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Great topic!
Unfortunately, chocolate tops the list for immediate gratification and redirection of thoughts, but it generally results in a headache later.
Best of all therapy though is getting out in the yard and gardening, or even just puttering around. Years ago a little rabbit became so friendly it accepted whole wheat bread from my hand. Then one day it moseyed up to my foot and just took a nap! The contact and connection with this furry little creature was just so soothing.
Once a butterfly landed on my hand. It was an amazing experience.
Music is of course high on the list. Reading, whether garden magazines or favorite author's novels is right up there.
Garden crafting, needlework (embroidery and quilting) are also favorite activities, as are cooking and kitchen puttering. Especially enjoyable is just impromptu activity - making something special - hearty soups in the winter, fresh veggie salad combinations in the summer.
Sometimes just a glass or cup of heated cider is enough to rechannel thoughts.
Sending cards to family and friends is a nice way to start the day. Just looking through beautiful cards is relaxing, writing the message helps the "reach out and touch" need, and the envelopes after decoration with lovely address labels, coordinating theme stamps to the extent possible, and other colorful stamps are nice just to view and indulge in some real enjoyment of the blend of colors and objects.
I usually choose a theme especially for the person. A relative who also loves military planes get a card with a Purple Heart or similar postage stamp, VFW or other military charity address label, with plenty of either stamps or glued on cut-outs of our favorite planes. It's not quite as exhilarating as going to an air show, but it creates that same sense of excitement.
Rubber stamps used to be a favorite for decorating envelopes. I had two of a charming Victorian cottage, in the summer and in the winter. For summer correspondence, I used rubber stamps and various colored ink pads of flowers; for winter I used reindeer, snowflakes and sleighs. Sometimes the envelopes were so pretty I didn't want to send them!
This is a little off the chosen topic, but I'm speaking also to those things that give me pleasure and induce relaxation.
I'm anxious to see where this post goes, thinking it will around and around as we each share and stray a little bit from the original questions.

Thanks to encouragement from AC friends, I am getting better at using my kindle and developing computer skills, such as 'cut and paste', as evidenced above-the first poster to My Favorite Things topic.
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This is my new favorite! The favorite things thread, where nothing is off-topic.

GardenArtist said:
Sharyn, thanks for the insight on other issues besides mobility as a basis for a handicap sticker. I've seen so many people who walk better than I do parking in handicap places and wonder how they got their stickers, but didn't realize that there were issues such as those you mention which could be the basis for the stickers.
Thanks for sharing that information with me!

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So, is it SPRING yet, or not? What about in your neck of the woods, caregivers?

We all know that Phil, the groundhog, has predicted an early spring. His work is done here. Even Jessebelle has put the groundhog avatar to bed, and now she has the cutest little bunny for spring!

I watched a woman berate another woman for using the disability toilet when she clearly did not look disabled until.....the woman lifted her jumper to display a stoma bag which she had just had to empty. Visibility is not the criteria for disability

Spring? SPRING? We haven't had winter yet!

Sending some sun shining through the raindrops, or glistening on the snow for all of you in winter surroundings!

Jude, it'll probably snow at Easter. After the daffodils have finished. I'm so confused...

Chocolate is a food high in content of Magnesium!
Trending on the internet today, the benefits of magnesium-I like the calming effect for anger and moods; and the leg cramps go away!

I use the disability toilet all the time. I simply can not get up off the normal height toilets and there are no rails in the regular stalls.

Veronica, my favorite is the disability toilet also. I always check if it's clean, though. And, wait for others in case they need to use it first. However, I don't go to crowded areas, if I had to wait in a line, most times, well, I just couldn't wait.
Have been known to ask husband to escort me to the men's room, hurry-hurry!
There are meds for that for women my age, but I cannot take them.

My God! The side panel on my screen says Have you ever considered whole body donation? I wonder if they would take mine you think? Or do I have to die first?

Isn't that a request for a political donation, Gershun?
I didn't see it on here, yet.

Maybe they want Canadians to sacrifice themselves for the cause........who knows.

Going to sacrifice my time on here and go to sleep. Goodnight Gershun!
2 am.

Nite Send! 2:47 am.

Gershun: Sacrifice themselves for what cause??? If we Canadians have to start sacrificing ourselves, I'm moving to Denmark. I hear Copenhagen is lovely in the summer. ;)

In fact I know Copenhagen is lovely in the summer as I've been there -- JUST within living memory. I think. Or perhaps not. I give up.

Wait Jinglebts! If I traveled to Copenhagen I think I would always remember that. Maybe you are a world traveler, been to lots of places?
Or, losing memory? Or just joking?
My guess is as good as yours, then? Lol?

Jinglebts sacrifice for the Donald Trump cause? I don't know. I was just joking. Anyone who knows me on this site knows I am a big joker. Half the time I don't even know what I'm talking about. :)

Very worried about my hair-it is blond, but since being in bed all day, the bangs are looking kinda strange. Reminds me of someone famous. Just cannot get them to look right. It is actually scary - looking.

My favorite thing of the day today: properly working internet. Having spent the last 2-3 weeks dealing with repeated disconnects, poor signal quality, internet company doing all they can to fix it but having their hands tied by the phone company, who refuses to upgrade the lines here so the DSL will work properly for everyone (too many using it at the same time in the same area).....finally had to switch providers. So far, so good.

Did one relative's taxes last week, doing another's today, need to do mine at some point, and Mom's. Also working on shredding last year's unneeded papers and bills and getting organized for this year. Better late than never.

Susan, you are ahead of me so good job. ☺

Gershun: I knew you were joking. Sacrifice for Trump?? Aughhhh!!

Send: If you knew how old I am ;) In fact, I do recall it fondly. We were living in England at the time, my husband (also at the time -- not now, but we have a lovely daughter), was Scandinavian, and we went with friends. Always planned to go back, but ... ahh, the best laid plans ...

Too bad I have to work today. It is so beautiful outside....wish i could enjoy it

A great football game!

Watching movies when there is nothing non football related!
Hubby was out of town for a night so my two goldenseal got to sleep in the bed with me, which is truly one of my favorite things
, they are great cuddles and they don't try to steal my blankets! My terrier sleeps with Mom every night.

I have been trying to find the words to this little song I remember from school for many years, it always comes to mind when we have a gentle snowfall. Ain't the internet a wonderful thing?!

Snow is falling on my garden
Whirling, dancing lightly down.
Snow is sparkling on the branches
Of the trees tall and brown.

But the flowers are not forgotten
Spring will bring them all to light.
For the frost in dreams has traced them
On my window last night.

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