
My aunt is 90 owns a home with reverse mortgage/ income of 1189.00 a month. My deceased uncle served at Pearl Harbor. She needs nursing home. I'm looking for help for aunt who has nothing. My deceased uncle served in Marines at was stationed at Pearl Harbor during attack. He worked at kelly AFB in San Antonio his whole life until retirement. Her home has reverse mortgage and she has no money left to live on..can she be put in VA nursing home? If anyone can offer info please contact me at
Thanks, Debbie

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Unfortunately the VA care homes do not admit dependents.
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I don't know much about this, but I'm sure many in the community do. I believe there are benefits available for her but the process probably takes awhile. The best option may be Medicaid, which also takes time. CNBC recently did an expose on problems within veterans hospitals which you may want to check out.
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