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Prayers to you. These answers on here are helping me too. I am executor of our mother's will and in that will it gives my brother nothing because of him being a drug addict. But my mother wishes I will execute she wants him to have some money but it will be doled out like she wants it to be. My brother has done this too.

The best is getting that attorney. As far as your brothers are concerned I would just say its her money not ours so she can do with it the way she wants too.

Prayers again
Helpful Answer (2)

You were smart demanding a cash payout. Great info.

As Alva said, as POA you do not give out any financial info. Thats between u and Mom. Same with Medical. It realky is a shame though that you have to hire outside help when you are paying big time for an AL. I would hope that the care part of her bill reflects that she has private aides so that part of her bill is fairly small.

Me, I would not have invited my brothers to dinner. Tell husband he is free to tell them off. Got to learn a comeback for what they say. Me, I always think of something 1/2 hour later and then its too late.
Helpful Answer (5)

Thank you all for your kind words and advice. I’ve been in a funk all day. My husband is dumbfounded and distraught at my brothers question as well. I didn’t tell my husband this is the 2nd time my brother has asked me how much longer I think our mom is going to live. Meanwhile I’m hosting Easter and I’m feeling so anxious being around my brothers.

I did hire an elder law attorney to set up a trust for my mom because all she had was a simple Will. I would inherit a 3rd of real estate bound with my brothers. I told my mom I wanted my third in a cash payout and hasta la vista. My mom completely understands and told me not to worry about it. My brothers were not happy with me because the trustee(local bank trust dept) will have to liquidate property’s to pay me my share. I’ll probably never speak to them again when this angel leaves us.
Helpful Answer (2)

Next time they ask that question tell them "Just long enough to use up ALL OF HER MONEY".
Helpful Answer (17)

There's a strong method you can take, although I think you might be too polite to do it (that's a compliment).  

Just say that it's inappropriate to speculate on your mother's potential longevity, and that your brothers should be like and consider how they can be of help  and support now, so that they don't feel guilty being so inconsiderate and self absorbed.  

You could also ask what they have to offer in anticipation of the windfall they're apparently expecting, i.e., you could use help cleaning, lawn management, something they can easily do.   .   

Then hang up if this is a phone call, leave the room if it's an in person discussion, or whatever, but terminate the conversation and don't give them a chance to respond.   It may not work, but it should at least shame them.

BTW, those with their eyes on inheritance often are sneaky, and  might be documenting you to challenge you later.   So do that:  document (privately) what you do, and are spending.  It wouldn't surprise me if the brothers demanded to know how you're managing your mother's funds.  
Helpful Answer (11)
San42756 Apr 2022
I’m dealing with the same nonsense with my brother. All he cares about is his inheritance and what mom spends. She has done more for my brother financially than she ever did for me, example: putting my nieces through private school k-10. My two sons went to public school. She has paid for all the nieces clothes, toys, phones, etc. for as long as I can remember. It never bothered me because it is/was her money to do what she wanted to do with it. She is now living with me until an opening in memory care comes available. My brother has done nothing to help care for her but now that the house is sold all he cares about is how much money she got. He is a gimme gimme person. He has bullied me, accused me, and tried intimidating me, I don’t care. He doesn’t need to know anything since I am the POA. You are right he has become sneaky. Refused to give me the keys when the house was sold. I changed the locks, so he couldn’t get into the house before the closing and take any furniture that the buyers purchased. I have documented everything financial. The only difference is she has dementia so she can’t change the will anymore. But she knows what is going on and she wishes she could. The drama and the bullshit is over for now. He never came to see her when she lived two minutes away, now that she is living with me over 45 minutes away he will never show up. I’m done with the bullshit... it’s sad but you just have to remove the toxic people in your life.
Oof, sorry you have to deal with that.

If you can ignore him, I’d strongly suggest that. Also in my case when I spend mom’s money on mom’s care, I remind myself that this is money that my greedy sibling will never get. This line of thinking gives me some devious joy I admit. Every steep medical bill I pay down with mom’s own money, I think, “ha HA! “

Vigorous exercise helps a ton too or I’d blow a gasket I swear.

