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It is possible. You just have to have boundaries and "me" time. To have that, you need help. There are some great aides you can get to sit with your mom when you're out. You just have to screen them well, get recommendations, and be extremely selective. My heart goes out to you when you say your life is over. It sounds like you can't see the forest for the trees. That can happen easily when you're a caregiver...but it doesn't have to stay that way. Get help and take your life back ini small increments. Remember, you are entitled to one...
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I'm a caregiver
Yes it is possible. It's like everything else. Sharing your life with the people you care for needs to be done. Why not bring them with you on your date for starters. You might even find a caring person who would be willing to assist you😊😇
Have fun with the job and with the consumer. Lots of luck to you
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AgeanieJ, You feel totally isolated from the World, and so alone, and at 62 You are feeling " Life has passed You by. Believe Me I know how You feel, as I am 56 and single, though My Journey has come to an end since Mom passed away last June. You must remember this Journey will end much too soon when You least expect, and all You will be left with are memories. Treasure this time You have left with Mom, while re assuring Her that You Love Her. Remember to avail of Restbite Care, it's FREE just contact Your Public Health Nurse. You the Carer are entitled to 30 days per year FREE. Organise some Carer to relieve You also, say three half days in the week to begin with. You are becoming burnt out ajeannieJ so please be careful to Look after You as well because if You crash and hit the canvas, Who will take Your place ? My own Mother God Love Her, often said to Me...John if any thing happened to You " what could I do ?...Who would take
Care of Me ? Wouldn't that melt Your Heart. I kissed Mom good night every night, while reassuring Her that I would always be with Her to take good Care of Her, and that I would keep Her safe...these words gave Mom the greatest security and peace. When My Mother died from Alzheimer's I cried My Heart out for three months +. Enjoy the Time You have Left.
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You are right Freqflyer (as you so often are). A supportive spouse/significant other is a blessing. One who is not supportive adds enormously to your stress. Trying to balance it all is bad enough without this drain. I wish you well.
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