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I did see on CNN news that Florida beaches were full of people. When the news report asked young college kids "why they were on the beach and not at home" most answer that "they could not get Coronavirus" and went on to say, "they felt the virus only attacks older adults and besides it was their spring break and that they deserve it."

They don't get it!
Helpful Answer (9)
Myownlife Mar 2020
Florida: 763 cases, 12 deaths, a number of counties show no cases, majority SE Florida ( age range 11-96 ) significant number in Tampa area (age range 17-70).

Our beaches in Florida are now closed as of 1-2 days ago. Restaurants only open for to go or delivery. Department stores other than Walmart, Walgreen's, Publix closed, EXCEPT for the furniture stores! Why in the world would anyone be out buying furniture right now?

I am at home with my 94 y.o. mother watching an awful lot of television. One of my daughters lives here and still going to work. So far we are all fine.

Saw next door neighbor yesterday as I went to check the mail. She was walking her dog around the neighborhood pond. She called out to me to stay back six feet as she has been sick all week and working out of home. She said yesterday was the first day she was feeling better.

I cannot believe people would be angry at kids playing outside especially in their own yard. That's awful.

Some ideas for kids:

1. If there is some sort of a park with trails nearby, go for a hike.
2. I think you said your backyard is dirt, maybe some mud wrestling and then a "hose fight" for cleaning off. Or maybe a mud obstacle course.
3. Interviewing mom about life in the "olden days" and write a story out of it.
4. Maybe having a tent in the back yard or build a "fort".
5. Are they allowed to ride bicycles? (given this current situation)
6. Maybe go for a ride in the country, or somewhere just to get out of the house, even if it's just to a drive-through restaurant.

Best wishes to you, Shell!
After only having a couple of cases related to international travel in our area, we have two clusters from out of state travel by the younger folks. First is a chef who traveled to NYC last week, didn't feel well on the trip to the airport but still flew home and worked the next day (Sunday), then went to a doctor and got tested on Tuesday, confirmed covid-19 late Wednesday; by this time two of the restaurant co-workers were ill and waiting on their test results. Second is a group of 8 college students from the only college in the area that didn't switch to online only. It's small and private and may not have had the resources to quickly make the change. The kids traveled together to the beach during spring break last week and then came back to the dorms this week. Three are positive and all 8 lived in the dorms until Thursday. College is now dismissing and closing the dorms and sending all those kids back to their home communities to self isolate.

In TN, we have almost as many cases under 21 as over 70 with just over half of the confirmed cases aged between 21 and 40. Distancing seems to be working, at least so far, but it seems we older folks need to distance the most from the younger crowd members who don't seem to get it yet. Fortunately, we have have only a couple of first responders and health care workers infected.
Cases in Tennessee by age group
0-10: 3
11-20: 12
21-30: 72
31-40: 47
41-50: 35
51-60: 26
61-70: 16
71-80: 13
80+: 4

I'm baking bread again today since it cannot be found on grocery shelves and with 2 teens and 1 pre-teen boys eating 2-6 sandwiches each a day, we need it. I'm making a double batch of yeast rolls and just making each roll larger, basically sandwich sized.
Helpful Answer (5)
mally1 Mar 2020
Making beer bread tomorrow; haven't done it in years, now there's a reason!
97yroldmom, all my reading on ibuprofen has been it's just an observation too; however, I willing to take acetaminophen for fevers since I don't see much difference where there's no inflammation. Ibuprofen is a low level NSAID and several unintended side effects in those medications did show up after some years of long term wide spread use. I guess that makes me more willing to believe some new side effect may be in play too.
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I was told not to take ibuprofen for covid-19. That ibuprofen made it worse. That Tylenol (acetaminophen) was the proper fever reducer to use.
You may have heard that also. I found this article on NPR that explains the origin of that story and that their is no proof beyond anecdotal that it is true.
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So my city police made a statement about 4 or 5 days ago that they Will Not be stopping anybody for traffic violations and not answering any minor calls. So people are speeding, running red lights, running stop signs and drinking and driving. Just yesterday, I went to the store to pick up a few things for my mother and I parked next to a truck who had a can of Bush beer in their cup holder. I have also seen people drinking beer while driving down the road!

