, and extremely attached to me, therfore, thankfully she is only 4 pounds, and I can tuck her under my arm, and smuggle her into most places, except restaurants, but she is as good as gold, and I love her to bits! She has brought such joy to our home, but I won't have another one, as I can't bear to ever part with her! Hopefully she lives into the 15+ age range that Chihuahuas are supposed to, and I won't have to think about that for a long while yet! Thank you for asking about my Charlie girl!

Some catchy phrases are used, like you said Jude, to avoid responsibility and to hurt others. My friend is often deeply hurt when daughters tell her, Oh Mom, that is in the past. How can relationships be healed from the past if we cannot talk about it? That just burns me when people shut up the injured party just so they themselves can be comfortable.
Gershun, it is also true, it is not healthy to live in the past.
Have a better day, my friends.

Goodnight, Gershun.

Good night Send

Goodnight glad.

Assandache, is it your birthday? Well, happy birthday!
Wouldn't want you to be neglected during all the celebrations in December.
Enjoy, get yourself something special.

A&A Happy Birthday!

Good night Send Good Night Gershun Good Night All! Maybe.

Happy Birthday AA. Goodnight Send, Goodnight glad, Goodnight everyone!!

Happy Birthday to all and to all a good night!

Ho ho ho!
Does anyone remember marshmallow Peeps around Easter? Well, this is new to me, but they have some white snowmen Peeps for Christmas/holiday/Hanukah/ Kwanzaa/Peeps!

Oh, the weather outside is frightfully clear, 59° at 8:00 p.m. with a high of 78°, here in Southern California, perfect.
How is it where you are?

Its about 46 degrees here.
Clear and cool. :)

Buy new, soft pillows for your neck?

Send and Gershun....Help! Well....I have zero reason to complain....a pretty warm winter so far (below freezing in AM and PM, tho) but I feel like I'm turning into my Mom.....always cold....WTH?....I've always been a hearty outdoors type this automatic after you turn 60?....Well....if so, I am damn well PO'd.....and, yes, that IS my story and I am sticking to it AND I am none too happy!

Blackdog, well, at the very least, our mothers should have warned us ahead of time. Has the skin on your arms started to turn into like a crepe paper appearance? Wait for it....

Has it occured to anyone yet that assandache doesn't usually get over to the MY FAVORITE THINGS thread? My bad.
I invited her to come and see the birthday greetings here.

Say goodnight everyone.

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