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dont generalize too much about male attitudes . we'dda had a woman as our last president if id had my way . i voted for hillary in the primaries but our elections are a farce . somehow the press and the money men install who they want . aint no dam black man won no dam presidency in this dam redneck country . im tickled to death with the guy buy he did not win the vote in the usa , electoral or otherwise .. its a procession of political correctness . remember gwb ? yup , we even had to have an intellectually challenged ( retarded ) president to keep the procession looking fair . next itll be some gimped out sob in a hoverround , then probably hillary

Captain, I certainly won't disagree about the influence of money men in shaping elections. The amount of money that flows behind the scenes, as well as the special interests that manipulate it are almost unfathomable.

In 2012 some organization mounted local attorneys as candidates for judgeships. The flyers sent out were so amateurish - a man and female standing back to back grinning, like two little kids who just finished playing on one of those little merry-go-round things. Not something you'd expect of a judicial candidate.

The whole approach was so amateurish, but the interesting aspect was that I couldn't figure out who their backers were. The candidates themselvs had little public presence. I traced the backers to some unknown outfit in Virginia (more beltway bandits?) and that's as far as I could get.

I found it interesting that our local circuit court elections were targets for some unidentified interests.

Now it's legalization of marijuana. Several cities in this state have been targeted by a man apparently with enough money to make this his calling. Too bad he doesn't donate it to a worthy charity organization instead.

Your comment on GWB gave me my laugh for the day. Do you remember when folks used to protest the choice of candidates by writing in "Donald Duck" or some other cartoon character? There was another one too - can't remember the name (on the tip of my tongue) but it was a comic character, from MAD magazine I think.

Garden Artist....I think the other popular write in character was Alfred E. Neuman and he was indeed the Mad magazine character. My husband would vote for him to this day... LOL!

Don't forget Pat Paulsen!

Dustien, as a POA and not a 24/7 caregiver, I applaud you for your compassion and common sense approach to your brother and sister-in-law as your father's caregivers. You are truely a unique individual with a great sense of empathy. If only their were more like you in this crazy world of caregiving!

DebraLee... what a very nice thing to say. Thank You ;-)

I have to admit, reading so many of the discussions here at aging care have helped to guide me in this as much as anything else. I love that the advice in here helps me to look like I know what I'm doing when I'm really just learning from those who've been through it all before me. It's not only in my dad's best interest to see to it that my brother and sister in law are well taken care of, but also will help give peace of mind to both myself and my older brother who are far away and can only offer advice. It's simply a win/win situation for all of us.

I also owe much to my mother who talked my dad into choosing me as the POA. She was the family peacemaker, always solving disagreements in such a way that everyone was happy, not afraid to seek out books by experts for answers from those who had been in similar situations and I followed in her footsteps (using Google now, rather then the library though). She knew I'd be the one to reach out, seeking knowledge and advice to help make decisions in situations I knew little about. I think she also suspected dad would see her in me and be more inclined to listen to me then to my brothers. She died 6 years ago from Cancer...she went quick, but was bright enough to take care of business before she went. I do miss her so much...she was a brilliant woman.
Report can we forget Pat Paulsen! LOL!

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