Moreover, last night the Ring that I have on my front door to catch my brother; instead it cought some guy walking up my walk on to my front porch. He stood there looking around my front door then he walked away. This happened at 4 a.m.. The video is creepy! I just can't believe some guy was on my porch in the middle of the night! I hope he saw the Ring and won't come back!!

Is this the new world?
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

That is weird. Wonder who the hell that guy was and what he was doing.
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isthisrealyreal, Exactly what I have been thinking.
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Want to share some of the good and the heartache in New Orleans right now.

We have had deaths in Lambeth House, which is independent, AL and MC. It’s a lovely facility. Well, earlier today they showed on the news that an extraordinary opera singer stood outside in the street to serenade the elderly residents. Some stepped out into their balconies to listen to him. So sweet.

Our mayor recently made the tough decision to do a total lockdown until further notice. Stores will remain open to serve us. She asked people to stop hoarding and only buy for one or two weeks.

Death toll went up to 14 and she is trying to prevent as much as possible.

Good news, no cases of the virus has been found in Children’s Hospital. Hallelujah!

Tons of food has been donated to our food bank 😊.
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Yes, I am in the Northeast. My state is in tandem with NY, NJ. MIL In NH, 30 day lockdown. It was leaked in a document to NYT about an 18 month stint of control measures. I am not a conspiracy freak, but sometimes things in your gut don't always feel coincidental anymore. Interesting NPR had a 2017 article, CDC was trying to get quarantine laws changed that could impede on our civil rights. I did not know they were involved, but remember in patriot act? Or someplace we can be held indef without due process.
Search Npr, CDC seeks controversial new quarantine powers..dated Feb 2, 2017
CDC is not a Fed agency
Helpful Answer (3)
Myownlife Mar 2020
I am in sync with you and your gut :)
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This is why everyone needs to do their homework... I heard a snip of it on the news... So everyone... do your homework before you jump in.. Glad you know knew about this... Vaccines are nothing to sneeze at.. I delayed my kid in getting vaccines.. I waited as long as I could..
Plumbing? house plumbing.. yes, I know a smidgen of it... Too much can clog the drains... 1 ply works for us... The rest goes in trash... To keep it a bit fresher, put the wipes in your doggy bags that you use for your dog walks... Tie em up and toss em out...You have a dog, you know what to do.
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needtowashhair Mar 2020
In general there is nothing wrong with vaccines. Quite the contrary, vaccines have probably saved more lives than anything else in medicine. Everyone should get vaccinated.

I'm first in line every year to get my flu vaccine. I think I've gotten pretty much every vaccine you can get. I forgot I'd gotten the yellow fever vaccine so the second time, the doc asked me why I needed it again. Did it not work the first time? I left embarrassed.
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So we have bad plumbing... my mom told me years ago...::: Scott tissues... one ply...

1: one ply tissue

2: wipe all dishes down into trash can before putting them into dishwasher

3: Hair drains.. especially with people who have hair.. t's a little plastic drain n holder.. IT'S A HAIR TRAP...( Not a Hare trap... that would be too weird)

4. Throw away /wipe away the trash... DO NOT THROW DOWN GARBAGE DISPOSALS.. Garbage disposals are for little things that my be accidentally stuck on your fork or spoon.. Not the stuffing from the turkey that was too dried out to eat...OLD HOMES HAVE OLD PIPES... THINK ABOUT IT....
BABY WIPES ARE NOT GOING TO GO THROUGH THE TRAPS TO EASILY...Gosh 2 plys don't go down easily.. Use SEPTIC TANK SAFE TOILET PAPER... USUALLY 1 PLY, BUT YOU WON'T BE PAYING A PLUMBER too many times.. Think about it while you are on your throne.
Some people say to clean all your drains with bleach once a month..or was it once a week?
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
I read to put a squirt of dish liquid to clean a disposal. Also ice. Also lemon will make it smell fresh.
There is a new sign by front door: No visitors allowed.. I peeked in and said hi to my aunt in her bed.. It's a 6 pack,, 2 caretakers and 6 "residents."

