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I know these suggestions have great merit. I've used a couple of them myself. However, because of heart issues, I would start with seeing his doctor, especially his cardiologist, and run all of these ideas by him/her.
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On dialysis, they recommend pickles for leg cramps. A tsp of prepared mustard would also help.

I myself was suffering leg cramps a few years ago and googled it and yuppers - the culprit was too little sodium. Now I try to keep my sodium around 1200+ mg daily.
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Try Hyland's Leg Cramp nighttime formula. Can be found at most stores that sell natural products or ordered online - Vitacost, etc. Dissolves under the tongue and works quickly.
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Hyland's Leg Cramp Nighttime formula. Dissolves quickly under the tongue.
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I am going to give you multiple options that I have heard work...not for everyone. You have to find what works for you.

My dad found relief by drinking a glass of tonic water every two or three days. While he was doing that he had no cramps. Also, I have heard for relief at the time of cramp you can consume any of these - mustard, cider vinagar, olive juice.

Now for the one that sounds crazy, but people swear it works. Put a bar of soap under your bottom sheet on your bed down in the area of your legs. Some say ivory soap, some say it does not matter which soap you use. Change to a new bar every 3 - 4 months. I have heard speculation that there is a substance used in the making of soap that keeps cramps at bay. Hope you find your solution.
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I used to wake up with severe leg cramps almost every day. I have found success or much fewer leg cramps with the following treatments:
1. Make sure the blankets or sheets don't pin down the feet in a toes pointing down position. Keeping the feet in this position promotes cramps as the calf muscles tire from being stretched.
2. Give massage to the legs either at night before bedtime or I do it in my bath using my fingers to press deeply into the calf.
3. Take several teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar in juice or cold tea or water at bedtime. The vinegar needs to be unfiltered with must in the bottom of the bottle. I also tried pickle juice, but that didn't work as well.
4. I can't easily tolerate oral magnesium (diarrhea). So, instead, I found magnesium oil supplements in the form of creams. Two creams that have worked for me are Therawrox Relief (sold at and Magsoothium cream (sold at The magsoothium cream is also available as a spray. You can also purchase magnesium oil which is messier to apply since it is somewhat greasy and drips. All of these products are also available on However, when you apply the products, they work better if you press firmly and massage them in. The firm pressure helps to release tension
5. Once your husband gets cramps, it's very hard to stop them immediately. I have found that flexing the ankle usually stops cramps in about 30 seconds--but you have to flex really hard. Maybe you could press back on his foot as he attempts to press against your weight. Or if he is strong enough and not distracted by pain, he could try it himself. I have heard that a mixture of DMSO and lavender oil--perhaps in some carrier could work. I tried it and other remedies, but none worked so well for me as massage/stretching to stop cramps and magnesium/vinegar to prevent them.
About the weakness--is it related to heart failure? What does his cardiologist say? Frailty is common in elders over 80. Perhaps he can be medically treated to improve his strength. Best wishes!
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I had the same issue with nite (charlie horses) odd name! My trainer said I was cramping to to lack of WATER! When I drink a good amt. a day I have no problem at all. Works like a charm. He is VERY knowledgeable.
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GrannieAnnie--I suspect that pressing the arch of one's foot against a chair run is similar to my pointing my heel outward--the foot ends up in the same position. If so, it looks as if I'm not the only one who had found this helpful.
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He needs to drink water, but limit evening water intake to limit nighttime bathroom trips.
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On the one hand, cramps were caused by over exertion and the build-up of lactic acid.
One would want to be sure the patient was not exercising or walking too much for their
level of usual activity.

On the other hand, my leg cramps came on from too much time in bed, level 10+, in pain, and lack of magnesium. Taking magnesium, vit. D, and going outside more to physical therapy and the chiropractor helped me.
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I'm 76 years young and started having leg cramps a few years before retiring , at first I tried all sorts from eating bananas to drinking quinine water before seeing my family Dr , he prescribed a neurological drug used to treat convulsions, called GABAPENTIN generic for NEURONTIN,300mg before bedtime . it has worked for me but I find if I do anything strenuous during the day it triggers the cramps , I was getting cramps bad enough to scream with the pain and sometime they would last a couple hrs.
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I tsp of yellow mustard
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I was always told "Pickle Juice" will work?
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CoEnzyme Q10. The Target brand works wonders for my husband.
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I have tried to relate what helps me here once before .. the advice I received from my Doctor years ago, is Niacinamide tablets -which is just vitamin B-3...broken down one step, which makes it work very fast to slightly enlarge bloodvessels in order to relieve that awful muscle pain when it hits in the middle of the night... it is NOT a Rx medication ... I Start at 250 mg for mild cramping..... for severe cramps I take 500mg... My friends take it without any side effects... and you only need one tablet . The rest of the night my sleep is good... but the following night I take 250mg @ bedtime preventatively, which allows me a good night's sleep without cramping... I never need a 3rd tablet for weeks, because I also make sure I eat at least ONE portion of Magnesium-rich cooked greens just about DAILY, usually chopped, and mixed into soups... the more dark green the better. Cramps only attack me, if I slack off on the greens... or travel and my diet changes. My bottle of 100 is about 5-6 years old... the Tablets loose some potency now but still work, and are a save item to take just like any other vitamin - for this painful condition... I wish you well !!
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As crazy as it sounds...put a bar of soap in bed, near the legs. Old wive's tale-but true for my uncle.
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Your Doc can prescribe potassium pills if appropriate. Hylands iffers over the counter leg cramp pills that help but dont replace Doctor eval.
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Just started enjoying The Old Farmer's Almanac online this fall.
There are articles discussing remedies for leg cramps, coughs, etc.
Some are old, tried and true formulas.
It is important to note a BALANCE of potassium, magnesium, and calcium is required.

If there are heart palpitations that can be caused by a potassium and magnesium deficiency. (heart palps are different than heart issues requiring stents), but check with your doctor rather than self-prescribed home remedies, imo. It was even noted that too much (magnesium, potassium) can cause same heart palps.

Enjoy reading this old publication with suggestions for even horse linament for leg cramps. Leg cramp terms: Charley horse, muscle hangover, wooden leg, thigh hen, thigh cookie, donkey bite, old woman, and water buffalo. Lol!!
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Let's see
Mustard and pickles contain vinegar

I always sleep a bit better if I take a calcium magnesium tab before bed

I don't know if I could hold a bar of soap between my cookie thighs all night though
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Mustard and Pickles also contain salt.
Waiting for the brits to come along with their names for leg cramps.....
Do you think it will be called a thigh biscuit? A Cookie crumble?

What kind of soap should we use?

The strangest thing to me is, there are ALL these remedies, I am reading up for hours on it.......with cramping muscles, foot, ankle calf, thigh, piriformis pains the hour....
and I have not yet tried even one suggestion.  Truly, now I am an old woman.
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Send I don't think it's a British term specifically but my personal name for leg (and foot! - yowch!) cramps is not repeatable in polite society.
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Has anyone got a remedy for treating the cramps after they start? I have remedies that prevent cramps, but once they start I can only interrupt them by flexing my ankles so the toes point up.
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I use Tonic Water when I have Leg Cramps, I have used it for several years, When I have cramps, I drink a small bottle. It has been very effective.
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