My 90 yr old dad flirts with a lady in his senior living residence. Staff/Director is demanding we pay an extra 'sitting' fee so he doesn't touch her or anyone inappropriately. They are threatening that if something happens, it is a felony and he could go to jail. We live in Oklahoma. Help! We can't afford to hire a sitter ($5000/mo) on top of his Senior Living care ($4500). When we said we may have to take him to another place, they said he might not be accepted since they have 'incident' reports on him. My dad is not aggressive, just friendly with some dementia. Seems like a shake down to me. Any advice would be helpful.
There is all kinds of touching and even relationships that happen in senior facilities, did her family complain or is it the facility management that thinks he is behaving inappropriately?
Has he actually touched someone inappropriately or just talking?
I think that you are being hustled by a facility that doesn't understand elder care.
I recommend moving him closer to family that can help keep an eye on the truth of the situation.