
She can't remember where I've gone and will call for me or bang on doors/windows trying to find me. She's driving my husband crazy. Any ideas on how he can calm her down and let her know I'm at work and will be home in the evening?

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Thank you both. I will try these ideas.
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Blannie's suggestions are good ones. If she has something to occupy her it might distract her from searching for you.

You could also create a week's worth of special I love you cards and have your husband give them to her when she begins looking for her. Write in the card that you're at work, would appreciate her help sorting laundry (and identify other tasks), miss her, love her, and will see her that evening around x p.m.

She can open one card a day and with DH's help, keep looking at it when she becomes anxious.

My sister used to leave a radio or series of CDs on for her dogs when she left for work, as one of them was a little rescue dog with abandonment issues.

What are her capabilities? What can she do either alone or with your husband to keep herself occupied? Does she read?
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I have no idea if this will work, but if your husband has a phone that can record, could you do a short video telling your mom you're at work and will be home at such-and-such time? Maybe suggest she do something (now watch TV and sort the laundry) until you get home. That way, she can "see" you.

Even better if you could videotape yourself and be able to play it on the TV. She could play it over and over again to calm herself down...
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