My mother in law is 83 with the start of dementia. She i living in her own apartment, but calls every day at least 5 - 10 times with problems. She misses her medications, can not operate her own television remote, can not operate her heating or air conditioning, can not write checks properly to pay the bills, and walks to the neighbors house at 6:00 a.m to tell them she is cold.
She throws a fit when ever we mention assisted living. She was just at a doctor's appointment last week and they were very surprised when they learned that she was living alone.
What can be done? She is stressing out my husband. He has to pay people to mow her lawn, check on her, take her grocery shopping, etc.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Then slow down on the lawn mowing, do it every other week. Set up her routine bills to be paid automatically via the bank.
Even though your MIL has the start of dementia, she will be times where she has a clear thinking mind. Hopefully she will realize she needs to be in independent living... imagine all the new best friends she could make :)