The do not need to be exposed too long to anyone who steps outside that home..
I work, and I do step in the the grocery store if needed.
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MALARIA VACCINE is not too expensive, and has some high hope in fighting coronavirus.. heard that on a radio station...

MALARIA VACCINE already invented and may help in the coronavirus?

I don't know... but someone may know's a vaccine, and may help.. and if you are thinking you may be vulnerable... ask your doctor for a shot.
I hate shots and got my first flu vaccine last year....
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needtowashhair Mar 2020
It's not a vaccine. Chloroquine is a drug used to treat malaria or used as a preventative short term. It's not really even used for that anymore since it doesn't work that well any longer.

The only malaria vaccine left isn't even recommend by WHO for use as a vaccine for malaria because it doesn't work very well. There was another malaria vaccine a few years back but it was pulled because it made people crazy. Not crazy like funny for a while, but crazy as in insane.

There is no evidence that chloroquine works on corona. People all over are throwing any drug they can possibly think of at corona in the hopes that one of them works. Chloroquine is just the one that Trump has currently latched on to. He completely jumped the gun. It's nothing but hopes and prayers right now.

Chloroquine isn't without it's dangers.
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So strange watching the local news. The Fairgrounds just showed the horse racing with no spectators in the stands! Weird! We have a very old race track. Lots of people love the track.

Anyone getting emails enticing to buy online? Department stores are closed. Malls are closed. So, emails are flooding my mailbox with advertisements to shop online.

I haven’t looked at the ads. Just where am I going to wear these new clothes, shoes and purses? Hahaha We are quarantined!
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MAYDAY Mar 2020
I delete those. Don't need fancy stuff if I cannot go out... shucks...
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We have a shortage of blood here. My husband always donates at work but he’s working at home now. As soon as he can donate again, he will.

I am always told that I am too thin to donate. I get tired of being told that I need to gain weight.

Please donate blood when you are able to. There is a big shortage everywhere now.

The news just reported that Lambeth House (independent, ASL, MC facility) has over 20 cases of the virus at the facility. 5 have died at Lambeth. Sad. The older population is at a higher risk.

Plumbers are warning to stop flushing ‘flushable’ wipes down the toilet. Plumbing issues are being reported in our area.

The fishing along coastal Louisiana has increased! They fishermen are saying, “The only Corona on our boat is the good kind, the kind we have in our ice chest!”
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The entire state of California has just been ordered to stay home by Governor Newsome. My county is up to 4 confirmed COVID cases. 2 men in their 60s died in 2 neighboring counties, both had underlying health issues.
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Yes, only take out food here too. No dining in.

Oh yes, the holy water that we use for blessings was removed from all churches.

Yes, initially awhile ago before our quarantine officially started, changes were incorporated such as, no sharing from the same cup of wine, so no wine for communion. Priests, deacons and lay people who dispense the hosts (bread) must sanitize hands before giving out the hosts.

No shaking of hands, no hugs or kisses during offering the ‘sign of peace’ to one another.

But now, there is no Mass. The archbishop has postponed all services in order to comply with the governor’s regulations.

We only have Mass online now or television. That’s it.
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NeedHelp, our restaurants can only be opened if they provide drive-through or parking lot delivery of meals. No indoor dining. Oldest sis said that the Catholic church did not put holy water at the inside entrance of the church. No bread communion (?).

