
So many of you thought that moving my mom from her AL to LTC was the right plan of attack. Her rehab is going very slowly, making it seem almost impossible for her to gain enough strength and endurance to get back to her AL apt and then be one misstep away from not being able to stay anyways.
Today she moved to a new rehab that has LTC (previous one did not have LTC). Since her dementia is moving along, she did not give me any resistance about going along with the plan. She was transported by wheelchair van. Met her there to get her settled. Went back tonight since I couldn't do much since I had my 4 you granddaughter with me too! I'm glad I went back because I got to meet a bunch of staff, one I knew from her previous rehab stay a few months ago.
So, here's hoping it goes well!
I asked the nurse to get her retested for a UTI cuz I'm not confident that her last one cleared up. She seemed back to baseline for about 2 days after 5 days of treatment but in the 10 days since has been talking about her dead brother again and just being very loopy and confused. I know this could be her new normal, but I'm hoping for the UTI not being gone.
Thanks to everyone who has given me advice and listened to my saga. It's so helpful.

Sounds like you’re on a good path. Hope all continues to go as well as it can

Glad she is being tested for a UTI. It's best to know what's going on.


I'm glad things are going , fairly well, and we could help.

Keep us posted and best of luck

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