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Well, we had 4 days in a row that have been pretty good. Got Mom to take a walk outside yesterday. It was slow, but a good walk. With my hand on the gait belt, she didn't wobble even once. I let her off the hook on the speech is hard she had Sunday off.

Even my Dad went out for a walk. I think Mom going motivated him. He is much, much slower....we didn't get past the end of the driveway...but it is more than he has done in months!

Everyone ate well. everyone slept well. Dad didn't even complain about the oxygen.

Having doctors that listen and help makes all the difference.
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I'm so happy for you that you got relief! I'm really glad you found a doctor who was courageous enough to prescribe medical mj for your mom. I think my father in law would benefit from it. My inlaws are not as openminded about it. It should be legal in all 50 states but Big Pharma lobbies against it and the FDA does their bidding, continuing their excuse that it needs to be studied. And yet Ambien, for example, gets approved despite its crazy side effects. I hope that more of us will advocate for medical mj for our elders who are anxious, in pain, not sleeping, not eating, etc.
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Amen for medical marijuana. Glad everyone is sleeping at night.
God bless you for all you are doing for the care of your parents.
p.s. what a cool job with horses! they are amazing animals.
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