Elaine, I saw in the news lastnight that the younger generations actually think that the C-flu won't affect them since they're not elderly with health issues. So they continue to go to the malls, theaters, beaches... Lastnight is the first time I heard in the news about those hospitalized is about 40% from the age 20 to 50 (54?) - and they have no health issues.
Helpful Answer (5)
TNtechie Mar 2020
In TN, most of our confirmed covid-19 infections are in the 18-49 age group. We also have a 4 children infected.
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I heard San Francisco is in a complete shutdown for 3 weeks. Everyone is a shut in. Except for going to the grocery store and the doctors. I am glad they finally closed the beaches in Florida. This kids think that nothing will happen to them!!
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

Exactly right. We have to be as cautious as we can be. Better to be safe than sorry.
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Many of us Catholics are missing out on our St. Joseph’s day alters. Today is St. Joseph’s day. Normally, we go to church and share a meal and admire the beautiful alters in honor of St. Joseph, then enjoy the marvelous Italian cookies. Lovely tradition in our faith. Oh well..there is next year to look forward to.
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Grrrrr....380 here now. 10 dead.

Sean Peyton has it now. New Orleans Saints football coach.

Lambeth House has taken a hit with deaths. It’s an independent, assisted living and memory care facility here.

Now they are releasing prisoners here due to virus. Domestic violence offenders are out on bail! Geeeeez!

Issue is that they are trying to keep the jail virus free.

Restaurants are suffering. People are cooking at home more because the virus is spreading here. The governor wants to see if there is a way for people to use SNAP benefits at restaurants too, not just grocery stores.

Our temp is in the low 80’s. Warm here. Muggy.
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We now have 12 confirmed cases of the virus. 12 cases within a 1 week time period.... Woke up with my fire detector beeping. I have to buy 4 9volt batteries for all the alarms in the house. I hope that one small grocery store have it in supply...I now feel trepidation about going to the store now.
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xrayjodib Mar 2020

Prayers and hugs to you!
Riverdale, I don't live in any of the 50 US states.  I'm a Pacific islander.

Since I live in Asia area, I get Asian newsfeeds. I was able to watch news on the virus since the time only China was infected.  The govt handling of it. And then its spread internationally.
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Need Help,

I am in Texas. My DH is on a project in Kansas. He has a younger coworker that has a parent that is a U.S. Marshal and lives in your state. Supposedly, there has been talk of closing the state borders around Louisiana.

Have you heard any whispers? When DH told me last night I didn’t really take it seriously. But, nothing would surprise me at this point.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Wouldn’t surprise me either. I haven’t heard anything as of now. Will keep you posted though if I do.The worst is in New Orleans. Two cases were detected recently in Lafayette. So, it’s spreading across the state.
I just read in our local news. We now have 8 confirmed cases. Our governor has declared that all non-essential businesses will close tomorrow, Friday, at 12:00pm. This includes malls, theaters, retail stores, etc... Police have been instructed to pull over drivers after this deadline to find out why they're on the road. If it's because of work, that 'non-essential' business will be penalized, even have their business license revoked. I informed oldest sis. I said we need to go to the grocery store one more time - before noon. I need to buy the 20 lbs. rice (if it's still there), bananas, eggs, corn, tomato, etc... I'll use my credit card if I have to.... I've been home this past week and I'm disliking the sight of canned meat.... I'm having fast food withdrawals... I think I'm going to sneak in some unhealthy junk food for comfort food (not midnight snack). I keep thinking of that oreo cookies with strawberry fillings. I hope they have it there. I bought the $1.50 one at a small mom-and-pop Asian store, from another village.
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Riverdale Mar 2020
What state are you in?
Oh Bailey😟 , if he should take a turn for the worse I know that in Ontario family is allowed to be with the very ill or dying and I'm sure they would allow you across the border for compassionate reasons, but hopefully you won't need to test any of that.
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BaileyP3 Mar 2020
Thx cwillie (and anyone else that responded to me), At this point who knows what will happen at the border. I'm a 7 hour drive to the border, then 2 hours into Ontario to be with him. Yesterday his numbers were really low (diabetic) and he had diarrhea. He is well loved at the nursing home (happy, cognizant and mobile..a dream patient so I'm told) so they're all looking out for him and keeping me posted about any changes. Thank goodness for all the healthcare workers that care for our loved ones.
Keeping all of you and your loved ones in my thoughts. Be safe out there!!
Today is the one year anniversary of losing Mom and 92 year old Dad is in LTC in Canada. I was scheduled to drive up last Sunday for a week, had the car packed and ready and the call came at 5:30 pm Saturday evening that they were locking down.

