He has been in memory care for 4 years. Diagnosed with a return of prostate cancer. Age 88.
Last week he lost the ability to stand up. Has been in wheelchair for a year. Just started on morphine before morning cares. Last Friday got a Hoyer Lift and yesterday a Broda chair was ordered. He no longer shows any facial expression. His weight has been going up and down but back on downward trend. Can such a dramatic decline seemingly happen overnight?
May God give you strength and grieving mercies.
It could be that the prostate cancer has spread to other parts of your Dad's body. This type of cancer often spreads to the spine and bones and to the abdomen/intestines.
And "YES", such a dramatic decline CAN "happen overnight". Has your Dad been checked for a UTI? They can often cause changes such as those you mentioned. What does your Dad's doctor say about your Dad's health changes?