Sending you good thoughts!
Helpful Answer (15)

Please seek counseling help so that you learn the tools to handle the evil ones in the family. They exist in MOST families. You will learn to stand up for yourself and they will learn that this sort of behavior will mean that they are not allowed in your general vicinity to speak to you in ANY manner. You need the support to learn to stand tall for yourself.
Thank heavens that your Mom knew who here should be the POA. Remember, you as POA owe nothing to the others, not an explanation of any kind. This is your job; you were the one appointed to act in your parent's best interest and you are clear (thank goodness) in your mind that you are doing the right thing.
You are going to need, when you are strong and able and clear in your own mind enough to do it, to sit down the rest of the family and let them know how they are allowed to speak to you if they wish any contact whatsoever.
I am thankful for your Mom that she has the assets to care for herself. I hope you are also her executor. I am thankful you are clear in your mind and we aren't hearing the litanies of "uncertainty" and "guilt" as they are inappropriate for certain.
I was POA and Trustee for my brother's trust. He lived his life as a waiter. He was so proud of how he saved all his life, coupon clipper that he was, and I was so proud to report to him that he could not conceivably outlive what he had saved (and he didn't) and I could ensure he got the best care there was (he did).
So you carry on. And I think it will take no more than a few visits with a therapist (I suggest Licensed Social Worker trained in life transitions therapy) to reassure you that standing up to your brothers will bring you the peace you need and that you so richly DESERVE.
My best to you.
Helpful Answer (8)

When your brother asks such a lunkheaded question, look at him and say sweetly, "Just like you, I hope she lives forever."

My brother also went into money mode with my folks and asked me (the Trustee) for an advance on his inheritance to buy out his ex-wife from her half of their house.

Yeah, no. Not happening.

I had to tell him that the money was still Mom's, and it needed to work for her in her investments. Not surprisingly, he came to find out that the ex had no intention of selling to him anyway, and that situation remains in flux today, 2+ years later. Now he has his half of most of his inheritance, and he's paralyzed at the thought of paying for a hotel room or anything over $100.

Just ignore your brother, or you can also ask him with wide-eyed innocence, "Why on earth would you want to know?"
Helpful Answer (2)

one word for you...ok maybe a few more..
IGNORE the questions like that.
If you really want to get him tell him to direct ALL questions regarding mom to her attorney. (and you know each question will cost $$$)
Any questions about her health can be directed to her doctors. (and you know the response there will be that they can not give out any information due to HIPAA laws)

As to "heated debates"
Get up and leave the room.
Hang up the phone
Do not debate.
Do not engage in the conversations.
I know it is difficult, if not impossible to shut it all out but it will get slightly easier each time.
Helpful Answer (7)

Thank goodness you are the POA. As you said , it’s her money.. often I read about the difficulties people have because parents didn’t plan, or have the means.

ignore the comments, when it starts take a breath and mentally tell yourself patience… I do it with my mom. It helps me to not engage and react. I might have to do it numerous times. Just know you are doing as your mom asked of you.
Helpful Answer (1)

“how much longer do you think she’s going to live?” 


I look forward to justice against your brother.
Helpful Answer (2)

FIrst, congrats to mom for having sufficient funds to ensure proper caregiving for long into her old age. Second, congrats to you for being a kind, caring child. As for your brother asking "How much longer do you think she's going to live?" Tell him "as long as she lives, why would you ask such an inconsiderate question." BTW, I would get my ducks in a row with legal counsel now. Bros sound like it will be a money grab when mom passes. As for why he feels the way he does, who knows. You do what you want/have to do. Let him do what he needs to do. After all, everyone has the right to be a dope if it's not physically injuring someone else. Take care of yourself!
Helpful Answer (3)

Your brother sounds like a greedy idiot.

What level of care does HE think she needs? Is he happy to welcome her into his home?

Get some support for yourself--here, an in-person caregivers group, therapy. Learn techniques to stand up the the ignorant people in your life.
Helpful Answer (7)

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