I feel completely helpless. He's 500 miles and a border away from me and considering what's happening here in the US I suspect I need to make peace that I will likely lose him before I'm able to travel to Canada. We're making the best of this bad situation by maintaining daily phone calls and Facetime but it's heartbreaking to say the list. I just want to give him a hug.
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Wiscnacho Mar 2020
So sorry you are in this situation! Things are changing rapidly from day to day. My mother is 1,000 miles away and alone at home. She isn't well at all & 87. I can't get to her either. I am also trying to make peace in my own mind, as you are. It's tough to know they need you & feel helpless right now. Your story touched me. Thanks. I understand your frustrations.
After a spontaneous retinal detachment and operation for that, I am anxious to get my cataract surgery. They postponed it. It was moved twice already. My vision is compromised in the other eye from the same thing a few years ago. I can still read, etc. but it is getting cloudier and blurrier. I wake up each morning already worried about MIL, my husband's health etc. Now this terrible situation in the World. I don't want to get to the point where I panic when it sinks in this surgery may keep getting pushed back. My insurance will change at the end of May. I am still holding out hope that things will get better, people will recover or the virus will lose steam. I hope to sell this condo I do not like. I dream of retiring to a whole different area, perhaps naively. Fear being trapped.
As though some of us don't have enough problems right now it feels awful to wake up and realize what is happening. Surreal. We take it a day at a time, limit grocery runs, and drive to check on MIL I am so sad what is happening.
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Sendhelp Mar 2020
Hoping you can continue to drive safely with your eyes.
Do keep dreaming of retiring, but now is not a good time to sell I have read from experts. We are sheltering in place, not even going for groceries right now.
I agree, it feels surreal. The virus just may disappear as quickly as it arrived over several weeks, months. Meantime, keep strong mentally, as best you can. And check in here with those of us who care about you.
With my workplace closed, and my granddaughter's school going to digital learning, we are both staying home, while my daughter goes to work. She has no union (as I do) and no leave benefits, so she has to go to work. I feel as if I am sending my beloved daughter off to war each day. War with an invisible enemy lurking anywhere. When she comes to visit, she stays in the yard and throws her daughter a hug, just to keep any possible germs away from her. It's so hard. They have started to facetime by playing some silly online games, so she can be with her mommy without being in the same location, which helps to lighten up the situation for my granddaughter.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
It’s truly sad. I’m sorry.
Well, people will be people. Some people just don’t listen to authorities. Our governor has specifically asked for people not to meet in groups larger than 50. He asked that people stay home altogether.

This church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana decided to hold a service with several hundred people. So ridiculous! The pastor and his wife obviously feel that they are above the law!

The police went to the church and told them they would be arrested if they did it again. Let’s hope they listen. They claim they can follow their own laws! WTH?

They certainly have a right to pray but they aren’t responsible or respectful to the governor’s curfews and restrictions, or their community. Crazy!

These people need to pray at home! Don’t go and risk becoming infected or infecting others in case you are a carrier.

This church must be a fanatical group. I looked up their website and they claim to be able to cure HIV and cancer! Geeeeeez! I believe in prayer but what a strange message to put on a website. I hope they encourage their congregation to seek medical help. Some extreme churches don’t.
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Singingway Mar 2020
Some people confuse religion with magic. Same thing is happening here. Churches are holding Lenten suppers and services despite the Governor's ban on gatherings over ten people. And yet because we are a "free" country, people are VERY reluctant to put any kind of check on churches, however non-compliant they are.
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Would they let you in if you suited up in protective gear?
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