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Has your Dad's doctor told you that your Dad's medical condition will never improve, salmaugalde?
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If he is looney as my mother? not wait...Go now...Do not feel guilty.....Just go and do no t look back....GOOOOOOOOO before he kills you as she tried to do us today......Just do it...Do not stress out over it..Do it. Hell if he comes around enough he can go into asst. living..that is good for them...Hugs to you and do not hesitate.....I did and look....almost woke up dead.....Hugs to you....Sharon
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It depends some young people have certain conditions that they are not able to be cared at home and it would be very expansive for 24/7 care there was a young man in the nursing home my husband was in often for rehab and he has a great family but he can not get the care he needs so he had been in there a long time, What is the condition of your Dad and if he needs care or supervision do you have help-if you can give us more information maybe we can be of assistance.
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If you tell him the liquid food tastes like potato chips, there's free cable TV , and he'll get frequent sponge baths, I'll betcha he's ready to go now!

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You've GOT to be joking!!! He's got at least another 40+ years...Hope you won't be the one taking care of him in his old age, if you're thinking that he needs to go now!!!
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KIDDING RIGHT...............
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Give him another 40 years.
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