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You may have to, if they need care, go over and STAY over. But the back and forth is a no. You are bring in stuff often when asymptomatic. Your family doesn't deserve that. Know that your parents need careful isolation now. Delicate? That doesn't work. Never has and never will. Gentleness is great. Just to hubby, sorry, but while the pandemic is going on they need me there. I will stay there with them and it could be months. I am sorry to leave you but I cannot bring it back and forth into our home and risk you. This is real, guys. It's real. I hope your elders haven't contracted it, and wait the two weeks to know. A typical incubation period. Though there is little "typical" about this virus and if 1918 is any lesson to us, we need to be ready for anything. Cuomo was right when he said "anyone who tells you what it will be like in a month is lying to you."
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I've read of several people who have put themselves into quarantine while living in the same home as their loved ones, is it possible to divide your house into zones (separate entrances, bedrooms and bathrooms) and self isolate for 2 weeks? Or perhaps it would be easier to move in with your parents for that period of time?
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