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Ask Geriatic Psychiatrist about Abilify.
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My dad has been in a nursing home 2 weeks.. they started him after one week on 3 doses a day of ativan.. then added depokote, then a patch for his back.. he was totally lethargic for at least two days.. When he came in he could walk, they don't have him walking at all-always in a wheelchair (he used a cane and they took that away-but we brought a walker) they now took him off all but a low dose (I guess low) of depekote... he is becoming more alert but he can't grab a spoon and feed himself..
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My father is on Risperidone that was prescribed by a geriatric psychiatrist and it works very well although the nursing home has had to gradually increase the dose. Unfortunately, this has taken away some of his other emotions, but this is how it has to be as his anger can get out of control.
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My MIL is on aricept and the exelon patch. We don't know how well it really works, because we don't know how she would be if she wasn;t taking it. That's a good question, come to think of it to ask the doctor. Now I am wondering how they would know if its helping, because they have nothing to compare it to with her being on it for a good while now.
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Anita says that many times it is trial and error. I'd say it is always trial and error. It just isn't obvious if the first trial works. :-D

This really needs to be addressed by a specialist very familiar with dementia and with working with the elderly. Who is the doctor managing your loved one's dementia? That may be a good place to start, if that doctor is a specialist and not just the GP who was serving the person before dementia set in.

There are drugs that can really help, and drugs that can make matters worse. Unfortunately, the same drug that helps one person can be detrimental to someone else. It is worth pursuing. Don't give up if the first try isn't fully successful.
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I agree this is a question for a dr who specializing in geratric patients but my mother, who is allergic to many meds, takes Citalipram for depression. He has tried her on Namenda for the dementia but she had an adverse reaction to it. You will just have to watch your "patient" and see how they respond and be very aware of any changes in them - many times it is trial and error.
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A doctor who specializes in geriatric medicine, or a Geriatic Psychiatrist are the best professionals to determine what is best. Sometimes nothing works, or it works for a while. It is their brain burning out and it seems the bad parts are left for last with some people. It is part of the process and we have to deal with it.
It is NOT part of you. When things are the worst in life, it is when you are growing and moving to a higher level.
Get the right doctor to give your parent (or) something to "manage" the attitude. Try to stay positive yourself around the person and find something happy to focus on. There is a balance in life for you, but dementia has destroyed theirs. Blessings.
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I think that is something you need to address with the Doctor. It is hard to say what works best and people react differently to medication. I think if you can try to determine why or what is making them angry that could be helpful. An antidepressant can be helpful with mood. Also vitamin D can help with sundowners syndrome. take care,
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